InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Dragons ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


One of Kagome's eyes slowly opened as the pale moonlight filtered into the room. Satisfied that no one was around she silently peeled back her silk sheets and tiptoed to her wardrobe and draped on her dark blue cloak.

Hiding in the shadows Kagome made her way to the balcony she shared with her sisters and slipped passed the curtain that covered the opening.

The cool night air greeted her as she stepped up to the rail. Looking behind her once more she pulled her hood up to cover her head and climbed over the marble beam. She climbed down the vines, and quickly made her way on the dimly lit path to the East corner of the garden.

Far away from the rest of the palace, at the end of a stone path, lay a secluded clearing surrounded by tall flowerbeds and three willow trees in a half crescent formation with a blue marble bench at the base of each tree, a curtain of hanging leaves blocking them from view.

Going to the willow on the right Kagome parted the leaves and stepped towards the bench.

"Sapphire?" someone whispered from a nearby hiding place.

"Inuyasha?" came the reply.

With a smirk Inuyasha came out from his hiding place behind the trunk of the tree.

"Hey you..." he said as he walked towards her.

"Hey you, back," Kagome said opening her arms when Inuyasha got close enough. Inuyasha's hands dove into her silky hair as her's went around his neck. Their lips met with soft yet passionate kisses. After a few minutes they parted in need of air, and settled for hugging instead.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this earlier," Inuyasha whispered softly into her hair.

"Probably just as much as I did," Kagome whispered back.

"Then we should have," chuckled Inuyasha, pulling back and giving her a wink.

"Can you imagine the peoples faces if we had done that?" Laughed Kagome.

"I wouldn't have been looking at their faces, Sapphire," Inuyasha said as he locked eyes with his most precious gem.

Kagome blushed and lowered her eyes modestly. Inuyasha gently raised her chin and looked deep into her clear blue eyes.

"Have I ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen?"

"Yes, the first time we met," Said Kagome smiling softly at the memory.

"Ahh I remember now," Inuyasha said with a smirk forming on his lips.

"Do you remember what you told me to do after I said that?"

Kagome laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, I told you to get in line with all the other boys who had told me that, and then I tried to walk away."

"And I took your hand and…"Inuyasha said with growing amusement, on how red she was getting.

"You said that many might have said it but you were the only one that meant it," She replied with a loving smile.

"Exactly," Inuyasha said, leaning in and placing butterfly kisses down her neck and over her barely clad shoulder.

Kagome leaned her head to the side allowing him more access, and arched her back pushing her closer to his warm body.

Inuyasha groaned in response wrapping her tighter into his embrace.

"I think I heard it coming from over there," Someone yelled.

Suddenly Kagome's eyes flew open as she grasped Inuyasha's shoulders; he froze when he felt her anxiety.

"THE GUARDS!"Kagome whispered urgently. "You have to get out of here!"

Inuyasha nodded and gave her a quick kiss before he went flying through the willow's leaves.

Kagome ran into the center of the clearing and around the perimeter of the stone path, hoping the flowers beds to hide her.

The Guards rounded the path just as Inuyasha leaped over the garden wall and Kagome's cloak disappeared from view.

"Nothing here, Sir," one of the guards reported to the leader of the group.

"Very well, continue your patrol," with that the guards split up and continued their rounds.

Kagome slipped over the balcony and back into her shared chambers. She quickly shrugged out of her dark blue cloak and slid back into her bed falling into slumber with a smile still on her lips.