InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Cat-alyst ❯ Chapter 2: Cat-erwhaul ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two
A/N: I have an announcement! Actually, I have a couple of announcements. First - I have picked up a collaborator for this story. SimplyALady offered her services and I accepted. Between the two of us, we should turn out a decent story. Second - It's my birthday! I am now 41. (Ancient - I know.) I am a firm believer in the quote by Dr. Who; “What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish?” Thanks to all the reviewers. I don't require reviews to write my stories but I have enough of an ego that I love them. Now for the disclaimer, I don't own Inuyasha.
The shriek galvanized the camp. Inuyasha's eyes snapped open where he had been dozing. Quickly searching for and finding the source of the shriek, he was briefly nonplussed at the sight of the nude girl in the middle of the camp. `Where in hell did she come from?' was about all he had time to think before several things happened at once.
First - what he saw finally caught up with his brain and he realized she was nude causing him to turn as red as his firerat kimono.
Second - Sango, whose reflexes were only slightly slower than Inuyasha's, rolled out of her bed roll, grabbing Hiraikotsu in passing and coming to a rest in a battle stance. This maneuver was detracted from because she was dressed only in a thin cotton nightshirt that Kagome had given her.
Third - Kirara spotted her mistress and dived on her, looking for comfort. She, however, forgot that she was now in human form and knocked Sango on her butt, rolling over and over from the momentum.
Fourth - Miroku shook his head, sure that he was still dreaming since, before his eyes, two visions of loveliness were rolling around on the ground, one naked and the other very lightly dressed. A part of his hentai mind wondered if Sango would become nude too and if Kagome would join them.
By this time, Inuyasha had finally gotten his brain in gear. Thinking that the nude demoness had attacked Sango, he jumped down to the entangled females and pulled Kirara off of Sango.
That was unfortunate.
In her state of panic, Kirara had done what most cats do when they are on someone and get scared. Her claws were hooked into Sango's thin shirt and when Inuyasha pulled Kirara off most of the shirt went with her leaving a very bare breasted Sango behind.
Sango screeched and covered up.
Inuyasha gulped and turned even redder as he averted his eyes.
Miroku sighed and thanked the kami's for answering his prayer so quickly.
Kirara, who had been dropped by Inuyasha as soon as he saw what had happened to Sango, quickly dived forward again. This time her target was Inuyasha's legs. She wrapped herself around them and started wailing, again. “Pack leader! Help! Have changed! Why?” she all but sobbed.
Inuyasha stared down at her in shock as her scent registered in his mind. `It can't be!?' was his thought before the demoness who had a hold on him looked up at his face imploringly. As he took in the feline features, the golden hair, and the black diamond in the center of her forehead it all fell shockingly into place. “Kirara?” he whispered, incredulous.
The nude girl clinging to his feet began to nod her head with a very relieved smile forming on her face. She turned her head when a hand lightly touched her shoulder to look in the face of her beloved mistress who had knelt down beside her.
“Kirara?!” Her voice was full of question and concern.
Kirara nodded her head again. “Mistress.”
“Oh, kami-sama!” Sango exclaimed, softly. “What has happened to you?”
Kirara unwrapped herself from Inuyasha's legs and turned to face her mistress. As she reached for her, Sango suddenly leaned in and caught her up in a fierce hug. Kirara began to sob, softly. “Mistress.”, she moaned in despair. “Have changed. Why? No like. Please, help change back.”
The transformation hit her without warning as she suddenly transformed back into her kitten form. Before anyone had more than a second to react, the kitten form shimmered and she reverted back to the human form. She threw back her head and let out a very cat-like yowl of frustration. With tears in her eyes, she looked back at her shocked mistress. “Mistress! What happening to me?”
“Kirara?” said a soft voice from behind Inuyasha.
Kirara looked to see Kagome staring at her in concern and surprise. “Miko.”, she greeted. “Please, help.”
Kagome had rolled out of her bedroll at the beginning of all this, but had done as Inuyasha had always instructed her to do and kept back. As she watched she realized that Miroku's eyes were about to fall out of his head and she needed to cover the nude girls. She grabbed two blankets from Sango's bed roll and threw one around the shoulders of Kirara. The second one she tossed to Inuyasha who wrapped it around Sango's shoulders.
Miroku shook his head again to clear it and brought his hand up to wipe the drool off his chin. He pulled a deep sigh and looked at the two women in blankets intently. Perhaps the kami's would grant him another answered prayer.
Kagome had felt something the moment she laid eyes on the nude demoness that had appeared in their camp and as she came nearer to her the feeling intensified. She took a breath and, looking into Kirara's eyes, made her suspicions known. “Kirara,” she began, “I think I sense a jewel shard. And it seems to be inside you!”
“WHAT?” was the multi-voiced bellow that scared birds from their nests over 100 yards away.
A/N: That's enough for now. Miroku will be unable to control his hands soon and will be very surprised by the results. Cats love to be rubbed. As for the look on Miroku's face, think of the look on Abu's face when he went for the large ruby in the cave of wonders in the Disney movie `Alladin'. SimplyALady reminded me that Kirara and Sango needed to be covered up before the end of the chapter. She has given me several other ideas that will be appearing in future chapters with the appropriate recognition for her work.