InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Inu no Taisho and the Miko ❯ Of Male whore's and Secrets revieled ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The Inu no Taisho and The Miko

Rating: M (may change not sure yet)

Author: KuroKaosu

Summary: When running from Inuyasha and kikyou, Kagome is forced to find shelter in a cave and nearly freezes to death. She is saved by a person she would never have guessed to care.

Disclaimer: No I don’t own Inuyasha no matter how many times i wished i did

A/N Guess what. I’M BACK!!!! Umm sorry for not updating in ages but I had a deluge of assignments and since I’m in year 10 they have to be done to a high standard using lots of big words like condescendingly (*grins* one of my favorite insults no offence intended.) so I apologize greatly. And now without further adieu the fourth chapter to ‘The Inu No Taisho and The Miko’.

Speech "blah"
Thoughts 'blah'
Telepathy 'blah'
Inner beasts 'blah'

Chapter 4

Kagome had gotten dressed properly and the duo was headed to the Inu tachi’s camp.

Kagome had to sit sideways on Segumi’s back so her make shift kimono didn’t ride up.

Before they got anywhere near the camp the irate hanyou Inuyasha crashed through the forest with Sango, Miroku, Kilala and Shippou in toe.

“Kagome you wench, where the fuck have you been!? What’s with that goddamn mutt!? And What The Fuck are you wearing a HAORI for?!” Inuyasha screeched.

Segumi felt Kagome’s rage and pinned his ears in preparation for her yelling.

“SIT BOY! How dare you! I could have been killed and all you care about is my attire. I do hope you realise that you’re the reason why I ran off!” Kagome yelled in retaliation.

“WHAT! ME!?” Inuyasha screeched back.

“Yes you. You were the one who ran off to Kinkyho right after proposing to me YOU BLOODY MAN-WHORE BITCH!” Kagome roared.

Inuyasha was silent. Miroku, Shippou and Kilala were shocked and Sango was furious.

“You fucking bastard how dare you! You die now!” She screamed whilst bashing his skull in with her hiriokotsu.

This started Miroku hitting him with his staff and Shippou and Kilala trying to gnaw his ears off.

Segumi soon got bored and barked loudly startling everyone and reminding them that there was an inu mononoke in their midst.

Sango as always reacted first.

“Errr… Kagome, whats with the dog?” She asked.

“Oh yeah. Guys this is Segumi he kept me warm last night.” Kagome said.

“Umm… can he stay?” She added hesitantly.

Segumi, sensing her distress, nuzzled his head into her hand and Kagome began scratching his ears making him purr.

‘No my weak spot! Ohhh… feels good.’

“Of course he can stay, Kagome. He did rescue you after all.” Sango said as she quietly giggled at Segumi’s dazed expression.

“Thankyou Sango!” Kagome squeeled whilst glomping Sango.

Segumi snapped out of his daze at the commotion.

‘Huh?... I’ll take that as a yes.’ He thought.

Inuyasha, who had grown bored with the idle chit chat, then decided to pipe up.

“Whatever. Let’s get going. Now wench!” He screeched.

Segumi growled at Inuyasha and the whole group then yelled at Inuyasha.

“Shut up Inuyasha” They yelled.

“You’ve lost the right to say what this group does.” Sango ended.

Miroku’s Hentai Radar suddenly came back on line.

“Kagome, might I enquire to where you got that lovely haori you’re using as a kimono?” He asked waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Kagome blushed crimson and both her and Sango bashed Miroku into unconsciousness.

“Humph! Segumi had it.” Kagome replied sounding highly offended.

Everyone looked rather confused minus Kagome and Segumi.

“Kagome, why would an inu mononoke have a haori?” Sango asked.

“Ummm… because he can. Now lets go get those Shikon shards!” Kagome chirped whilst attempting to march off only to wince in pain as her cuts and bruises reminded her of their existence.

“Ouch!” She whimpered.

Segumi then presented her with his back for her to ride on.

“Thanks Segumi.” She said as she clambered on.

They then walked to the front of the group and Segumi subconsciously led them west.

~~~~~~~*Change of scene*~~~~~~~

Far in the west poised upon a cliff. The eldest son of the Inu No Taisho lifted his head to the wind and drew in a deep breath.

‘Impossible.’ He thought before forming a ball of light and zipping towards the East.

~~~~~~~*Change of scene*~~~~~~~

Back with the inu Tachi, lunch was being served.

‘Ah Kagome this is delicious.’ Segumi thought to Kagome as he slurped another mouthful of ramen.

‘Thanks’ Kagome thought back.

‘Bit hard to eat with no hands though.’ Thought Segumi.



‘h mm. There at it again’ Kagome thought

‘They do this often then?’ Segumi asked.

‘yeah at least twice a day.’ Kagome replied.

“Oi! Quit goofin’ off! Sesshoumaru’s commin’.” Inuyasha suddenly screeched from the tree he was sulking in.

He then jumped down and drew his sword. As everyone got into battle positions, Sesshoumaru walked out of the tree line and stared at Segumi who was sitting next to Kagome. Segumi then let the spell blurring his markings drop and his striped and moon came into view. Sesshoumaru’s eyes narrowed.

“Impossible.” He said

“Not even Tenseiga could resurrect you.” He finished.

“What the fuck is goin’ on!?” Inuyasha suddenly screeched.

“Of course you wouldn’t realise, Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru said condescendingly.

“Hey! Just tell me already!” Inuyasha whined.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.

“That, Hanyou, is our honourable father Segumi the Great and Terrible Inu no Taisho.” Sesshoumaru replied proudly.

KuroKaosu: yay all finished for today.
Inuyasha: hey I don’t screech all the time.
Sesshoumaru: of course you don’t.
Inuyasha: see.
Sesshoumaru: you just do it when you’re not making inarticulate whimpers.
Inuyasha: hey! You bastard.
Segumi: now now boys no fighting.
Sesshoumaru and inuyasha: *pouting*
Kagome: LOL

By for now everyone

R,R and R *hugz*