InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Hanyou Hits the Frying Pan ❯ Man from the airport ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha stood while the tiny man ran the metal wand over his body. He wasn't comfortable with a stranger invading his personal space but Kagome behaved as if it were normal so he went along with it.
“Sir, remove your shoes.”
“But these are sandals? How could I hide anything in them?” He wondered what this man would have done if he'd had the Tetsusaiga with him.
“Sir, don't make me ask again” droned the uniformed agent. Kagome shot Inuyasha a death glare and he quickly kicked off his Birkenstocks.
Later on the plane he was awestruck with the view from his tiny window. As a hanyou he'd jumped really high and even ridden on Kirara's back in the sky. But this was the first time he'd ever looked down on the clouds. It was another world.
The movie was really boring and used a lot of slang he didn't quite understand. Kagome dozed off, her head resting on his shoulder. He smiled and watched her sleep. Just like old times…well sorta.
Their flight was only slightly late and they landed without incident at JFK. They departed the plane and went the luggage retrieval area.
Kagome stood watching the luggage on the conveyer belt cursing the fact she'd purchased the same black luggage everyone else seemed to have. Someday, she told herself, I have to remember to tie a freaking red ribbon on the handles of my damned suitcase!
Inuyasha grew bored with watching the moving luggage and began studying the crowd. The airport was a menagerie of people from all over the world. His ears perked at the familiar sound of his beloved Japanese language. He traced the words to a very tall and slender man in an expensive white tailored business suit. His long silver hair was tied back into an elegant braid.
Inuyasha frowned. This guy reminded him of that word Kagome had used. What was it? Metro-sexual, that's it. But wait. There's something more…
He wandered away from Kagome keeping his attention on the thin man.
Nah, it couldn't be…
Is that…. Sesshoumaru? My asshole half brother?
Before he could get any closer the man disappeared into the crowd. Inuyasha ached to follow but he heard Kagome call out his name in concern.
“Inuyasha? I found our suitcases, are you ready?”
He searched the crowd for a finale time before turning back to his wife.
“Kagome, I'm right here.”
“Good. Let's catch a cab to the hotel.”
They spent the evening wandering Times Square and Kagome showed him all of her old haunts from when she lived there briefly with Hojo. Inuyasha was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the buildings and the amount of people. Kagome did some “light” shopping and he gave in and hauled her packages around the rest of the night.
The next morning they breakfasted on the roof of the hotel overlooking the city. The show taping was at two so they decided to spend the morning at the Natural History Museum.
Kagome was surprised to learn Inuyasha was familiar with dinosaur fossils. Of course in Feudal times they weren't called dinosaurs but he'd always known they were from an extinct animal.
“Sometimes we called them dragon bones. They were often ground into a powder for medicine.”
Kagome was thankful she'd been able to go home though the well anytime she fell ill.
Inuyasha's excitement grew with the passing hours. By lunch time he was too worked up to eat. Kagome forced a bagel down him and then they began the walk to the network studios.
Because it was a closed set there was no long line to wait in for the show. Kagome buzzed the guard who examined their tickets and driver's licenses before letting them in.
A well dressed man with tiny glasses met them at the door. He shook their hands and introduced himself.
“Hi, I'm Marty and you must be Kagome and Inuyasha. Ya know any friend of that wild gal Kim is a friend of mine. We don't usually allow people in for these tapings but I pulled a few strings and here we are!”
Apparently Marty was an assistant to the executive producer. He gave them a quick tour of the set.
Inuyasha was surprised. “It seems so much larger on TV. How do they keep from tripping over each other?”
Marty laughed, “They don't! Flay is always needing a band aide or three.”
Then finally the moments of moments arrived and Inuyasha met his hero. Alton was flipping through his notes when Marty introduced him.
“Alton this is Inuyasha. He's a friend of Kim's and a big fan.”
Alton stuck out his hand and gave Inuyasha's hand a firm shake. “That Kim, she's a blast. How you doing?”
Inuyasha was momentarily speechless then he was able to speak. “I'm wonderful. My wife, Kagome did this as surprise for our anniversary.”
“She must be a winner then.”
“I also love your other show, it's so funny. I want to try out everything you do but Kagome has kicked me out of the kitchen.”
Alton laughed, “That's one of the hazards of matrimony I'm afraid.”
Inuyasha had so much he wanted to ask Alton but now he couldn't remember it all. He decided it was best to stay cool and let Kagome lead him to their seats. Alton waived and went back to his notes.
Marty seated them and was in the process of offering them drinks when his pager buzzed in his khaki pants. He pulled it out and rolled his eyes at the number displayed on the tiny screen.
“That man is so damn pushy!” he sighed. “Would you kind folks excuse me momentarily?”
He turned to go when the man who summoned him entered the room. He swung back to Inuyasha and Kagome. “Hey would you two like to meet the man who makes this all happen?”
Inuyasha nodded enthusiastically and Marty lead them down the steps to the judges booth. A thin man in a white suite sat with his back to them. He was on his cell phone.
He flipped the phone shut and spun around in his chair. “Marty we are out of those damned chilies again and that is not acceptable.”
Inuyasha's heart stopped. It was the man from the airport. The man looked his watch and then glanced up at them. His eyes paused on Inuyasha's face but the pause was so short it was almost indiscernible. The left arm of his jacket hung loose and empty.