InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Green-clothed Warrior ❯ InuYasha's Training ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Green-clothed Warrior

An InuYasha/Legend of Zelda Crossover Fanfiction

By: Patriot1776

Chapter Ten: InuYasha's Training

"So this is the Chamber of Sages huh?" InuYasha said, looking around and back and forth between Darunia and Saria. Link had introduced him to them both first thing.

"That's right. So you are one of the helpers? Nice job, both of you. InuYasha, I think you deserve to be called a Sworn Brother to me as well." Darunia said, standing on the red pedestal of the platform. Darunia then looked at Link. "Now Link, tell me. Where have you been for all of this time? I just wanna know."

"Locked up in here. That's where." Link replied.

"What? How?" Darunia asked, flabbergasted.

Link then explained how he had been locked up in the Sacred Realm for the last seven years.

"Oh well. At least now you are free and Ganondorf will soon be defeated, once the rest of the Sages are in here." said Darunia.

"So that's where you've been for all this time Link? In here?" asked Saria

"Uh huh. Now Darunia, I think you`ve got a medallion for me, don't you?" asked Link.

"Oh that's right. I forgot about that. Here." Darunia said, then raising his arms up. Another medallion, this one red, floated down, and Link took it.

"See you again soon, next time the Sage of the Water Temple will be joining you, whoever they are." Link said to Darunia and Saria as him and InuYasha disappeared.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Link and InuYasha both reappeared on the island in the middle of Death Mountain's crater, and they both then started to make their way back to Goron City and the others. InuYasha was still carrying the hammer.

"Well Link, since you said the Water Temple Sage is next, where is this `Water Temple'?" InuYasha asked after they had crossed back across the bridge. Link used his Hookshot again, and InuYasha jumped.

"We have to head to Lake Hylia, a large lake to the south, but I want to make a stop in Kakariko Village first. I need some rest after that fight with Volvagia. InuYasha, there's something about you that still concerns me." Link said as they started to make their way back through the passage into Goron City.

"And what is that?" InuYasha asked flatly.

"Your lack of sword skills." Link replied.

"What? You're wrong there. I've already mastered using my Tetsusaiga. The Wind Scar is it's normal attack and that took me forever to learn. I've now also learned another, more powerful attack called the Backlash Wave that's the most powerful attack it has." InuYasha said in an annoyed voice.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about using your sword in melee combat where you can't use those attacks. You're poorly lacking in that area and I'd like to give you some training on that." Link said.

"Spare me. I don't need it." InuYasha snapped back. Link just sighed as they continued on through the passage.

`Looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way.' Link thought. A few minutes later they emerged from the passage back into Darunia's throne room in Goron City. Kagome immediately ran up to InuYasha and hugged him. Shippo also ran up and jumped onto his shoulder and hugged him too.

"You're still alive!" Shippo cried.

"You're safe! I thought something had happened to you!" Kagome cried, her eyes almost teary.

"We all did. We're relieved to see you both return." Miroku said.

"Of course I'm fine! That Volvagia wasn't any problem. What's got you all so worked up?" InuYasha asked.

"A short time ago, this whole mountain shook violently for a few moments. We all thought there had been an eruption. Miroku and I were going to go into the passage and see what was happening, but the Gorons feared for our safety and stopped us from going in." Sango said. Link and InuYasha then recounted their experiences in the Fire Temple. Link also admitted that he had some newfound respect for InuYasha. It was then when Darunia's son entered the room, and a huge smile came across his face when he saw Link and InuYasha.

"Everybody's back, safe and sound, and you two are safe! Thanks Link and InuYasha! By the way, where's dad?" he asked. `How am I going to explain this?' Link thought. Miroku then spoke up.

"Link, were you right? Was Darunia a Sage?"

"Yes Miroku, he was." Link then turned to Darunia's son, the other Link. "Don't worry, your dad's still alive. We saved him. He's now went off to stay in a safe place until Ganondorf's gone. I guarantee that's going to happen soon. He's got powers that are going to help us in defeating Ganondorf. Once Ganondorf's gone, he'll come back." Link then said.

"So dad's still alive and helping you out is he? That's good to hear. When he gets back, we're going to have a party like Goron City has never had." the Goron replied.

"Link the Goron, do you want us to leave the hammer here with you all?" Link then asked, gesturing toward the hammer InuYasha still had slung over his shoulder.

"No. We think you and your friends should borrow it for the time being. It just may become of use again on your journey to take down Ganondorf." he replied.

"Ok then. Well, I think it's time we made our way back to Kakariko Village for some rest. I'm bushed, and I think InuYasha is too." said Link.

"Feh." InuYasha just looked away at that. Link then took his normal clothes from Kagome and went off to change. When he came back, they started making their way out of Goron City. On the way out, they met the rest of the Gorons and received more thanks and praise from them. They then left the city and started to make their way down Death Mountain. Along the way they all stopped again at the fork in the path.

"Look at that!" Kagome shouted as she pointed up toward the summit of Death Mountain.

"What it is it?" InuYasha asked.

"The fire ring. It's gone!" said Sango, astonished. Instead of a fire ring, the summit was now encircled only with a peaceful looking cloud.

"Perhaps that's what that violent shaking was, that fire cloud dissipating." Miroku wondered, rubbing his chin.

"That's how this mountain looked the first time I climbed it. It`s good to see it this way again." Link stated with relief in his voice. They then continued on back to Kakariko Village.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The peaceful night in Kakariko Village had been just what everybody was needing. Everyone, especially Link and InuYasha, slept well. The villagers had also thanked them for finally returning Death Mountain to normal. The next morning Link had announced their next destination, Lake Hylia, to the south as they were getting ready to leave. As they reentered Hyrule Field however, Link walked up to InuYasha.

"InuYasha, are you still sure you don't think you need that swordsmanship training?" Link asked him.

"Of course I'm sure. I don't need any training." InuYasha replied in a cocky voice. Link then did something that shocked them all. He drew the Master Sword and his shield.

"I'm afraid I have no choice then. Draw your sword InuYasha." Link then said slowly and sternly at him. He then began to advance towards him.

"Link, what are you doing?!" Kagome cried. InuYasha was now starting to get angry.

"You want to fight? Then that's what you're going to get!" InuYasha said angrily as he drew Tetsusaiga.

"I'd advise you not to use your Wind Scar. I can still reflect it, and you`re already making a big mistake as a swordsman." Link said unemotionally as he started to attack InuYasha. His sword blows started coming lightning fast, and InuYasha found himself barely able to block his attacks. CLANG! CLANG! CLINGCLING! CLANG! CLONG! Sparks of energy were flying like crazy as the Master Sword struck Tetsusaiga again and again in rapid succession. Link's attacks were coming so fast in fact, that InuYasha was being unable to strike back. He was having to stay on the defensive constantly. Tetsusaiga was also starting to vibrate from the force and frequency of Link's sword blows. Kagome and the others were watching in complete fear and utter shock.

"InuYasha's having a very hard time holding him off, and the Tetsusaiga sounds like it`s starting to cry again." Sango said, a very concerned look on her face.

"Why is he doing this? I thought he was our friend!" Shippo asked.

"Hold on. I think I know what Link's doing." Miroku suddenly said.

"What is it?" Kagome asked, tears starting to well up in her face.

"He's testing him. That's what Link's doing. He's testing InuYasha's skills. And judging by the looks on his face, I don't think Link is impressed at all." said Miroku.

InuYasha meanwhile was frustrated with how fast Link's attacks were coming. `How the hell did this guy become so fast all of a sudden? Was he really holding back like he said he was when we first fought? I've got to try and stop him, but how? I can't use the Wind Scar. He may break the Tetsusaiga if he keeps this up, and Totosai's not in this world.' he thought as he barely parried more blows from Link.

`Just as I thought, his defensive skills are just as pathetic as his offensive skills. He's got much to learn. I'm still holding back, and he's barely able to keep up with me. It's time to bring this test to an end, I`ve seen all I need to see. I may break his sword if I keep this up much longer.' Link thought. He then faked a blow in one direction and caught InuYasha off guard. Immediately then Link aimed for the base of Tetsusaiga's blade, and knocked the massive sword out of the hands of a now utterly shocked InuYasha, sending it whirling into the air. Tetsusaiga landed blade-first in the ground a few feet from them both, and transformed back into it's docile state. Kagome was now ready to run up and throw herself in Link's way when Link then surprised them all again. Instead of finishing InuYasha off, he sheathed the Master Sword and his shield, retrieved Tetsusaiga, and offered it to InuYasha.

"Still sure you want to pass up on that training, now that I've beaten you again? I was still holding back, and yet you weren't able to get even a single attack in." Link said.

"I'm not gonna need it once we get back to our own world, so I why would I want it if the only thing it's gonna do for me is get me to where I can finally beat you in duels?" asked InuYasha angrily after snatching the Tetsusaiga back from him and sheathing it. Miroku then walked over. WHAP! Miroku rapped InuYasha over the head lightly with his staff. "What the hell was that for?" InuYasha yelled at him.

"InuYasha, I can't believe you've forgotten already about your brother, Sesshomaru. Don't you remember back when he had Kaijinbo forge for him that demonic sword, the Tokijin, from Goshinki's fangs? Goshinki was the demon that originally bit your Tetsusaiga in two. Sesshomaru now has a sword that he can actually use on you, and remember his other sword, Tenseiga, protects him from the Wind Scar. It'd be very foolhardy I think of you to continue to refuse this training Link's offering. With it, I think you stand a much better chance the next time you take on your brother." Miroku said sternly.

"Alright already! I'll take the training then." InuYasha finally said grudgingly.

"Thanks for the help Miroku. InuYasha follow me. The rest of you can tag along if you want, but keep a good distance away so I can teach InuYasha without any distractions." Link then said. The others did follow. Link took InuYasha out into a nice, flat, open area of Hyrule Field, and began the training. Over the next several days, Link put InuYasha through vigorous and difficult sword lessons. The first thing he worked on was InuYasha's defensive skills. Link taught InuYasha how use his massive Tetsusaiga more effectively as a shield, how to parry like an expert and how to better and more quickly anticipate an opponent's next move. InuYasha caught on to these skills quickly, something that Link was relieved to see. Link combined these defensive lessons with sparring sessions between him and InuYasha, initially with him only attacking and InuYasha only defending, so InuYasha could practice the skills he'd now learned, and perfect and adapt them to himself. As InuYasha's proficiency got better, Link increased the difficulty, attacking faster and faster until finally one day he was attacking all out against InuYasha and InuYasha was able to block each attack effectively. Only then did Link move on to the offensive side of things.

InuYasha at first hated the lessons. He knew Miroku was right, that the training would be of great benefit the next time he took on his brother, Sesshomaru, but he didn't figure he would be fighting his brother THAT often. But gradually, as the training progressed, InuYasha noticed that Tetsusaiga seemed to be getting even lighter and even more easier to wield than it did after he had killed Ryuukotsusei. Instead of it feeling like just an extension of his arms, the sword gradually began to feel like it was an integral part of his body, like it had always been there. He began to feel like he was becoming one with it. The sword's tone when struck also began to change too. Instead of sounding like a high-pitched cry when struck, the sword's tone gradually became a little lower and more sweeter sounding, as if it was becoming more approving of its master.

InuYasha's offensive training went much quicker. Link found that his offensive skills had needed drastic refinement and smoothing out more than anything. Tetsusaiga having become lighter during the defensive training played a role in the offensive training going quicker. One of the few techniques that Link had to start from scratch with was how to disarm an opponent, and this InuYasha mastered quickly because his sword was so large it was easy to use to knock an opponent's weapon out of the way. Link noticed too that InuYasha's attack style was different from his. Whereas he relied more on speed and finesse to defeat an opponent with the Master Sword, InuYasha's Tetsusaiga made him more reliant on raw power and brute force.

The quintessential day came. It was time for Link to test InuYasha once again.

"So InuYasha, you think you can beat me now?" Link asked, Master Sword and shield ready.

"You bet I am. You better come at me with everything you've got this time. `Cause I certainly will be." InuYasha said with a grin, Tetsusaiga slung over his shoulder. Just as InuYasha requested, Link didn't hold anything back. He came at InuYasha full force as Kagome and the others watched close by. Kagome couldn't keep the worried look off her face despite seeing InuYasha's skills drastically improve over the previous days. Link's blows again came as fast as lightning, but this time InuYasha was not having trouble fending them off. InuYasha watched Link closely and figured out his attack pattern. When Link tried to knock the Tetsusaiga out of his hands again, InuYasha was ready and this time put some force behind his parry. This pushed Link back some and suddenly InuYasha was on the offensive. His goal was simple: knock the Master Sword out of Link's hands, instead of it happening the other way around. Link was now having trouble defending InuYasha's attacks, since InuYasha's greater strength was giving him an advantage. Link kept getting backed up, the Tetsusaiga starting to put light scratches in his shield, until InuYasha faked a strike up high. When Link was caught off guard, InuYasha first knocked his shield and shield arm out of the way, leaving him wide open to attack. He then struck the base of the Master Sword's blade hard with the Tetsusaiga, yanking it out of Link's hands and sending it flying up really high. The Master Sword landed blade first in the ground right beside InuYasha, just as he had intended. InuYasha then slung the Tetsusaiga back over his shoulder, a huge grin on his face.

"Congratulations, InuYasha. You've now got skills that match the power of your weapon." Link said with a smile as he retrieved and inspected the Master Sword, then sheathed it.

"I didn't think it was possible to make this thing any lighter than it already was. Once I noticed this training was making it lighter and even easier to use, that's when I begin to like it." InuYasha said as he looked at the Tetsusaiga and admired how it had now become even lighter than before. He could also sense it pulsing in his hand again, this time the pulsing feeling like the sword was applauding him for learning how to use it even better. He then sheathed it with a feeling of satisfaction running through him.

"InuYasha! I'm so glad for you!" Kagome now said as she ran up and hugged him.

"You finally beat him!" Shippo shouted happily.

"That training is gonna help in all future battles, not just in fights against your brother." Miroku then said as he walked up.

"Why do you say that?" InuYasha then asked him. InuYasha had in the meantime noticed the sun was starting to set, and was watching it closely.

"Because now it will be much harder for enemies to knock the Tetsusaiga out of your hands. You'll be able to block attacks a lot better, maybe even knock some of them back if they start throwing stuff at you." he replied. Link had now noticed how InuYasha was keeping a concerned eye on the setting sun.

"InuYasha, what's with that worried look on your face?" he then asked. Sango suddenly gasped.

"InuYasha, is it that certain time of the month again?" Sango suddenly asked.

"What are you all talking about?" Link asked everyone. InuYasha ignored him and looked back at Sango as the sun dipped below the horizon. A look of shock came to Link's face at what happened as InuYasha then spoke.

"Yes Sango," he said, waiting for a moment as his hair turned black, his dog ears disappeared and human ones appeared, and his claws disappeared, completing his transformation into a human. He then continued, "it is."