InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Loved the Unloved And the Mistaken ❯ Pain to Remember ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two: Pain to Remember
The pain when they prayed for his soul to find peace seeped into my very soul that night. It hadn't really sunk in that he was gone forever. I kept glancing at the door, hoping he would walk in, expecting him to stroll in lazily yelling at her to hurry up so they could go find some more jewel shards.
But he won't come. He's gone forever Kagome. Get a hold of yourself. The tears that knew my face well once again formed at the brim of my eyes. It was going to be tough to get used to Inuyasha dead. If only Shippo hadn't come running up, I could've joined Inuyasha, shown him that he wasn't alone.
“Inuyasha, NOOO!!!” I ran from the bridge and down the river to find him. I needed him, loved him. He had thought he was unloved but was terribly wrong. He was loved by his friends, by Kikyo, by Sesshomaru if only a little, and, by me. If anyone was the unloved one it was me. He showed that to me by leaving me to stand alone on that bridge, breaking his every promise as he tilted over the railing.
There he was, just up ahead. I could feel his aura disappearing as I ran with a newfound urge. I had to save him; it was my turn to play protector. He was my life and I had wanted him to know that for so long, but now I feared it was too late. As I neared him his life force slipped, leaving an empty corpse.
“Inu-ya-sha…” I whispered, hoping he could hear me. There was no response. I tried again, this time a little louder.
“Inuyasha” Still, not a word was heard from the fallen hanyou, the one who defeated the so-called “Immortal Naraku,” the one villagers had claimed could not be defeated. “No…” He couldn't be dead. I had loved him too much for him to die.
“INUYASHA!!!!!” sobs burst from my chest as streams of tears poured from my face to his. “YOU CAN'T LEAVE US! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! INUYASHA!!!” Even after my screaming, he had still not awoken. A barely heard whisper escaped my lips as the pressed to his cheek.
“I love you too much for you to die.”
The Tama resting at my heart grew a pure white, as I knew what I must do. I had seen it clearly. Taking Inuyasha's now useless sword in my hands I held it over my heart, ready to join my beloved.
“Kagome NO!!!” Shippo came bounding up with immense speed as he flung himself at the sword, just as I was to thrust it into my own chest. The force knocked Tetsusaiga out of my hands as Shippo's own tears fell, but not for the hanyou lying at my side motionless.
“Please Kagome, don't leave me. Don't leave me.” Those words had been spoken to me before, but not by the kit. No, those very words were spoken to me by the very person I thought I would have spent the rest of my life with, but I knew it was a dream. A dream that couldn't last. Inuyasha and her could never have been, even though they had cared for one another so deeply, they were from two separate times, two separate worlds, bound together by a magical well.
My eyes glossed over with a deep sadness, I had made the mistake of looking at my fallen hero as my heart shattered. I would just have to wait to be with him in hell. I smiled as tears rolled down my face.
“I won't Shippo. I won't.” Taking one final glance at his now soulless corpse, I walked away with Shippo in hand, just as his body disinigratedand the wind carried his dust away.
~End Flashback~
Sorry it's taken me so long guys. I hadn't been able to find time to write because of schoolwork. Now that I'm in a new school, with less homework, I should be able to post more often.
Thanks for all the reviews guys! Keep them coming!!