InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Last Phoenix Demon Trilogy Part I: Freedom of the Fire Bird ❯ Imprisoned ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters from that anime. I do own the Sora in this story though as I have developed her character so please ask my permission if you are to use this character.

This is actually the combination of the original chapters 1 and 2 with minor changes. For those of you who have read this before, it is not necessary to read it again. I thought the chapters should be longer since this story would have a lot of events later and I don't want to put too many short chapters out.

Thanks to honey-musturd who edited the revised version of the original chapter 1!

Thanks to those who reviewed as well!

`The Last Phoenix Demon Trilogy Part I: Freedom of the Fire Bird'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 1: Imprisoned


The metal chains rattled against the posts as she struggled to free herself, the chains ripping at her flesh. She was awake for several hours but strangely she was still groggy and a bit disoriented. Even in the darkness she could see an outline of a table, a chair and a bucket in a corner next to her, where she was chained to two wooden posts on either side of her. It seemed that she had struggled against the chains forever.

She was in a jail cell. There were no windows or holes through the three solid stonewalls that prevented sunlight from coming in. Metal poles were attached to two of the walls with another stonewall on the other side, leaving some space in between. There was a wooden door in front of her jail cell. Mice that had crawled through some holes through the door nibbled harshly on her bare feet, coated with dry blood. She tried to kick them but to her horror she found that her feet were chained heavily to the wooden posts as well. She whimpered in the darkness and fought the urge to cry.

`How long have I been here? Who had taken me? What do they want?' she thought as she felt the mice move away from her to avoid harm. `How am I supposed to get away from here?'

She was tired, thirsty, hungry and on top of that, soaking wet. She had also reeked of the smell of blood since her wrists dripped with the substance. Her eyelids fluttered shut weather it was due to the tiredness, the blood loss or both she did not know. Eventually she gave up and reduced to a restless slumber.


"Hey bitch! Wake up!"

The crude tone of the voice made her frown and open her eyes. The light from a torch several feet away shined in her face. She blinked drowsily, her eyes adjusting to the light. A tall and muscle-bound man with messy black hair and dull blue eyes stood lowering his face to her level considering he towered over her at least a good two feet. Seeing her dazed eyes the man became irritated and slapped her on the cheek roughly.

"Pay attention! We have some questions we need answered. This is only a warning: if you lie to me, you'll taste my whip." saying this he gave her his best intimidating glare but she didn't even flinch. This angered him but he grinned as he gestured with his head to look behind her.

Turning her head, she noticed the three other men in the large cell. From what she could see, they were not nearly as strong or tall as the man who was talking to her. Her eyes widened a little when she caught a glimpse of the whips that each of them carried in their hands.

`Great! As if one whip isn't bad enough,' she thought sarcastically while turning back to the man who stood in front of her with distaste.

"First question," the man who was obviously the leader drawled out . "Do you have any family or relations?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. She was disgusted by the way the man looked at her as if she was an object and she hated how close he was to her; he was a few inches away and glaring at her as if daring her to do something stupid. She could feel her anger growing and she did not hesitate express that. She spat in his face.

"Ahh! I'll show you!" he shouted. He slapped her with all his strength and beckoned the men who held their whips with firm grasps to show her an example. Three whips came at once on her back and she screamed and started frantically to escape from the metal grips from the chains. Despite of the pain, she still willfully held the tears from escaping her eyes. The blood running down her back was hurting her, along with the gashes that felt like thousands of needles stabbing their way through to her spine. Scarlet blood dripped on the floor creating a puddle.

"Now let's try this again," he sneered, bringing his face to where it was before. "Next question: are you the last phoenix demon?"

`Stupid question,' she thought. `The last phoenix demon will never reveal themselves when they know that you obviously need them so badly. Just who does this man think he's kidding?'

"No," she said, looking straight into the man's eyes and giving him a murderous glare.

On the inside, even he had to admit that this girl frightened him, especially when he met with her murderous glare, almost piercing through his very soul. On the outside he simply smirked, while trying his best to not show weakness. "You're lying. . ." With that said, he grabbed the torch and scorched it in her back; the part that hurt the most at this point from the bleeding. He hoped that this diversion would tear her gaze from him.

`Baka.' She knew what they did not know: fire couldn't hurt her. But to avoid suspicion, she screamed as if she was in deep pain. Actually she was in pain but not from the fire; the slashes on her back proved that fact.

The man smiled evilly as did the other men that appeared from behind her to join their leader.

"We'll let you think about how you behave toward us. Maybe next time you won't be so lucky." The men laughed, walked out of the cell, and barred the door, taking the torch with him and leaving her once again in the darkness.


It was now a month after she was first taken here to the hellhole of a place, although she was not aware of how many days and nights she had spent there. For the past few weeks, every few days would be the same. The men had continued to ask her the same questions and she responded with a spit in their face or a sneer or an insult, which earned her extra pain streaked scars than necessary. The men would come every few days to torment her and in other days they would leave her to her musings.

There were stale bread and a dirty glass of water on the table near where she was brutally chained. `Stupid humans,' she mentally cursed. She could not reach the food from her position; not that she would eat them anyway. By now the food had gone so bad she surely would have died if she had swallowed them. The disgusting green and black mold was enough to make her stomach revolt.

She could not understand it. Don't those fools know that she did not give in to those bastards who dared to touch her (not in the intimate way). She swore that if she ever -and she will- get out of this chains, she will torture those men who had enjoyed her pain. She would make them suffer so much they would wish they were never born.

She smirked a little when the humans thought they would hear her beg for mercy. She had too much pride for that, not to mention she was stubborn as hell.

She struggled against the chains again as wounds from her wrists reopened. She could feel her arms and hands starting to go numb. She did not care about the blood; she was determined to get out of here any way possible. Try as she might, she could not hold a tear of loneliness that flowed slowly down her cheek. When the men tortured her, she would never cry in front of them. There was no risk of them coming now; they had sent those whips at her just last night and they always left her to think about her `behavior'.

Her head turned quickly at the creak of the wooden door being opened, and she replaced her frown with a scowl on her face. `Hello, this is new.'

The leader of the men opened the door to her cell. Standing at the doorway, his face bore no expression as she glared at him.

"What do you want now you fucking bastard?" she snarled through her teeth. The man's expressionless face now turned into a full-blown smirk.

"Don't you wanna know what happen to your village?"

She froze, and the man was delighted by her lack of response.

"They're dead, bitch. And it's all your fault `cause you wouldn't tell us who you are. We KNOW FOR SURE now that you've been lying to us all along. We KNOW for sure who you are now and you'll serve us well whether you want to or not!" he shouted the last part.

The girl did not pay attention to any of his speech. The only words she had registered in her mind were, "They're dead bitch." She snarled at him as her violet eyes started glowing red. "YOU BASTARD!"

There was a trace of fear that lingered on the man's dull blue eyes as he hurried over to a full water bucket and threw the water at her. He did not know why he did this; he was just following the advice of the strange and mysterious man who had helped them kidnap this girl.

The girl was already drenched before he threw the water at her, and now she was even wetter which was not helping her anger any. He noted that the red from her eyes were gone now.

However, being as slow-witted as he was, he thought the water had shut the girl up. The girl's violet eyes rested on his belt. The belt held a sheath with the seal of a phoenix encrusted on it. Inside the sheath was a sword she recognized as her master's.

With a fury, she exploded. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU FOR SLAUGHTERING MY FRIENDS AND MY MASTER!" Had the chains were not securing her, she would have killed him right at this moment.

The man was shaking a little as he regained his composure. He hated the girl for standing up to him for so long. He walked up to her and punched her right in her stomach. To his satisfaction, she made a small sound of pain.

Sora swore that this man would not live much longer. She would personally make sure that he would not be given any mercy for murdering her village.


Japanese words used:

Baka - stupid; idiot

This chapter was revised (again). The next part is also revised.

Fenikkusu Ice