InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Old Switch-eroo ❯ Mitsuko ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Arigatou for all the reviews. They make me feel so good inside. I am so sorry for not updating this since… well… August! And unfortunately, this chapter will be short. -.-
REMEMBER: When I type `Sesshoumaru' I am referring to Inuyasha in Sesshoumaru's body. When I say `Inuyasha' I mean Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha's body. When I type the real Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha, I use that for their thoughts because it may be too confusing otherwise.
The Old Switcheroo
Chapter 7: Mitsuko
Rin's eyes fluttered open as something wet hit her in the forehead. She sat up and looked about the camp. The boy with the dog-ears was leaning against a tree gazing off into the distance. Kagome, the demon slayer, and monk were all asleep with the neko youkai Kirara watching over them in her larger form. Ah and Uhn were asleep to her left and Jaken was fast asleep as well.
Charcoal clouds loomed above warning of the rain that was sure to come. “I wonder if it will be a storm,” Rin murmured aloud. Inuyasha's ears twitched as he turned his head, golden hues fixating on the child. Silent, he let his gaze linger only for a moment before turning his attention to something else. Rin stood up and went about her morning business of prodding the toad imp awake.
Sesshoumaru opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He picked up the strange scent in the air first. Just like the air smelled before every storm, he could catch the strong scent of water, but there was something else to it he'd never noticed-or been able to pick up-before. It almost tickled his nose. The inu-youkai furrowed his brow in confusion. Was something different in this oncoming storm?
“It's the lightning,” He heard the voice that was normally his say.
“Keh, I knew that.” Sesshoumaru lied leaping from the tree and landing on the ground in front of the hanyou.
Inuyasha was tempted to roll his eyes. “Of course you did, little brother.”
“Hey! Right now, you're the little insignificant half-breed and I'm the cold bastard-of-a-brother full demon.”
“Ano, what's going on?” Kagome murmured slipping from her sleeping bag. She was careful of the sleeping kitsune. It didn't take the young miko long to catch glimpse of the sky. With a soft sigh she smiled lightly to the pair. “Should we wake the others and get beneath some shelter?”
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. He started to cross his arms over his chest before remembering he only had one arm and settled for leaving that one arm at his side. “No. The rest can wake up so we can start getting some jewel shards.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes slightly at the Daiyoukai. Her icy gaze then slid over to Inuyasha who was leaning wordlessly against a tree. “What is wrong with you two?” She demanded folding her arms across her front. “It's like you've become the complete opposites of who you used to be!”
“Does that bother you?” Inuyasha asked with a raised brow.
“Yes it bothers me!” Kagome growled, “People don't just change over night like you two did!” Her foot tapped as she awaited an answer.
Sesshoumaru growled. “I can't believe you! You're supposed to be the closest one to me and you haven't even realized that Sesshoumaru and I have-”
“Damare!” Inuyasha yelled angrily chucking a rock at Sesshoumaru's head. After taking the hit the demon lord rounded on the hanyou.
“What the hell was that for!”
“You were born ignorant, and I can perceive your ignorant disposition will never change.”
Sesshoumaru's face faltered. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Kagome rolled her eyes. Her patience had quickly worn thin. “He said you're stupid Sesshoumaru.”
“Excuse me.” A woman said softly making Sesshoumaru and Kagome nearly jump out of their skin. Where had she come from? The miko and demon lord both turned to face her.
Long ebony lock cascaded down her back like cresting ocean waves. Her eyes were narrower and gold, like Sesshoumaru's, and beneath the rich indigo kimono she wore it was easy to make out her slender frame. And sitting perfectly in the center of her brow was an indigo crescent moon. Kagome, realizing her mouth was slightly agape, snapped it closed and smiled.
“Sorry, you caught me off guard,” The young raven-haired woman said with a nervous laugh. She glanced at Sesshoumaru, but he seemed as dumbfounded as she.
The woman nodded knowingly. She was clearly youkai. “Indeed, you three did seem to be in the middle of something. My name is Mitsuko,” She bowed her head, “And I would be grateful if you would allow me some food.”
“Of course you-”
“No way in hell!” Sesshoumaru yelled interrupting Kagome. He moved to take hold of Tetsusaiga at his hip, only to remember it wasn't there. “She could be one of Naraku's incarnations! Demons don't just show up and ask for food!” He spat.
“Sesshoumaru!” Kagome hissed. “What is wrong with you?”
Inuyasha stared wide-eyed at the newcomer. It was as if he had jumped off the edge of a steep cliff and was now being hurtled through layers and layers of forgotten, buried memories. Her sweet scent filled his senses and he began to tremble. She was dead. How could she be here? She was dead. Dead. But how could anyone else be so much like her without being her? “Mother…” He murmured softly to the winds.
Wow. What a twist? Not to me though. I'd been planning this. It'll sort of mke more sense later on. REVIEW!