InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Makings of a Screwed up Inuyasha Movie ❯ The Day After Valentine's Day ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

<Kagome sits under a tree, looking bored.>

Kagome: I'm so bored.

<Inuyasha is right above her holding flowers and muttering somthing to himself .>

Inuyasha: What can I say to her?

Kagome: Huh? Inuyasha..........

<Inuyasha falls out of the tree.>

Inuyasha: Why you!! "hides the flowers" Kagome I.........

<Kagome walks past Inuyasha and into Kaedes' hut.>

<Shippou, Sango, and Miroku come into the scene.>

Shippou: Give them to her!

Inuyasha: But I'm too nervous!

Sango: You have to, it's the day after Valentine's Day.

Inuyasha: But.............

Miroku: Didn't you see Kagome yesterday?

Inuyasha: UHHH.............NO.........

Shippou: You should've she was so upset!

"Flashback: Kagome sitting under a tree all alone sighing".

(Back to Kagome and Kaede......)

Kaede: You look upset today and I think I know why.

Kagome: "sighs" Today is the day after Valentine's Day and I don't have a valentine.

<Shippou, Sango, and Miroku pushes Inuyasha towards Kagome.>

Inuyasha: But guys I don't know what to say!

Shippou: Are you that stupid?!

Inuyasha: NO!

Sango: Just tell her your feelings!

Inuyasha: But I'm too scared!

<Kagome walks past them.........>

Shippou: There she goes give them to her!

Inuyasha: No! Just give them to her and say they're from Kouga........I'll never be good evough for her.

Miroku: That is true.........

<Sango nudged Miroku.>

<Few minutes later..........>

Shippou: Uh Kagome.....

Kagome: Yes Shippou?

Shippou: Inuyasha wants us to give you these for him.

<Sango hands Kagome the flowers and a card.>

Sango: I had to write the letter for Inuyasha since he was too busy looking for these flowers.

<Kagome reads the letter.>

Letter: Dear Kagome,

Happy Valentine's Day! I should've told you this a long time ago but...........I LOVE YOU!!!

Love ya always Inuyasha.

Kagome: Ohhhh............

Inuyasha: Huh? You gave her the flowers?

Shippou: Yup!

Kagome: Inuyasha thank you for the flowers and the letter!

Inuyasha: Letter? What letter?

Kagome: What?

Inuyasha and Kagome: SANGO!!!

Sango: It wasn't my idea it was Shippou's!

Shippou: WHAT?

Kagome: Oh well I know that Inuyasha still loves me even without telling me.

<Kagome kisses Inuyasha on the cheek.>

<Inuyasha blushes.>