InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Fortuneteller and a Nerdy Hanyou ❯ Old Friends and Jealous Girlfriends ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha. Kudos to Rumiko Takahashi: you rock my world.
Kagome squirmed in her chair, trying to get comfortable again. Not that she was ever really comfortable at work—there was only so much that she could do. She hated her job, but it paid very well for what little work she was doing. It could be worse.
A very tipsy girl stumbled to the front of the line and shoved her hand in front of Kagome's face. Her much more sober male companion stepped up, and leaning over the table to pay, whispered in Kagome's ear, “Tell her she'll get lucky tonight.” Smirking, he slid away and in so doing, out of earshot.
Kagome flashed the man an eager-to-please smile and turned her attention back to the girl, who seemed to be having trouble standing up right.
“You are not in a happy relationship, are you?” She allowed her eyes to flick over the woman's palm.
The girl let out a nervous giggle and looked back over her shoulder at the guy. He flashed her the smirk again.
“I'm with, umChris, of course—” she hiccupped “—I'm happy!” Kagome new well enough how to look through a false façade. A date whose name was an um- anything usually wasn't a solid relationship.
“No, your not.”
The woman faltered for moment and then nodded. “I just want for him to go away.” She bit her lower lip. “But he won't leave. He's been following me all night.”
“Here's what you do.” Kagome leaned a little closer. “Go to desk, where you paid your cover. Tell them you need a ride home. Drink a lot of water so you don't get a hangover, and sleep this off. If you see this guy again, don't drink anything he gives you.” She punched a button under the table, and a moment later she saw one of the staff appear in the crowd just behind “umChris”.
“He'll follow me. He won't leave!” The girl hissed.
Kagome flashed her a smile, “I'll take care of him.” Then raising her voice, “Tonight's your lucky night.”
In the background, she saw Chris nod at her. Quickly she waved him over. “Sir, I'll just have to check this bill. If you'll stay by for a moment while I do a counterfeit test…” She pulled out the pen and marked a line over the money. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the staff member motion to the drunken girl and she gave the tiniest of nods. Good at her job, the club employee moved in, whisking the girl away to the safety of a cab. It was the club's policy to not interfere unless it was clear that someone was in danger. Usually it was the bartenders who saw people ladling alcohol down a companion's throat, but on occasion Kagome picked up a loser guy who had, surprisingly often, tried to pull a similar stunt.
With a confused expression, she held the bill up to the weak back lighting of her table display. “I can never tell which is right, but I guess this is,” she held the bill up one last time, examining a little longer than need be. “It looks good, sir. You may go, and thank you for your patience.” She flashed him another winning smile, which turned into a smirk as he began to search for the now long-gone girl.
There were some men that she was more than happy to scam.
It was bad enough that she had to use her miko powers in a place like this, but she wasn't willing going to aid a man like that.
She had worked at Club Miko for over a year and it helped pay for her tiny off-campus apartment, and food, and left enough for her buy textbooks. If she didn't have scholarships, Kagome wasn't sure what she would do. Probably work at the club full time…not that they would need a full time miko to give palm readings. She glanced over up at one of the girls in the cages, dancing in rhythm with the techno dance music, and inadvertently shuddered.
The next customer was stepping in front of her. Without looking up, she waited for the palm to be rudely thrust before her eyes for inspection.
It took a moment, but she soon realized that there was a slight argument going on before her.
“No, I told you no! I don't want to!” A man with long white hair and well, the geekyist glasses she had ever seen was vehemently trying to keep from having his hand pushed onto the table by a much better dressed couple. The man was practically hanging from his friend's forearm while the woman was shoving downward with all her might.
Still the geek with the glasses was just barley keeping his hand and arm off the table by a few inches.
Seeing that Kagome was looking at them with a rather confused expression, the woman gave her a tight smile under the strain of forcing her companion's forearm down. “He'd like to have his fortune read.” Some how she moved her hand to drop the required fee on the table without her friend getting away.
Kagome quickly counted the money—she didn't want to be cheated. Seeing that they were paid in full, she reached out her small hands and took the struggling man's hand.
Instantly his arm went slack, allowing her to examine his palm without a fight.
“You have had trouble in love recently?” That was always a good starting question she had found. Even people in the best relationships could say that they had had at least some sort of lover's quarrel in the recent past.
Cutting her eyes upward, she saw him nod out a “yes”.
God this guy was depressing. His shirt had food stains that he had been hiding with his jacket. His hair, though a beautiful white, was in desperate need of a brushing, not too mention that those glasses made his eyes look impossibly gigantic. The puppy ears on the top of his head were cute, but…was that a pocket protector?
Unless a woman was completely homely and broke off her ass, she would have broken up with him.
“Someone you cared about left you?” Best not to get into specifics just yet. “Left” could mean anything—dumped, died, ran away screaming.
He then tried to jerk is hand away, but being accustomed to drunks trying to escape, she kept is hand pinned to the table.
“I'll take that as a `yes'.” She beamed up at him. “And from the looks of things, I'd say that that someone was a girlfriend?”
“Wow, you're good miss,” the geek's male friend piped up.
“Yeah, well he clearly doesn't have a woman,” Kagome muttered under her breath. “And I would say that you haven't dated since,” she finished her reading.
“That's about right,” Inuyasha grumbled, finally managing to pry his hand away from the miko.
“Hey, aren't you supposed to tell him his future?” Sango pointed out.
“I was getting to that. You are falling into a slump. You rely too much on your independence, and it causes you to become too wrapped up in unimportant details. Take a chance to night. Keep your eyes and ears,” her own eyes drifted up to the ears as she spoke, “and something could happen that might just surprise you.” She flashed her “finished” smile, and waited for them to tip her and leave.
“That's it?” The white-haired nerd demanded.
Normally she would have offered an excuse for her reading, but it was late and she was sick of dealing with the inebriated and ignorant for one night.
“Yeah that's it. I'm a college student trying to make enough cash to meet rent this month. I've been here all afternoon and I'm beat.” She glanced at her wristwatch, a tiny smirk appearing on her face. “And its time for my break.” Reaching down, she plucked up her “On Break” sign and gently set it on the table. “If you'll excuse me.”
She moved around the table and was making her way to the bar, when Miroku clasped a hand around her arm.
“Just a second, miss. Are you from the Higurashi Shrine?”
The angry words died on her lips. “Yes, I'm Kagome Higurashi.”
“So when you're not pretending to be a miko, you're training to be a real one?” Miroku said with a raised eyebrow.
“If you believe in that sort of thing. And you are?”
“Miroku Houshi,” he said with a small smile.
The recognition was instantaneous. “Miroku! Oh my god! I haven't seen you in ages!” She rushed in his waiting arms for a friendly hug. “How did your training go after you left our shrine?” Kagome asked, pulling back to look at her long lost friend.
“Fine, I finished last year…with Moushi. I started my own purification business about a month after I was ordained.”
“You got ordained? I thought that would never happen.” She paused to think for a moment, when suddenly something hit her. “Hey! You never told us you were ordained!” She pulled back her hand and smacked his arm.
“I know Kagome-sama, its just things got busy…” He flicked his eyes over at Sango.
Catching his meaning, Kagome turned to see Miroku's rather confused and slightly jealous girlfriend.
“You have a—a girlfriend?” Kagome stuttered. For a moment, Inuyasha thought that she was jealous, but then the miko flung herself at Sango, giving her a fierce hug. “How did you ever get him to settle down! At the rate he was going, he was either going to have a venereal disease named after him or live in the poor house because he had too many illegitimate children to support!” She released a barley breathing Sango from her grasp and gave the girl a once over.
Sango tried to recover herself, but found she could only glare at her boyfriend. He had never told to that he had had any training outside of Moushi.
Kagome however had already moved past the stunned Sango. “Let me grab a bottled water and we can do catch up. Do you guys have a table?”
“Yeah, I'll show you,” Miroku offered.
“No, I can do it Miroku.” Sango jumped in, putting her foot down.
Kagome looked on with a scheming grin. Not only had Miroku found himself a woman, but he found one that cared about him enough to be aggressively jealous.
Miroku was about to protest, but Kagome interrupted, accepting Sango's offer.
“We can get to know each other,” she said, pulling his girlfriend away.
Once Inuyasha and Miroku had disappeared into the crowd, the two women turned to face the other. “How long have you known Miroku?” They said at the same time.
Sango allowed herself to smile and Kagome grinned. “I'm Kagome,” she offered her hand. “Miroku was one of several transit kids in our home. Basically the time when the government is trying to decide if a kid should go into the foster care system or if there is suitable family. He stayed on a little longer that usual so he could get priest training.”
As she had talked, they had reached the bar. When no one immediately came to wait on her, she banged her palm against the counter. “Kouga, I know you're down there. Stop fooling around and get me a water.” Without skipping a beat, she turned back to Sango. “What about you?”
“Miroku had some underling demons that he couldn't quite get rid of, so he brought in my dad. My family is an old team of youkai hunters and I met Miroku on an extermination. We've actually talked about joining forces—”
“Hey Kagome,” a wolf demon popped up from behind the counter. He looked ruffled and even in the dim light, one could see red lipstick covering the side of his mouth.
“Hey Kouga. Kagura on the clock too?” She said as she plucked the water-of-the bottle from his hand. “Don't work too hard,” Kagome waved goodbye. Kouga shrugged and dropped back below the counter.
“So, where were we? You were thinking of starting an extermination business with Miroku?” Kagome asked as she followed Sango around the dance floor.
“Yeah, he would get all the little nit-picky things and I would work the office and finances and get the occasional big demon.” Sango called out, half over her shoulder.
“Why don't you?” Kagome questioned. She paused as Sango stopped, looking for their table.
“Oh, you know, it's a big decision.” She shrugged and began to plow through a group of people, the tunnel leading them directly to Miroku and Inuyasha.
“Hey gorgeous,” Miroku said when Sango slid up next to him, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Hey, baby,” she mimicked.
Kagome slipped onto the stool across from the happy couple and next to Inuyasha.
“Hi, I'm Kagome,” she said, offering him her hand.
“I know who you are.” He muttered, catching her off guard.
“You do? How?”
“You're Kikyo Higurashi's cousin.” He spoke just loud enough so that Miroku and Sango wouldn't hear.
Dropping off the chair, he pulled his jacket closer, over the stained white shirt. He left the club, and it wasn't until he was past Carl the bouncer that he remembered that Miroku's car was his only way home.
A/N: Alright I wasn't even going to write any of these because in the past my mouth as gotten the harpies of fanfiction released on my ass in the past. Unfortunately, when I posted this I forgot to give some credit, so now here I am.
First, lets get one thing straight: DO NOT critique my author's note. I don't even read most A/N, so I was really surprised when people would mention my story in passing and then rant at me because of something I said here. I take it very personally. This is mine, its me floating out on the internet. I'm not writing the world though someone else's characters. This is my way to blow off steam, ranting about my personal life subliminally through comments about what I'm thinking about fanfiction. Summer is a very stressful and depressing time for me, and my very dirty mouth has a tendency to go its own way when I feel like I have an ear. I will more than jokingly berate my reviewers—its how I show love, don't take it personally. Once again, I post fanfics to be reviewed, NOT this shit.
Second, I AM A FUCKWIT! READ! READ! When I posted this, I was emotionally distraught by someone's comment, telling me that because of an A/N (See? The first part had a point) my shitty writing would be so much better if I had attitude adjustment, so I wasn't exactly thinking clearly. To prove it, I had just deleted two other fics out of misery.
ANYWAY, here's what you should read: I am not as original as some people have thought. I got the idea for Inuyasha's character while reading a fanfic by Fireminx: Seeing Double. Mainly I noticed how she gave Inuyasha his nose troubles, and I ran with it. She still had him as a hot toddy, but a sex starved hot toddy because as a hanyou he the woman had to smell right. And she had to pass a touch test, I believe. In her story, he did sleep around on human night, but I have a feeling that in my story, Inuyasha's going to be as pure as Kagome usually is. Any way, I'm not sure if Fireminx posts on (I don't do my homework that well) but she is at and I highly recommend checking out her work. Seeing Double is quiet fun…if you're of the age. *Wink Wink*