InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The lost puppy ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome had to resist the urge to run, skip and shout all the way home. She was going back to the feudal era happily for the first time in a long time. She couldn't wait to get home, even though it was kind of hard to walk with so many bags in hand. She had coats, new Kimonos, candy, her own personal stash of poky, two gigantic bags of ramen, a tool sharpening kit, three more sleeping bags, and two new book bags (they go through them like wild fire) and a few extra presents for the gang. She had to wobble down the street, her mother having just as hard a time as her, and then lurch up those cursed shrine steps.
After they reached the top of said steps, Kagome wasted no time packing and getting ready to go back. After she stuffed both of the two bags full of the stuff she was taking back, she went to collect Gin. Opening Souta's door, she almost fell on her ass laughing. Before her lay, quite to her amusement, a very pissed looking Gin. Bows, glitter and nail polish adorned the poor puppy's hair and nails.
Shaking her head in amusement, she picked up the little dog, walked down the hall, and locked the bathroom door behind her. She took all the bows out of the bewildered dog's hair, shook off most of the glitter, and filed off the nail polish. Then, she set down the dog and proceeded to turn on the shower to a fairly warm temperature, and disrobed. Into the shower they went, and after washing both her and the dog, they got out of the shower, and toweled off.
Dressing, Kagome looked down at the little pup with wide eyes, because she had almost forgotten her gift. Running down the hall, she made sure that Gin was following and waited until he had started pawing at her before she turned and presented to him a collar made of the lightest (and the most stretchy) fabric she had ever found. She had purchased the tags and everything.
After slipping said collar over his head, Kagome watched in amazement as the little dog morphed into a full grown, fully naked, red eyed Sesshomaru.
“Se-Se-Sesshomaru?!” Kagome asked, a terrified waver in her voice.
But, she received no answer. Instead, Sesshomaru pounced on a very surprised Kagome, who had at this point suffered from a rather comical nosebleed.