InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess ❯ The Stranger In The Wooden Carraige ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Stranger In The Wooden Carriage
(((…Balcony Near Dining Room…)))
Kagome and Inuyasha were talking on the balcony leading from the Dining room. Since there discussion last night, Kagome and Inuyasha have now become great friends and promised to look out for each other.
“Inuyasha, you can't be serious!” exclaimed Kagome laughing
“I'm dead serious, the only way to get back at him was to make fun of him” replied Inuyasha
“But l think you went a little over the top, you dressed him up as a girl, slipped a potion into his drink to make his voice higher, filled his bath tub to make his scent like a woman in heat, hypnotized him to do everything you say and invited every gay man in the kingdom to see him!” Kagome counted of with her fingers
“The bastard deserved every second” Inuyasha said strictly
“Yeah, nobody deserves being embarrassed in front of his people”
“I still haven't told you about the time l called him Fluffy in front of all the Ladies of court” you could practically hear the smirk on his face
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled slapping his arm playfully
“Kagome it was funny, you should have been there”
“Yes, she should have Little Brother, and then she could have seen how l threw your body across the Ball room floor.” Sesshomaru said materializing out of know where.
Inuyasha nearly jumped ten-feet in the air after he heard Sesshomaru speak and then turned 50 shades of red hearing the end of the statement.
“H..hii…hi Sesshomaru” Inuyasha said with a small and scared voice “didn't see you there.”
“That's the point, Little Brother.” Sesshomaru glared at his brother with a stare that could kill the devil.
Kagome, who has been uncharacteristly (?) quiet until now, decided to speak “Sesshomaru, if is not a personal question, but l wanted to know why you do not have a mate?”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Kagome and looked almost jealous that she was now talking to Sesshomaru instead of himself.
“That is a good question, which may interest the highly intelligent population instead of bore the deranged demons, youkai and hanyou.” Sesshomaru said looking at Inuyasha as he said the last past “I am actually in love with a human girl named Rin, but am waiting until she comes of age so l can wed and mat her.” When he said Rin's name you could see a little bit his mouth go up. Only if you had good eye sight.
“I would like to meet Rin someday, she sounds like a lovely girl. If you would excuse me” Kagome commented as she stood up and walked in the Dining room.
“Yeah, and she must be very brave to deal with this jackass” Inuyasha commented under his breath, but it did not go unheard off by his brother, which earned him a dong on the head
“what did l do?” Inuyasha asked rubbing his bruised head
Kagome walked back in time to see Sesshomaru dong Inuyasha on the head and heard his stupid question, so she walked up to him, looked him straight in the eye and smacked him on the side of the head earning a squeak from the hanyou.
(((…Garden Path Towards The Castle Entrance…)))
Inuyasha was muttering curses under his breath and rubbing his breath walking behind Kagome in the garden, but stopped in his rant to sniff the air and let out a growl.
Kagome heard Inuyasha stop and growl so she turned around to see Inuyasha staring at the gate in a defensive stance with his hand on his sword.
“Inuyasha, what is wrong?” Kagome asked the hanyou worried.
That gate opened and a carriage made it's way up the dirt way heading to the castle. You wouldn't call this carriage important or pretty but what made it stand out was it's carefully carved dark mahogany structure and the many beautiful flowers that adorned the top and sides.
A few feet away the carriage came to a holt and the footman jumped of his seat at the back and walked to the flowered door to reveal…
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Cliffy! It's is your decision make on who is in the carriage! Review and tell me who you think it should be!