InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Mark of Brotherhood ❯ Part Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A small whirlwind appeared before them and, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, leaving in front of the two brothers a lone wolf youkai. Behind him could be heard the sounds of his pack following. The wolf smirked a little as he approached and the miko murmured something in her sleep that sounded like “shards” to Sesshomaru's hearing. When the wolf saw the miko and how she slept, however, his smirk turned into a scowl.
“Hey, mutt-face,” he sneered, “what have you done to my woman?”
“She isn't your woman,” Inuyasha growled, his hand reaching for a sword that wasn't at his side. The Tetsusaiga lay next to the miko, within easy reach should Inuyasha need it. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the wolf before him. The youkai had already struck a chord within him, insulting his brother like that. It was time the wolf learned his place around his brother.
“Inuyasha has done nothing to the miko,” he stated coldly. “He fell ill recently and the miko stayed up through the night to care for him.”
“Bah, and why would she do that for a worthless half-breed like him?” he spat.
“Because she loves him,” Sesshomaru responded in the same cold tone. “Something I can say she does not feel for you.”
“Why you . . .”
By this time, Inuyasha had pushed himself to his knees, ready to charge the wolf if necessary. But, from the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru noticed a little more. The way Inuyasha's body trembled, partly in fear but mostly in pain. And he could smell it. This wolf belonged to the tribe that had assaulted Inuyasha. Gently, he grasped his younger brother's shoulder as he stood to his full height.
“What I speak is the truth, wolf. The miko is in love with Inuyasha and he with her. It's been this way for a while. Any fool with eyes can see that.”
“Why would she want that filthy half-breed when she could have me, the leader of the wolf tribe?”
“Filthy half-breed?” Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at the offending wolf youkai. “That is the second time I've heard you insult my brother. Tell me, wolf, if she did love you the way she does Inuyasha, what would you say to your pups? Wouldn't they be filthy, worthless half-breeds as well?”
“What?” He blinked.
“Wouldn't they be filthy, worthless half-breeds as well?” He smirked at seeing the confusion on the wolf's face. Apparently no one had thought of this before. “After all, they would have a human mother and you as their father. What would you say to them if they knew that you called someone like them a filthy half-breed?”
“They wouldn't be filthy half-breeds like Inuyasha,” the other youkai snarled. “They . . .”
“Would be filthy half-breeds in the eyes of all who saw them except for the ones that love them the most,” Sesshomaru interjected. “You, wolf, have no right to lay claim to a female who has rejected you as a potential mate. The miko has made her decision and you will do well to respect it. Now leave. Your scent is making me ill.”
“My scent is making you ill? How do you . . .”
Before the wolf could finish his sentence, Sesshomaru appeared in front of him, his eyes glowing. Immediately, he shrank away.
“You, wolf, smell of those who have violated my brother, robbing him of something very precious, something that can never be given back to him. They have touched royal blood and have shed it, all for the purpose of self-gratification. If you do not wish to die as punishment for their crimes, I suggest you leave now. Or I shall kill you. I swear upon our father's grave, I will.”
As Sesshomaru spoke, a stark realization lit the young tribal lord's face and his stance changed. Immediately, his gaze went from shock to horror to absolute sympathy. His shoulders sagged and his tail drooped, as if he had not been expecting those words.
“So that's why some of them bear that mark,” he murmured. “I had no idea . . .”
“Now you do,” Sesshomaru growled. “Leave. Before I change my mind and kill you where you stand.”
He gave a short, curt nod of his head then looked at Inuyasha.
“I'm sorry, Inuyasha. What they've done is not something we condone among our pack. It is very . . . dishonourable. And I'll take care of it. I promise you that.”
Spinning on his heels, he took off. Sesshomaru waited until he was certain the wolf was gone before returning his attention back to Inuyasha. Quietly, he walked back to his brother, noting how pale he looked and how he held his side.
“I'm going to be sick,” Inuyasha moaned, his head hanging.
'He shouldn't be feeling sick,' he frowned to himself. He placed his hand on his brother's forehead, feeling the heat that had rushed there.
“Shhh,” he soothed, pulling his brother close. “Get some rest, Inuyasha. You shouldn't be pushing yourself too hard. Sleep. I'll be right here, watching over you and your friends.”
“Hai. I promise.”