InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Heist ❯ Caught ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Heist

Chapter One


"Naraku, where is it?" She held the radio up to her mouth while walking around the edges of the dark room, staying in the shadows.

There was a little static, but then his voice came.

"He keeps a switch on the underside of his desk, hit that and the safe should come into appearance somewhere inside of the room."

She dropped down on all fours, and slowly drew the shades to keep from being seen outside of the window.

The young girl in all black crawled to the desk, and pushed her head down as far as she could against the scratchy carpet. There were only a few inches of space between the floor, and the wooden desk. She took a deep breath and stuck her hand in the space, blindly feeling around for the switch Naraku had been talking about.

After a minute of searching, she felt something hit the fingers of her glove, and took hold of the little switch, pulling it towards her.


She immediately pulled her arm out from under the desk, and searched the room for any change. Nothing happened. The girl picked up the radio once again, and held down the button. "Naraku, nothings happening!"

"Wait for it, my dear." His voice came out like silk, making her shiver in disgust, but before she could retort to him, the door of the cabinet she was sitting next to pulled open, revealing a small room.

"How original." She stuck her head through the opening, and a large grin came across her face. "Found it." She breathed, and pulled herself through.

"Are you in?"


"Now you see the safe?"

"Damnit, I don't see anything, you idiot." She hissed, blinking rapidly, so her eyes would adjust to the darkness.

"Feel around then. The room should be small enough that it's right in front of you."

She stuck her hands in front of her, and took a step forward. Her palms hit something large and smooth at her waist.

"Got it."

"Good, open it. Then leave through the door to his office. Go through the elevator shaft, the way you came in, and get to the roof, we will be waiting with a helicopter there."

"Right." She nodded her head and tied the radio to her waist belt, so it would reside next to her.

The girl felt around each four sides of the safe, for the opening.

When she found it, she reached into one of her pockets and pulled out what looked like a stethoscope, and put it on.


Suddenly, footsteps were heard in the room, meaning only one thing. It was a guard.

"Shit." She fell dead silent, and didn't dare move a muscle.

The footsteps got closer and closer until-

"12, this is 32, what do you want to eat?"

A slight ruffling was heard. "I don't know."

"Come down and have a look at the menu."

"All right. I'll be right there."

The door to his office closed with a click.

She smirked, and resumed her work, but found it difficult since the blood was pounding in her ears. Although she was the best of the best, this was her first time working with something so valuable.

"Screw it." She reached into her pocket and pulled out an oval shaped object, which was about the size of her palm. "Ah, my best friend, the cockroach." The slapped the object on the font of the safe and crawled out of the cramped room.

"" She smiled and crawled back into the room where the safe's door was blown open. "Never ceases to amaze me." She reached inside the vault and pushed aside papers, and large boxes. Her hand hit a very small box, so immediately, she grabbed it, and ran into the office room.

"Hey you!" The black figure looked up, and standing in front of her was a man with the number 12 pinned to his navy shirt, holding a white box of rice.

Her eyes opened wide, and she took a step back.

He dropped the food, and immediately reached down to his 9 millimeter at his side. "Stand right where you are."

Her eyes darted around the room looking for a way to escape, but it looked like she was just going to have to get through the guard. She tucked the little box into a pouch at her waist and punched the guard right in the nose, and as he fell to the ground she sprinted out the office door.

"Sound the alarm, we have an intruder." The guard whimpered over the radio, holding his bleeding nose.

An ear piercing siren suddenly wailed throughout the building, making her run that much faster. She could hear the guards run through the floor.

"Check the elevator; I'll check all the rooms." A deep voice said.

She frantically pushed open the staircase door, and ran up the steps three at a time.

"She's in the stair case, almost to the roof!" She heard someone yell. Suddenly the stairs flooded with guards.

"C'mon, run, run, RUN." She cried to herself.

"HEY YOU THERE! STOP RIGHT NOW!" One yelled up to her.

She smirked. Yeah. Right.

Just as the sun peaked over the horizon, she reached the door leading to the roof and pushed it open. There, just as Naraku said, was a helicopter waiting for her. She ran to it, and was climbing on, telling the pilot to go. In a minute or so, the guards would come out.

Naraku watched her as she scrambled to get on, and he held out his hand.

She looked at the hand curiously.

"Give it to me."

She stared at him.

"The Shikon No Tama, give it to me!"

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the little box, and set it into his hand.

Naraku opened it, and pulled out what looked like a huge pink bead.

"Perfect. Good job."

"Yeah. I want my share." She eyed the jewel.

Naraku raised his eyebrows, with a smirk forming on his lips. "I am afraid that won't be possible."

The security guards suddenly swarmed up onto the roof.

"There they are!"

"Get them!"

Naraku gave her one last smile, and pushed her out the open door.

The girl fell to the pavement, and watched in shock as the helicopter lifted off the ground, and flew into the sky.

A man came up and pulled her off the ground, by her arm. "Well, well, what have we here?"

He pulled of the girl's face mask, which only showed her eyes, and gasped. Her black hair tumbled to her shoulders, and the pale skin stood out in the morning light.

She glared with her piercing grey eyes at all who stared at her.

"K-Kagome Higurashi!" He stuttered out.

She scowled. "The one and only."