InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The New Kagome ❯ To the West ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One:
Kagome walked to the west to escape the pain of seeing Inuyasha inform the group that Kikyo was joining the group. She had caught him discussing it with her earlier and couldn't handle the betrayal that she felt. She was going to take Lord Sesshomaru had offered a while back.
Kagome was sitting by a river watching the stars when she heard a twig snap behind her. Grabbing her bow, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and aimed at the forest. “Who's there?” she called. A figure stepped out of the trees and in front of her. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness she identified the figure as… Lord Sesshomaru? “What are you doing here Sesshomaru?” she asked letting her grip on the bow tighten.
“Calm down miko. This Sesshomaru did not come to fight, simply to make a proposition with you” he said in his usual monotone voice. “What kind of proposition?” she asked lowering the bow. “Rin is growing and will need a female mentor to teach her. However, I do not have any human women in my lands, so I would like you to teach her. In return, I will train you to use your powers the to their full extent. What do you say?” he finished. `Well I would get stronger and that would teach Inuyasha, but I can't leave the others… What do I do?' she thought. Finally she said, “I'll think about it.” He nodded. “Very well. When you've made your decision, you know where to find me.” And with that he left.
End of Flashback
When Kagome reached the gates of the Western Lands she looked and gasped. There was a huge beautiful castle and surrounding it were many different gardens. While she was taking in the scenery she failed to notice the InuYoukai guard who was now glaring at her. “Speak. What is your purpose for being here?” he snarled. She jumped at the voice and turned to face the one talking. “Umm…. I have come to speak with Lord Sesshomaru” she squeaked out. “I doubt that Lord Sesshomaru would want to waste his time with a ningen, who is a woman no less” he snorted. “Well, why don't we simply let him make that decision” she retorted, slightly irritated that he would insult her like that. “I believe that I have already informed you. Lord Sesshomaru would not waste his time with such a pathetic being. Leave now” he demanded. “Listen here you little--”she was interrupted by a familiar voice. “Haru, what is all the commotion?” asked the stoic TaiYoukai.
Eyes widening, the demon called Haru bowed low. “My Lord. It is but a human onna. I was getting rid of her because I did not think that you would like to be bothered by such a being, my great Lord Sesshomaru” he told him. (A/N: mumbling what a suck up….) Sesshomaru averted his gaze from the demon groveling before him to the woman in front of him. “Miko, what are you doing in this Sesshomaru's lands?” he questioned. She laughed nervously. “Well… I uh remember that proposition that you offered and wanted to take you up on it” she said moving her gaze to her feet. Sesshomaru looked at her for a while before turning in the direction of the gates. “Very well. Haru, get up” he commanded. Said demon quickly shot up from the ground and opened the gate for Sesshomaru and Kagome. “We shall begin your training immediately” he said without even casting her a glance. `Inuyasha… you will regret the day you ever betrayed me' she thought as she followed Sesshomaru into the castle.
A/N: So? What do you guys think! This came to me while I was drawing a picture of what I thought Kagome should look like. But if I get 4 reviews, then I will write some more. And don't worry; this isn't a Sess/Kags fic. Inu/ Kags pairings but might do one later. C yas!