InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey of the Half-Immortal ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven
“ANIU,” Sesshoumaru yelled. He looked from Aniu to the boy in front of him. He didn't need this distraction right now he had to get to her but he couldn't kill the boy. It wasn't because of his own feelings but because Aniu didn't want him to. He was stuck between what he should do and what he couldn't do.
Kohaku came after Sesshoumaru but he dodged and leaped up the hill. Since Kohaku was human it would take him longer to get up the hill so he had some time.
He landed swiftly next to Aniu and Naraku. He lashed out at Naraku with his poison claws but he quickly sidestepped it. He moved Aniu so she was in front of him, like a shield.
Sesshoumaru cursed under his breath and leapt into the air. While in air he moved to the side as a swishing Hiraikotsu flew by him. He looked up to see a fire cat with two humans riding on it. A monk and a youkai slayer-that was dressed just like Kohaku. They were Inuyasha's friends. He looked around and spotted the stupid half-breed. He jumped up in the air so that they were face to face, glaring at each other from several feet in the air.
Inuyasha looked down from Sesshoumaru to Aniu and Naraku. Naraku still had a hand on Aniu's face and her eyes were blank, dark green pools.
“Aniu,” Inuyasha said softly.
Kagome looked over his shoulder and gasped as she noticed what was going on. Naraku was draining her, erasing her memory.
Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha landed on either side of Aniu. Naraku just smiled. Kagome climbed off of Inuyasha and notched an arrow, aiming towards Naraku. Inuyasha reached out his hand at the same time Sesshoumaru did.
I know there's something in the wake of your smile. I get a notion from the look in your eyes…
They both touched one of her arms and power filled her, Sesshoumaru's cool, collective power and Inuyasha's hot, anger-filled power. The two intermingled within her awakening her own power. It surged forward against Naraku's power throwing him halfway across the hill. He landed on his feet looking over at the two brothers and the girl. Disapproval was clear on his face but just behind it was curiosity. What was going on?
Aniu's eyes began to fill with acknowledgement. The blank eyes changed into intelligent, alert eyes. The power overflowed in her and she cried out with the feel of too much power. Her knees buckled and she sank to the ground. Inuyasha's hand slipped from her arm but Sesshoumaru's went around her waist and kept her on her feet.
“What the hell was that?” Inuyasha asked.
Naraku started walking toward the little group. He knew exactly what was going on but why spill the secret. If he could control the girl maybe he could control the two brothers. Now that would be the perfect plan. He moved closer with a wicked smile on his face. His laughter bubbled out of his throat as he thought about how ironic it would be for them to work for the person they were trying to get rid of.
Naraku's laughter raised the tiny hairs on the back of Inuyasha's neck. He turned to see the bastard coming towards them. He unsheathed Tetsusaiga. The rusty old sword transformed into what looked like a fang and aimed for Naraku.
“You won't come anywhere near Aniu,” Inuyasha said. “Wind Scar.”
The power aimed straight for Naraku and hit. The power cleared to show that Naraku had his barrier up and it had deflected the Wind Scar. Naraku took no notice and kept moving forward. Shit.
Inuyasha rushed him and Naraku struck him with one a thin line of power that threw him several feet away from him.
Sesshoumaru was too busy trying to get Aniu to talk to him. He lightly tapped her face. Her eyes fluttered then closed and stayed that way.
And there are voices that want to be heard. So much to mention but you can't find the words…
Sesshoumaru laid her down gently then drew his Tokijin and turned to Naraku. “Dragon Strike.”
Naraku grinned. “If Inuyasha's Wind Scar couldn't get past my barrier what makes you think your Dragon Strike will?”
He was confident. The bastard.
“Wind Scar.”
Inuyasha's wind scar intermingled with Sesshoumaru's dragon strike just like their powers had connected in Aniu's body. Sesshoumaru's cold, blue dragon strike and Inuyasha's hot, yellow wind scar. The two hit Naraku full on. His barrier was destroyed and his body disintegrated. When it cleared all that was left was his head, floating like a ghost.
The head of Naraku looked at both the youkai. “You win for now.” Then he started retreating leaving behind a miasma. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome-who had just stood there dumbfounded during all this-and jumped off the hill and onto a high tree branch, away from the foul miasma. Sesshoumaru picked up Aniu and leapt into a tree. He didn't land in one like Inuyasha but ran back to where he had left Rin and Jaken.
* * * * *
The miasma cleared and Inuyasha looked around for Sesshoumaru and Aniu. He found Miroku and Sango but not the other two. Damn that Sesshoumaru.
He grabbed Kagome around the waist and jumped to where Miroku and Sango were on the hill.
“He must have taken Aniu and ran.”
“It looks like that, Inuyasha,” Miroku said.
“Naraku sure made it so that he couldn't be followed. Do you think he was badly affected by our intermingled power?”
“It could be. His body took a lot of damage,” Sango said.
Movement caught Kagome's eye. She looked down and at the bottom of the hill she spotted Kohaku's Kusarigami.
“Sango look,” she said carefully.
Sango glanced where Kagome was looking. She gasped and slid down the hill.
“Kohaku,” she said softly as she picked up the Kusarigami. “Did Sesshoumaru…did he kill him?”
Inuyasha took a sniff. “I don't smell any blood and I didn't see any on Sesshoumaru.”
Sango let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Kohaku may have killed their family but it wasn't his fault and Sango just wanted to get her brother out of Naraku's grasp. She looked out towards the forest. Thank you Sesshoumaru.
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why, but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye….
* * * * *