InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Last Phoenix Demon Trilogy Part I: Freedom of the Fire Bird ❯ The Deal ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters from that anime. I do own the Sora in this story though as I have developed her character so please ask my permission if you are to use this character.

This is actually the combination of the original chapters 2 (the last half) and 3 with minor changes. For those of you who have read this before, it is not necessary to read it again. I thought the chapters should be longer since this story would have a lot of events later and I don't want to put too many short chapters out.

Thanks to those who reviewed!

`The Last Phoenix Demon Trilogy Part I: Freedom of the Fire Bird'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 2: The Deal


On the outside, the man was grinning evilly, on the inside however he was shaking with fear again as he had done many times since he had come to capture this girl. He had seen the red in her eyes, the anger and the fire. There was no doubt in this mind that if this girl ever escaped, whether or not she was the last phoenix demon, the first thing she would do would be to kill him. He had been bluffing when he said that he was certain that she was the last phoenix demon. The last phoenix demon was said to be the youngest phoenix demon and that youkai was the one he wanted. Twelve years ago, his men had brutally murdered the phoenix village and the girl may have been among those few who have survived - if she was a phoenix demon. His men had gathered the survivors that had not escaped and slaughtered the rest of the phoenix youkai, angered that they none of them was the phoenix they were searching for.

A month ago a mysterious man who had told him the location of the phoenix youkai twelve years ago had claimed that he knew the location of the last phoenix youkai. The hooded man had spoke of the village where he would find the fire bird. The leader had ordered his men to finish off the village and bring the girl to him. The mysterious man had somehow injected a temporary amnesia spell on the girl so that she may answer some of their questions truthfully when she awoke. `No such luck,' the man thought, as he stood staring at her. He could not even ask for the mysterious man's help now; the guy had left weeks ago.

The girl whimpered. She was not whimpering from the punch in the stomach, although that had hurt. She was just beginning to remember what had happened to her prior to her kidnapping and being here. Her eyes blurred when she recalled the screams from friends and her master when she had gotten there too late. The memory of her family came back to her; it had seemed so long ago. Her family was murdered in the same way. Strangely on that day her entire youkai village had somehow `lost' their powers and was unable to fend off the human men.

Her thoughts changed to those of her master when he died in her arms. She recalled the words clearly now that she had her memory back. "Sora," her master had said. "Sora. Take this sword. Leave us and don't look back." "No. . ." she whispered to him, but his breath had already left him.

Screams suddenly pierced through her thoughts; she had heard the screams of the men. Sora was angered by the fact that she was not the one to deliver the deathblow but she was glad that the men got what they deserved for slaughtering so many innocent people. On instinct, she masked her youkai scent, replacing it with the scent of a human. The leader had taken her master's sword out of its sheath. She raised her head and her eyes widened at the magnificent silver haired figure at the doorway of her cell; at his feet was the leader of the men who had kidnapped her.


Sesshoumaru was flying over the western lands. He had heard rumors about men who had trespassed on his property and wanted to investigate. Actually investigate would be the biggest understatement of the year. He planned to kill of the filthy human men for stepping on his grounds. Youkai did not dare to invade his territory yet these humans dared to challenge him.

He caught the men's scent in the air and sped up, eager for some bloodshed. These men had no idea what was coming to them. As he got closer to a small stone house in the middle of the forest his nose caught another scent. This scent was a mixture of roses and sakura blossoms with a stronger scent of blood. He recognized this as a youkai's blood.

Curious as to how mere humans can spill this youkai's blood he landed right outside of the stone house. The two guards outside immediately attacked him although it was obvious that they were scared to death, he observed that their movements were unsteady. There was no one in this area who have never heard of the fearful taiyoukai of the western lands. Sesshoumaru dodged their attacks easily before killing them with a swipe of his claws.

The human men inside had heard the commotion and went outside to see what was going on. That was a mistake. Sesshoumaru was surrounded by at least fifty dead bodies as he made his way into the stone house. He didn't even spare them a glance. He smelt a human and a youkai in there as he enjoyed seeing the looks of terror upon the men's faces as he dealt with them. He walked onto a staircase that led to an underground room. For a second his face was overcome with confusion as the scent of the youkai was replaced with a human's although the scent of roses, sakura blossoms and blood was still in the air. Puzzled, he continued his way to the room.

He saw with amusement when a man in an opened cell took out a sword. `Pathetic,' he thought as he quickly clawed into the man's back. He stood at the doorway of the cell and for the first time noticed the girl attached to two posts with chains with her head down.

The girl was about probably around 5'7' at her full height. She had shoulder length black hair with chin length red streaks framing her face. Her build suggested that she had some training in her life and was probably a skilled fighter. She was dressed in a fighter's attire so it confirmed his guess, although now her clothes took the appearance of rags. He saw her blooded wrists and the blood on the floor. For a second his breath caught as she lifted her head to see him. She was indeed beautiful. `For a human.' He inwardly frowned that he could even think that a lowly human was beautiful.

Sora's eyes widened as her gaze lifted to the demon lord. `Sesshoumaru.' There was no doubt about it. Even though she practically cut off from the outside world in her master's village, she had heard of the powerful taiyoukai of the western lands. `Why is he here?' Her thoughts were cut off when the taiyoukai approached her and raised his right claw.

Thinking he was about to kill her she shouted, "STOP!"

Sesshoumaru stopped. He had inhaled a youkai's scent but it disappeared as quickly as it came. `Where was that scent coming from? There is no youkai here except I.' He was puzzled to say the least. He was slightly confused as to why he stopped for this human. None of his thoughts reflected off his bored expression. He looked into her violet eyes and saw an emotion that was not fear but determination. He was irritated by the fact that she was not scared of him, but his discomfort did not show on his face.

"Tetsusaiga," was all she said as she gazed into the golden eyes of Sesshoumaru's. He almost lashed out at her as his eyes widened. What did this human girl know of the Tetsusaiga: his half brother's sword? Most respected youkai knew of this sword that could kill a hundred with one swing. Humans however knew nothing of the Tetsusaiga so how did this human girl know about it?"

"What about the Tetsusaiga?" he said to her in a cold voice while giving her an ice-cold glare. To his surprise, she returned the glare and said calmly, "I know you want your brother's sword. I can get it for you."

He almost smirked at the idea. Why would he ally with this human girl? How can she possibly retrieve the Tetsusaiga when he had tried countless times and could not? Not to mention she was a weak human.

"You're just a weak human, wench. How can you get the Tetsusaiga when you can barely stand?" he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"It's Sora to you, Sesshoumaru." She smirked as his eyes narrowed. "Don't worry, I have my ways of retrieving the Tetsusaiga. I'm human so I can at least hold the Tetsusaiga. I at least have a chance while you do not." Sora knew that she should not test the demon lord any further if she wanted to escape with her life.

Sesshoumaru was in a fury. `How DARE she talk to me that way?' For a split second, his emotions danced in his eyes as he struggled to keep his temper in check. No one, human or demon, had ever crossed with him. He wondered if he should kill her now or see if she can retrieve the Tetsusaiga first then kill her. He was surprised that she could infuriate him so easily and that fact only served to anger him even more.

He slowly calmed down and held her in an intense gaze. "You will address me as Lord Sesshoumaru." She said nothing for a long while and continued to glare at him so he continued. "What do you want? There must be something you acquire for you to make me this offer."

A small grin could be seen on her face. "In exchange for the Tetsusaiga I want you to free me from this place; that's all."

`That's it?' An exchange for something so simple for something so complicated? He raised his right hand to hers and shook her wrist. He was slightly impressed that she held a strong grip on his hand.

"Deal," was all he said, then he slashed the chains on her hands and feet. She stood up to her full height and repeated his word.

He turned around to walk back outside. He made a decision. `She does have a chance to retrieve the Tetsusaiga. Once she does, I'll make certain that her death comes slowly and painfully. No one defies this Sesshoumaru. No one.'


Sora was still damp as she picked up her master's sword and swung it cleanly through the man's neck, ensuring that he was dead. She slowly bent down to wipe the sword on the man's shirt and picked up the sheath as well. She winced. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding freely. She could heal them now but she didn't want Sesshoumaru of all demons to know that she was a youkai. If he knew then he would surely force her to use her powers and then he would know that she was the last phoenix youkai.

`He can't know.' There had been too many, demons and humans alike, had been after her and she didn't even know why. She would gladly handle all the youkai who bother to fight her, however she did not want to kill when it was not necessary. All she knew was that she had to keep the Western Lord from finding out the truth. Although she did not know how to fully mask her youkai scent, she could at least make her blood smell like a human's. It was one of her best and most useful skills.

Sora followed Sesshoumaru outside, and squinted in the afternoon sun; it had been so long since she had seen sunlight. She put the sword in the sheath as she breathed in deeply. She was glad to be out of that hellhole, to breathe in fresh air and be able to feel the sun's warmth again.

She had seen the bodies that littered the ground but she paid them no heed. She respected the dead but they had killed her village so they would not be forgiven. She could not stop the bitter thoughts that filled her head.


This chapter was revised (again). The next part is also revised.

Fenikkusu Ice