InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Marching Dragons ❯ Homecoming ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Marching Dragons
Chapter Ten: Homecoming
{Disclaimer: As always, I do not own anything in this fic, nothing, gots it?}
Authors Note: Yaye! Another update and so soon, I think it's a record for this fic. Okay, I'm going to let yalls know now I don't know if this is what Homecoming is really like. I've never been. Yeah, a senior and never went to homecoming, ha ha, yeah it's a laugh, shhh. I tried to ask my friends that went and they wouldn't help, okay, so they weren't home when I called, the bastards, love you guys! Anywho, I researched it online and this is what I came up with. If you want a more accurate one I wouldn't be able to update till October. My bf convinced me to go, the ass. Well, hope it's okay, links to see the dresses are below, don't forget to get rid of the spaces, ja.
Kikyou: http:// www. cgi-bin/ large-yahoo-store. cgi?dir= ariela&code =D3009-T
Kagome: http:// www. cgi-bin/ large-yahoo-store. cgi?dir= faviana/spring %202005 &code=5405B
Sango: http:// www. cgi-bin/ large-yahoo-store. cgi?dir= faviana/spring %202005 &code=stars
The door slammed as Inuyasha left to go pick Kikyou up for the dance. I
allowed a small smile to grace my features as I straightened my bowtie. I was going
to get to dance with Kagome. I can't wait to see what dress she's wearing.
Quickly leaving my room I followed Inuyasha's lead, only quieter. By the
time I got to Kagome's house Inuyasha was helping Kikyou into the car. I grimaced
at the dress she wore. A short, not even kneel length dress with no sleeves. It was
light teal with gold ribbon everywhere, not to mention a fringe skirt. It would be a
nice dress if it was longer.
I didn't leave the car until the two of them had left. As I remember Kagome
said it might cause a problem if Kikyou found out she was going too. I knocked on
the Higurashi's door and blinked as Souta opened it. “Sesshoumaru? What are you
doing here? Did I forget something at the park earlier today?”
“No, I'm here for Kagome.”
“Oh, come on in.” I did as was asked and looked down at the boy.
“I did not know you were related to her.”
“She's my half sister on my father's side. She's the nice one. Kikyou doesn't
like me too much.”
“Kikyou doesn't like many people very much from what I've seen.” Souta
giggled at that just as Kagome walked down the stairs. My eyes widened as she came
into view. I liked what I saw, very much.
Kagome's dress was much more tasteful than Kikyou's. It was a lilac floor
length dress with no sleeves. There was a white crystal fastening at the chest and the
dress draped over itself in a few places. It looked absolutely perfect on her.
“You look amazing.” She blushed at that, actually blushed. I don't think I've
ever seen her blush before.
“Thank you.” I took her arm in my own and we left the house to where I had
dinner reservations. I wanted to take her out and do a nice job of it, and being one
of the richest teens in the area helps quite a bit. I parked the car and her eyes lit up.
“Juste le Meilleur? You've got to be kidding me, I cant afford this place.”
“You can't but I can.” I replied as I helped the lady out of the car. “This is
my night to treat you like the lady you are and should be treated.”
“But it's so expensive.”
“It doesn't matter. Come.” I lead her inside and we were taken right to our
table. Dinner was lovely, once Kagome got over her nervousness of the prices that is.
I nearly smiled every time she fidgeted in her seat, or widened her eyes at the prices
on the menu, or came back from the bathroom in awe. Once diner was served
though, she was fine. Maybe the fact that this really was the best restaurant in town
and thus had the best food changed her mind.
We were on our way to the dance not long after she finished her chocolate
torte. Before we even got within a mile of the school we could hear the beat of the
music coming from our destination. Helping Kagome out of the car once again I led her inside the building.
The whole gym area was decorated like a night out on the docks of some
exotic island. Darn, I voted the theme be space, guess I lost. “Gome!” Someone
yelled and ran over before we could even finish walking through the double doors.
Sango and Miroku ran up to us and Kagome gave her friend a hug.
I think I like Kagome's dress much better than all the others, and that's not
being bias. Sango was wearing a copper dress that was as long as Kagome's but with
spaghetti straps. “Sango, you look awesome.”
“Thanks, but look at you. I can't believe it's you, I nearly didn't recognize
you. You look amazing girl.”
“Thanks.” She smiled and continued talking with her friends. Shippou
eventually joined the group and I contributed to the chatter every once in a while. I
did spot Inuyasha at one point. He nodded to me and took Kikyou to the other side
of the room. I wanted Kagome to have a good time and Inuyasha agreed. So he's
going to keep Kikyou away while Kagome has the time of her life. It wasn't long
before the others grew tired of talking and went to dance. Kagome looked at me and
I took her arm.
“Care to dance my lady?”
“Sure.” She smiled sweetly at me and I couldn't help but smile back. “You
look cute when you smile, you should do it more often.” I didn't say anything as I
led her to the dance floor, the smile faded instantly though.
I've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Kagome and I began to dance to the new tune the DJ was playing. She
looked so alluring dancing like no one was watching.
Save me from the nothing I've become
I couldn't help but allow another smile to pass though my defenses. She just
makes be feel so at peace.
Breathe into me and make me real
I started following her lead and ignored the others around me as well. I want
to be just as carefree as she is.
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
I want to be able to be like I was when I was little and my mother was alive.
Don't let me die here
I want to live the life I used to lead.
I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside
I think maybe Kagome will be able to help me in this regard. The song
ended and the DJ put on a slower song. All the other couples around moved in
closer and Kagome looked at me. I haven't touched anyone so closely in so long.
This could be my first step to change.
I smiled a little for Kagome and she smiled brighter. I grabbed her hand and
pulled her close to me and felt her hear rest on my chest. I tensed up a bit but as the
music flowed around us began to dance with her once again.
And through it all she offers me protection
I think I've fallen for this girl in my arms. I could be wrong, after all I
haven't felt anything other than contempt for so long.
I know that life won't break me
I had no reason to feel anything else after my mother died. I looked at her
and the small smile returned. I haven't even smiled in longer than I could remember.
And my pain walks down a one way street
I want to give her a chance. I want to open up to her and let her inside like
no one else has been since my mother passed on.
And I know I'll be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh in my bones
“Will you consider going out with me, as my girlfriend?” She looked at me
for a long moment and didn't say anything.
And when love is dead
“I would love to.”
I'm loving angels instead
I smiled again and held her tighter. “ALL RIGHT IT'S TIME FOR THE
MOMENT YOU'VE BEED WAITING FOR!” A student grabbed the
microphone and I looked down at my girlfriend, ah, that feels nice to say. “IT'S
Everyone cheered and I watched Inuyasha move up to the stage and was crowned.
MOTO!” I didn't vote or expect it to be her.
I took Kagome by the hand and led her outside as the two of them had their
King and Queen dance. Kagome sighed and leaned against the brick wall
surrounding the school. “What's wrong?” I asked.
“I'm just worried for my mother is all. My grandfather said she's getting
worse.” I didn't say anything but leaned against the wall next to her. “I want to visit
her but I don't have the time to.”
“Winter break is coming up fairly soon.”
“Yeah, but not soon enough.” She looked up at the sky and sighed again.
She looked so sad I placed a hand on her shoulder. “I guess I'll just have to wait.
Maybe I'll leave a few days early to return home.” I'm glad she's going to spend the break with her mother, really I am, and I probably won't even miss her.
I pulled her closer to my body and hugged her. “Don't worry about it. Go
when you can and spend as much time with her as possible. I'm sure you mother
will hold out long enough to see you again.”
“Thanks Shou.” She sighed again and I looked into the dark sky filled with
thousands of glittering stars. Winter break isn't too long so I should be fine while
she's away, right?