InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Prophecy ❯ Discription ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys, I just realized I didn't tell you how my characters look like.

InuYumi: Hanyou - Inu Yasha with features that look more like female's, and her eyes are sapphire blue with silver line going through the middle of the eyes.

Human - Exactly like Kagome only with deep blue-purple eyes.

Natsu: Like Sango. Only her hair has magenta streaks and she has a light pink lipstick on all the time.

Fushigi: Sess with black hair. ( Hard to imagine eh?)

Kaze: Kouga with green eyes.

Sou: Miroku with a purple bang.

Shippou: Like Shippou (Duh!) only older.

I hope that explains it if not I'll try to draw and post them soon.