InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Conqueror's Wife ❯ Only Work Pants ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Moving on…

Disclaimer: Somebody else's!

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The sun had just barely started to rise over the newly completed war ship when they left the castle. There were twelve of them in all. Two straight lines of six each. They marched in time down the city's streets. They were headed for a small home near the shipyard. They didn't understand why Lord Hiten had commanded twelve men to retain just one lowly shipyard laborer, but they didn't question him. His word was law, and they followed it to a tee. They came quickly upon the house. They did not notice the overturned bucket on the front step or the crack in the doorframe from it being slammed too hard. They knocked, hesitantly.

"Captain Maten, shouldn't we just break it down?"

"Shut up!" They waited for a moment, and no one answered.

"Okay. Break it down!" The men eagerly shouldered the door open. Inside it was almost bare. They scoured every inch of it anyway. If that man was hiding somewhere, and they didn't catch him, it would be their heads alongside his at the execution. But search as they might, they found almost nothing.

Lord Hiten paced back and forth in the throne room. Kagome sat quietly in her place. She knew what her husband was waiting for. As soon as the soldiers would enter with her lover, he was going to behead him. He would happily hand her his head by its silky ivory locks. The thought made Kagome shudder. As Hiten paced, she prayed. It was silent, but repetitive.

"Please have gotten away. Please have gotten away." It was an unending mantra in her head. Finally, the doors swung open. It was Captain Maten, and he was alone.

"My Lord, he is not there."

"What?" Hiten was seething with anger. He could barely see straight.

"All we found was a few vegetables in the cabinet, a basket on the floor, and three pairs of work pants in a chest by his bed." Kagome smiled. He was safe. She didn't know what else was in that chest, but she knew there had been more. It was something red. Captain Maten handed the Lord the small basket he had found. It was delicately woven and had a K on the side.

"Is this yours wife?" She was feeling cocky now. Her lover had gotten away. She could say anything she wanted. Bruises to her body meant nothing compared with bruises to her pride.

"Why yes it is. I was wondering where I left it. I must have been so distracted when I was there that I forgot it. Thank you for returning it Captain Maten." The Captain's mouth hung open. Was she really saying this? Hiten's face contorted with anger. He threw the basket at her head and only missed because she jumped out of the way.

"Where is he?"

"I haven't the foggiest idea."

"Where are you hiding him?"

"Well, I thought he would be in my basket." She retrieved it from the floor and began thumbing through it then looked up in shock.


"Why, he's not here!"

"Do you think this is funny wife?"

"No, not at all."

"There is something on the front lines of battle that requires my presence. I was going to kill the bastard who thought it was okay to touch my property first, but circumstances have changed. Dress lightly wife. It is mighty warm on those battlefields. I'll be damned if I leave you here where he can touch you again." Hiten stormed out of the room, leaving a very surprised Kagome and Captain behind.

Kagome stared out of her window. The men at the shipyard were celebrating as another war ship left its creation place and moved out into the small fleet. Her husband had four ships now. It was the first time she had looked and not seen a flash of white amidst the workers. Inuyasha had gone. She felt horrible. She had driven him away from his home all because of her need for his body. He had even tried to refuse her. She sighed and placed her hand on the pane of glass.

"At least you're safe."

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A/N: Taking a woman to the front lines? Shame on Hiten. Shame shame shame. Review!!!