InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Heist ❯ Finding Kagome ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Heist

Chapter Three

Finding Kagome (Heh, no, not Nemo, Kagome!)

Sango slowly awoke from what she would call, the best night's sleep she's had in ages..



Inuyasha woke up with a start when the scream sounded. He flung his head around in every direction looking for what had caused the disturbance. The site before him was one word: hysterical. Sango was at the corner of the couch, glaring down that Miroku. Miroku was half on the couch, half off, with the well known 'swirly' eyes, and suspiciously hand-shaped imprint on the side of his face.

Inuyasha rubbed his head while grumbling, "Stupid Miroku, even when we aren't in the apartment, he always finds the worst way to wake me up." Suddenly he jumped onto his feet. "Wake me up?! WHY WAS I ASLEEP?"

"Apparently, we fell asleep at Sango's apartment." Miroku groaned. "And apparently, Sango doesn't like being held while she sleeps."

She gave him a flat look. "Well, you wouldn't expect me to like being held there."

Miroku sighed piteously.

"Oh cut that out!" The angry woman snapped.


"When will we take care of finding the girl? It has to be sometime soon." Sango yawned.

"I'll do that tomorrow." Miroku volunteered, squinting his eyes at the tiny picture his computer had provided him with. He couldn't make out any of her facial features, but she was a girl, and that was all that mattered.

Inuyasha slumped into the easy chair. "Fine."

Sango suddenly narrowed her eyes. "You know, I hear she is quite the chancy one. You ought to keep your wandering hands far from her..that is, if you find her in the off chance."

"Sango! I can't believe you would imagine me doing such a thing. Really now, have a little more faith in me."

Sango yawned again and laid her head down on the sofa's back cushions. "Yeah, yeah."

Miroku typed away on his laptop looking for the numbers of some of their friends all around the world. "Do you guys think that Kouga would know anything?" He asked.

No one answered.

"Guys?" Miroku turned around to find Sango asleep on the couch, and Inuyasha snoring lightly in the easy chair on the other side of the room. His eyes widened in shock, then checked his watch. "1:10. Hm. I would have expected this from Sango, but Inuyasha?"

He got up and sat next to Sango, watching her as she slept. "Sango, I've been meaning to get this out for a while." He thought about that, and then shook his head. "Sango, there is something I need to tell you." He gave a half nod before continuing. "..I love you with all my heart." He put his hand on hers, comparing her warmth to the coolness of the living room. "No. Too girlie..Hm. I love you!" He said with a grin. "No. Too..happy."

He sighed, putting one arm around her waist, and resting the a place he would regret when waking up. "Oh well." He said, falling into slumber.

*end flashback*


"Hai?" A woman's voice picked up, which sounded much like a man's, due to the effects of smoking.

"Raina, it's Miroku Koukatsu."

"The houshi?" He could just hear the smile in her voice.

Miroku sighed; people still teased him about that to this day. "Raina, that was my cover to get into the shrine."

"Oh yeah, did it end up working?"

He smiled. "Brilliantly; the Buddha statue made us a couple large. It wasn't much when split up, but that's insignificant. Anyway, that isn't what I am calling for."

"So enlighten me."

"Right. Have you heard anything, and I mean anything about a girl named Kagome Higurashi?"

"Well, she had a round with Naraku-" There was a pause, in which the crackling of the bad reception could be heard. "-Ended up deluding her, that double-crossing son of a-"

"Raina. We already know all that. Do you have any information on her whereabouts, or whatever it was that happened to her after the round with Naraku?"

"None, sorry mate! She's a sneaky one, if you ask me."

"All right, call me if you hear anything."


He hung up and frowned, tapping the pen he had be chewing on against the table, so that when he put it back into his mouth, there was an awful taste of newly added wood polish. If Inuyasha were to walk into their apartment at that moment from the gym, there would have been hell to pay. It was bad enough having Inuyasha as a roommate on a good day.

Even though she was the fifth person around the world that he had made contact with that day, all their information was the same: They knew all about how Naraku had betrayed her, add a few extra details here and there, but none could tell him where she was at the moment.

He set the pen down and picked up the coffee napkin that had been written on.

Shinobi Tzu- Beijing, China

Arnold Bridget- Liverpool, England (a/n: ^_~)

Jeff Canfield- Queensland, Australia

Angelina Black- New York, United States

Raina Lee- Los Angeles, United States

There was one last person scribbled on the list (and a little doodle of an anime girl at the bottom), but that person was the last person Miroku would call- seeing that they weren't..the best of friends.

Hiro Jinso- Tokyo, Japan

Miroku and sighed, picking up the phone and dialing. Hiro and Miroku had two personalities that clashed way too much for Miroku's liking.




"Hey, It's Hiro!"

"Hiro- It's-" He started, but was abruptly cut off.

"I don't have my cell phone on me right now, so leave a message…and if you are a girl, leave your phone number too."

Miroku scowled. "Hiro, Miroku here. I need to ask you a few questions, but seeing that you aren't picking up the phone," He said bitterly, "call me back as soon as possible. You know my number.." He hung up and picked up the printed computer information of Kagome, looking it over.

I wonder..if we really do find her..can we trust her?

*knock knock*

I mean..she did have a bad past with partners..maybe she would double cross as a sort of revenge..

*knock knock knock*

Heh..I am acting as if we've actually found her-


"Oh!" Miroku woke up from his reverie, then gave an airy smile. "I wasn't expecting anyone!

"Miroku, open up the damn door, or I'll have your ass for it!"

He gave another oh, but this time it was weighted down with disappointment.

"I thought you had a key." He said, opening up the door.

Inuyasha pushed past Miroku with a gym bag in hand. "I do. I left it here."

Miroku leaned against the white walls of his apartment. He had owned the apartment for a few years now, and kept it in the same condition and colors that it had been when he had bought it. White. White. And more white. He guessed the other owners had been very bland people. When Inuyasha moved in, which was after the..incident, as they called it, it just added more white to the décor, considering that Inuyasha's hair was white..-ish.

"Oi." Inuyasha's voice came from his room.

"What is it?"

"Did you find any information on her?"

Miroku hesitated. "Well.."

"Well, what? Yes or no?"

"Not really." Miroku sunk down to the floor, stretching his legs.

Inuyasha stood in the doorway of his room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but didn't bother to put something over his sweat covered chest. "You mean to tell me that out of six of our top sources, no one knew any information about her?"

"Well, they all knew the story, but nothing else. Except for Hiro, he didn't pick up his cell phone."

Inuyasha held onto the towel with one hand and rubbed his forehead with the other. "Fine. We'll go to his apartment after I take a shower." And he stalked back into his bedroom to take a shower.

Miroku watched him leave, and scowled. It was bad enough trying to talk to he had to meet him.


Hiro flipped up the top to his cell phone while he closed his apartment door, and smiled. "A message!"

"Hiro, Miroku here. I need to ask you a few questions…"

Hiro rolled his eyes. "Doesn't he realize that it'll cost him?" He ran a hand through his jet-black hair and walked back into the apartment.


Inuyasha put his hand on the doorknob of Apartment 103 and shook it.


"What?" Miroku stood behind Inuyasha, looking fairly uncomfortable. "Is it locked?"

He grunted in response.

"Just do the usual thing then.."

Inuyasha took the doorknob and pulled it towards him.

A loud snap (and an elevator bell) emitted throughout the hallway. Inuyasha turned around and held out his hand, palm up. In the door, there was a gaping hole where the doorknob should have been.

"Show off. I meant make a makeshift key."

He shrugged and kicked the door open dramatically. Inuyasha waltzed inside and readjusted his red button-up shirt. "Oi, Hiro, are you here?"

Miroku entered and looked around with obvious distaste. "It's so..furnished. No self-respecting guy would put so much useless junk in his apartment. Look!" He pointed towards the windows. "He even put in drapes."

Inuyasha eyed the refrigerator. "Would you just shut up? Houshi's shouldn't hold grudges."

"I am not a houshi, and I'm not holding a grudge!" He snapped.

Inuyasha flipped the light on in the bar area. "I thought being an asshole was my job."

Miroku ignored him and picked up a piece of notebook paper that had been scribbled on. "Inuyasha."



I knew you would come looking, so rather than making you hunt me down all night-being the nice guy I am- I will tell you that I am at Club Raiu at the moment. Best you stop at the ATM before coming down.


"Club Raiu, huh? Well, let's go."

Miroku dropped the letter and walked out after Inuyasha, not even bothering to shut off the lights, or close the useless door.


I think that was one of the most boring chapters I have ever written.

Oh well.

I will update…sometime.