InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Sleepover Of Chaos ❯ prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Big sleepover of Chaos

SliverInusasha: Hi everyone sliverInusasha here
DracoWifeBabyPrue: Hey wat about me?!
SliverInusasha: Oops and so is DracosBabyWifePrue.
DracosWifeBabyPrue **Randomly grabs Hiei**
SliverInusasha **Turns around to see DracosWifeBabyPrue glomping all over Hiei**
SliverInusasha: Oh hi Hiei.
Hiei: Hn............
DracosWifeBabyPrue: Isn't he cute when he says Hn.
SliverInusasha **looks annoyed** yeh real cute.
DracosBabyWifePrue: Why don't we have a Big sleepover.
SliverInusasha: Know what. that isn't such a bad idea.
DracosWifeBabyPrue: So we can have one?
SliverInusasha: Yes.
DracosWifeBabyPrue ** jumps up and down with joy**
SliverInusasha: I'll go get them ok.
DracosWifeBabyPrue: Get who?
SliverInusasha:**sigh** The people for the sleepover dummy
SliverInusasha**Disappear Then reappears**
DracosWifeBabyPrue: That was quick.
SliverInusasaha: I have brought the Inuyasha crew and The Yu Yu Hakashu crew too.
DracoWifeBabyPrue: I want to bring some people too.
SliverInusasha: Okay,okay.
DracosWifeBabyPrue **disappears then reappears**
DracoWifeBaByPrue: Ok. I brought the Runroni Kenshin gang.
SliverInusasha: Alright then what do we do now?
DracosWifePrue: You forgot to do the disclaimer.
SliverInusasha: Oh Yeh.
SliverInusasha: Please can someone say the disclamier for me please? **looks around**
Kurama: I'll do it. SliverInusasha does-**gets pushed down by Miroku**
Mikoru: Not own Inuyasaha, or Yu Yu Hakashu, or Runroni Kenshin.
Kurama: Why did you push me while I was talking?
Miroku: Because she's my girlfriend not yours **grabs SliverInusasha**
SliverInusasha: O.O
Kurama: Well you are mistaken because she's my girlfriend. **grabs SliverInusaha away from
SliverInusasha: o.O
Inuyasha: This is so amusing heh heh.
Botan hits Inuyasha on the head with her broom.
Inuyasha: Ow! What you did that for?!
Botan: Kagome.
Kagome nodds. Inuyasha looks at Kagome all scared like.
Inuyasha: Uh oh.
Kagome: Sit boy!
Inuyasha gets slammed in the dirt. Kabarawa starts laughing. Inuyasha gets up and heads for
Inuyasha: Don't laugh at you Baka!
Kurabarwa: What did you call me mutt face.
Inuyasha: Thats it.
Inuyasha and kurabarwa start fighting like sissys.
Yusuke: Kurabarwa!! Stop fighting like a girl!
Kagome: Inuyasha! What are you doing?! Take out your Tegsusiga!!!!
Inuyasha: Alright!
Yusuke: A Tegsusiga? What is a Tegsusiga?
Inuyasha takes out his Tegsusiga.
SilverInusasha: This is getting boring. Kagome do your thing.
Kagome: SIT, SIT, SIT!!!!
Inuyasha: Man I hate that word.

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Well veiwers hope you like the prolouge. The chapter we'll be better when iget some people to join. Now like I said before wanna join in tell me in your review. and don't worry I accept late comers too.