InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Deepest Disire ❯ Patience Does Not Always Come Easy ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*ATTENSION* I AM NOW OFFCIALLY OVER MY WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!!! YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA! Thank you, all of you, for your help! I tried to pick all of your requests and put them together and I finally got a chapter! Some of you even went out of your way like two people and instant messaged me or emailed me! You people rock! I swear *sob* you people are so great! And so patient! I admit that you're not an easy crowd to review, but you still read this boring top piece. (At least I think you are!) ^_^ You really know how to make my day! Now, on with the story! This is rated for language and some sexual content! You have been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything involving Inuyasha and his gang. (Except my movies, books, and dreams!) ^_^

Chapter 4: Patience Does Not Always Come Easy

`Where am I' Kagome whispered as she floated around in her dreams. The dream was like another Universe with a black oblivion. It was beautiful in it's own evil way. Kagome looked around, reaching up to clutch the Shikon no Tama for comfort. But, to her surprise, it wasn't there. She looked around and then saw it floating infront of her.

` You have been given another chance to succeed in your mission, young Miko. Do not think all is lost because of the half-demon. He is not your future, for an unhappy event will soon take his life. Do not pity him for his choice was made out of stupidity. I and your love will guide your way.' The Jewel whispered mystically. It then flashed a great light, blinding the room with it's light. Kagome suddenly felt herself falling hard into the remaining blackness. She reached her hand up, screaming a silent scream that no one could hear. Then, warm arms encircled her waist keeping her from falling. She looked up to see the persons face, but it was covered in darkness. It then whispered, though it was hard to hear, ` I love you.' And she blacked out.


`I wonder when she is going to wake up,' Sesshomaru thought as he drifted into a slight sleep. But, for his misfortune, Kagome happened to wake up. She opened her eyes slowly, the light crashing into the room unbearably strong for her eyes. When she adjusted to the room's bright light, she happened to notice a bare arm around her waist. Then she noticed that her self was covered in a see-through kimono. She slowly twisted around; dreading whom the arm might belong to. She turned around, seeing a tail, and started to scream.

" YOU PERVERTED BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU SLEEP WITH ME!!" Kagome screamed as she slapped Sesshomaru right across the face. But he caught her hand and pulled her close to him.

` Why do I feel the sudden urge to kiss this human, `Kagome'?" ' He thought as he closed the space between them, giving into his urge. Their lips met, creating electricity between the two. Kagome let out a muffled gasp as she was pushed against.

` Scream girl! Why are you letting Sesshomaru kiss you!' Her mind cursed her as she snapped out of her gaze. ` He is a good kisser, though.' She thought as she gave into the kiss. ` What else can I do?'

Sesshomaru ended the long kiss, to let Kagome get some air. His eyes were dancing, but his mind was shunning him.

` What the hell possessed me to kiss this girl, let alone a HUMAN girl! She might be strong, but I doubt she has placed a spell over the Great Sesshomaru. Or can she? ` He thought as he sat, lost in Kagome's eyes and thought. Kagome stared into his eyes, breathless as one thought came across her mind.

" Why did you save me?" Kagome whispered as she pulled away from the warm embrace that she missed immediately. Slightly shocked by her question, He put his cold mask on and replied in the rudest way possible.

" I am going to hold you ransom for my Father's sword. If my little brother will not hand over what is rightfully mine, I will kill you slowly and painfully right in front of his eyes," He replied in his monotone voice. She looked down, biting her tongue so she would not cry. When she stared back up into his eyes, he noticed how dull and lifeless her eyes looked.

" Kill me now, if you must. I have no reason once so ever to be breathing this air. I am just a recantation, not the real thing but only a replacement. I am discarded quickly and painfully, so why not now? I am not loved and not needed so why don't you kill me?" Kagome asked as she tried to get out of the bed. When her right foot hit the floor, she crumbled to the ground. Lucky fro her, Sesshomaru happened to be on his feet and ready to catch her. He placed her back on the bed as she held her leg in pain.

" Human, it seems that your leg has been broken from your earlier stupid, suicidal attempt. You have no choice but to stay with me until your leg has fully recovered. I will have a messenger send word to Inuyasha that you are under my capture and will," He said as he allowed a smirk to slip past his lips. His arrogance refilled, he started to walk out of the room.

" I will have my servants bring you the foods you need and they will also help you bath. This will be your room for your time being spent here. Any other time, you may not leave this room unless I say so and a servant is with you. It doesn't really look like you'll be leaving anyway," Sesshomaru ordered as he walked out of the room and shut the door. Kagome followed him with a blank gaze as he left.

` I don't want to see Inuyasha again!' Kagome's mind screamed. ` He can rot in Hell for all I care.' The bitter thought came across her mind, making her smile a little.

" But why did Sesshomaru kiss me?" She whispered as a servant came in and placed Kagome's breakfast infront of her and bowed. After a few minutes, Kagome looked up to see a human-like cat servant smiling.

" Hi! My name is Tiffany and I will be your personal helper. Do you need anything, Kagome-sama?" Tiffany asked as she awaited her orders. She looked human, but Kagome could definitely sense that she was a full-demon. She wore an elegant kimono with butterflies all over it. It looked like a special dress, but it wasn't bad for a servant.

" Hi Tiffany and no, all I need is a better kimono," Kagome said as she tried to return her friendly smile.

" Well, Kagome-sama, I will get you some to choose from. If you don't mind me saying, though, that was some kiss!" Tiffany giggled as she walked out of the room laughing. Kagome sighed and shifted her weight on the bed.

`Maybe this girl will help me?' Kagome thought as she made up a plan.

Did you like it? Now, all of you know that I need ideas and reviews! If I don't get them, I will never get the next chapter up! lol

To my reviewers:

I will get al of you next chapter.

Sneak Preview: " She not only starves outside, milord, but in her heart as well!"

Till I write again!!!! Review!!!!!

Fluffysgirl4ever signing off!!