InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Academy ❯ The Rainbow Trio? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Born2dance: Hey everyone, we’re back!!!
Dancing_One: Sorry for the delay, we live 4 hours apart so its hard to get ideas back and forth but we really try.*starts sobbing uncontrollably*
Born2dance: It’s okay, I’m sure they understand. Why don’t you introduce the next chapter?
Dancing_One: I still don’t understand why he closes his eyes when we make love!!!
Born2dance: *awkward silence*
Dancing_One: *stops crying and brings out the awkward silence turtle*
Born2dance: Here’s the next chapter.

The Academy

Chapter 6: The Rainbow Trio?

Just as the three girls began there shopping adventure they run into...her...

“So you ladies are going shopping I see.” Kikyo said in an all too happy voice.

“What’s it to you!”

“Well I hope you get an ugly enough mask to cover up your way too ugly faces.” They all stood there puzzled as can be.

“What are you talking about?” Said Rin as the ice queen looked her way.

“Let me guess, you’re the runt and the idiot of this group.” She stated as Rin looked down. Everyone knows that the orientation dance always has a theme and this year it is a costume dance.”

“Awesome!!” Cried Sango, she loves costumes. “Now just hand over that mask your wearing Kikyo and I’ll scare the living day lights out of everyone!!!” She screamed as Kagome and Rin broke down laughing.

“Oh your so funny losers!” And with that she walked away. Leaving the girls in there new dilemma

“Now what are we going to do Sango.” Said Kagome as she bowed her head in thought, but then something clicked. “I’ve got a great idea!!!”

************************************************************************ **************

“How much longer are you going to be Sesshomaru I need my beauty rest for the dance tomorrow!!” Whined Miroku as he slumped on a nearby bench.

“Stop complaining and let me think. You should be happy that I even brought you and my stupid half brother along.”

“Hey I didn’t say anything!!!!” Inuyasha had heard his brother from all the way in the food court. He walked in as soon as Sesshomaru was checking out. “What are you getting anyway?” He asked dumbfounded.

“Well if you must know it is a book I have to read for my college class.” He stated cooly as they walked out of the shop.

“I don’t see how you can balance dance and school at the same time, that is way to work that I couldn’t handle!!!” Once again whining Miroku as he ran to catch up with his friends.

“Small things trouble small minds.”

“And just what is that supposed to mean...” Miroku stopped in his tracks as soon as he say three familiar faces walking out of a costume shop. “Check it out Inuyasha! It’s your girlfriend and my future wife!!” Inuyasha then made eye contact with someone he really didn’t expect.

Green girl.

Kagome stopped in her tracks. Oh great this is just what I need! Oh god he’s walking over and I didn’t even change out of my dance clothes! I must look awful...wait why do I care?

“Out for a little shopping as well darling?” Sango looked around a couple times and then back at the boy before her.

“You mean me?” She said pointing at herself.

“Of course you who else would I be talking to, no offense to you ladies of course.”

“Not at all, right Ka-“ Rin looked around frantically. “Where did Kagome go!!”

“Don’t worry she is with my brother. They will be back shortly.” Rin looked up to find a very handsome man who was very, VERY tall. Then she realized it was the one and only Sesshomaru. Then she noticed the book he was holding.

“Hey I know this book!” She was so happy about it that it startled the man before her. “Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I had to read it for college a few months ago.” Needless to say he was surprised.

“You know his work?” He said now interested.

“Oh yes he is my absolute favorite!!! From A Christmas Carol to Oliver Twist he is simply brilliant!!! I loved reading his work when I was in London!!” Now Sesshomaru was really shocked. He had never met anyone else who liked Dickens work.

“Where did you attend college?”

“The University of Oxford for two years.” She stated proudly and then noticing this mans funny facial expression.

“So you dropped out.” Now feeling a little disappointed.

“Oh no I got my degree, I just took a two year course without taking summer off.” He was impressed by this girl. She was intelligent and seemed to have everything together. He then began to study her looks. She was just about the tiniest girl he’d ever laid eyes on...and speaking of eyes...he’d never seen eyes like hers. They were warm and inviting, and so curious. They were positively beautiful.

“We should talk sometime. Hopefully when we have a lot more time, over dinner perhaps.” Rin’s heart stopped. Did he just ask her on a date?

“That sounds wonderful.”

“Excellent, now if you please excuse me I must find my brother. I’ll see you at school.” And with that he walked away gracefully leaving an awestruck Rin.

************************************************************************ ****

Inuyasha had dragged Kagome over to a different store so they could talk.

“You left in a hurry last night. Did I turn you on that much?” He stated smugly as Kagome rolled her eyes.

“Yeah that’s it!! What I should be asking is why you are following me around!?!”

“What makes you think I would follow you around!!! What if you’re the one following me around!!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!! I would never follow you around, I came to get something for the dance tomorrow!!!” Now Inuyasha was interested.

“Oh really you gonna model it for me?”

“Not even in your dreams pervert!!” There fight was interrupted by Sesshomaru walking around the corner.

“Lets go before-“ *SLAP* “Never mind, too late.” Just then Sango comes storming over with Rin looking pissed.

“We’re leaving now Kagome lets go!!!!” Sango stomped off along with a frightened Rin and then Miroku showed up with a hand shaped red mark on his face.

“Now that is my kind of woman!!” Yelled Miroku as Kagome ran after her friends. Inuyasha sat in silence the rest of the ride back. Once again Kagome has slipped through his fingers and once again he couldn’t figure out why she was always on his mind.

************************************************************************ **************

The night of the party had finally arrived. It took awhile to pull their look together but it finally worked and they were ready. They decided to go as go-go dancers. They all had white go-go boots, skin tight matching dresses that came about mid thigh, big hoop earrings and jewelry, and spray painted hair that matched the color of their outfits. Sango was pink, Rin was blue, and Kagome was green.(Dancing_One: I wonder why?)

“Well are you guys ready for this!” Sango stated excitedly putting her hand on the door knob. Both girls nodded in agreement as she swung the door open only to find one thing wrong. No one was wearing costumes. Just as the doors flew open everyone in the audience stared and quickly broke into laughter. Once again they were embarrassed right in front of everyone and who other than the queen of ice was right in the middle laughing it up.

Kagome was so mad she wanted to walk right over to her and beat the living god knows what out of her, but instead she turned on her heals and walked away.

“Kagome wait!!” Rin called as she came running towards her. “It’ll be okay Kagome we can go home and change really quick and then we-“

”No, I don’t want to go back because I know that I will kill that stupid bitch!!!”

“It’s okay Kags,” said Sango as she walked up gloomily. “Lets just leave.” They all walked over to the car and were about to get in when...

“There they are finally!!!!” A tiny man with glasses came running over to them and began to lead them away from the car and back into the building. Suddenly a group of people started putting makeup on them and talking in earphones.

“Alright ladies this is how it’s going to work. We will introduce you guys, do a little something with the lights, by the way your equipment is already set up, and you guys do your thing!” Apparently they missed something as they were pushed into a room filled with instruments and stage lights.

“Wait a minute who exactly do you think we are?” Kagome questioned as everyone left.

“Why you’re the band we hired! Now your on in three, two, one...” Suddenly a loud voice filled the rood and the huge curtain began to move.

“And now the wonderful, the fantastic THE RAINBOW TRIO!!!!”

Born2dance: Well that’s it for this chapter we hope you enjoyed!!
Dancing_One: Of course they did why wouldn’t they!! We’re awesome!!*starts dancing*
Born2dance: Anyway, next time we will have a visit from our good friend Furry Little Dude!!
Dancing_One: Yeah, he’s awesome too!!! Just like me!!!
Born2dance: Whatever, and don’t forget to send us a few hip hop songs if you could for the workshop.
Dancing_One: Yeah and comment please, see you next time for chapter 7 ‘All She Wants to do is Dance’!!