InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ A Heartfelt Rescue ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14: A Heartfelt Rescue
“Is this it?” Shippou asked, as he, Sango, and Miroku looked down in the valley towards the small bridge across the cataclysm in the distance.
“Yes, that's it,” replied Lady Sango. Ever since they had departed one day ago, she threw aside her gowns and wore what she called her “battle armor”—a leather suit with demon hide protective pads—that covered most of the body, and separated into two legs instead of a skirt; scandalous clothes for a lady of her status. She also brought with her the most curious weapon, a giant boomerang made of compressed demon bone. One that she assured both that she had wielded since she was a child.
While Shippou didn't really have an opinion on her attire, Miroku's violet eyes had nearly bugged out of their sockets when he saw her dressed as thus. Though he liked women in skirts, he had to agree that this outfit greatly suited women as well—it showed off their feminine curves to the best advantage.
Of course, when he said that, he was slapped once more by Lady Sango, but none there could have said it wasn't expected.
Jumping down from his horse, Miroku began to unsaddle it. “Well, we should probably get rid of these.”
Shippou gave him a questioning look. “What do you mean, Miroku?”
“He's right,” agreed Sango, jumping down as well and beginning to unhook their saddlebags. “Those horses won't be able to go over the bridge. It would be better to let them go. We'll have to go on foot until we find more horses in the Midlands.”
After a while of freeing the horses from their saddles and retrieving their supplies, they set off once more for the bridge. As they came to the cliff where it was hung on by a few tattered looking ropes and old wooden poles, it was clear that crossing this bridge would be no easy task. “Are…are you sure this is the only way?” the fox asked, hiding behind Miroku's ear.
“Yes, this is the closest way to getting into the Midlands,” the monk replied. “The only other way would be to go around the canyon, and we don't have the time for that.”
Eyeing the molding planks, Shippou asked, “But…is this safe?”
“We'll soon find out,” Lady Sango replied, reaching into one of her saddlebags, pulling out a rope and a hook. Stepping forward, she swung the hook above her head, before letting it loose, allowing it to catch on one of the wooden poles on the other side of the gorge. Tugging on it slightly to check, she handed the rope to her companions. “If the bridge fails, at least we have something to keep us from falling to our deaths. Hopefully, those poles will hold if that happens.”
She went first, carefully treading across the first plank of the bridge, looking down to see the swirling water below. She did not show fear as she kept a tight grip on the rope, along with the ropes of the bridge that held it up. Shuffling forward slowly, she moved at a slow pace, testing each plank before setting her weight on it.
Watching her go boldly on, Miroku followed her example, carrying their supplies on his back as he carefully treaded the bridge. After seeing that Miroku and Sango had made it halfway across and were both fine, Shippou panicked and ran after them, the bridge easily holding his weight, but his running in combination with the bridge making it rock gently back and forth.
Noticing its swaying in the bridge, Sango whipped her head back, the ponytail she put her dark hair in flying as she shushed to the fox demon, “Stay still!” He did as she obeyed at once, standing up and tall as the wind continued to make it sway.
No one moved as the wind picked up speed, the rocking back and forth becoming wilder. “Hold on!” Miroku bellowed, while all grabbed the ropes of the bridge in a death grip, Shippou shivering with fear as the wind continued to whip them back and forth, jostling them all on this ride.
It was like the Midlands was testing them, trying to keep them from going any further. The rope of the bridge began to turn tighter, and from her viewpoint, Sango could see that the ropes would snap if this continued any longer. “Shippou, transform, get off the bridge!” she yelled, the little fox confused by her orders, before transforming into a rather ugly and fat bird at once, soaring away as the swaying continued.
Glancing back at Miroku, Sango ordered, “Monk, hurry! We have to get off before it breaks!”
Deciding not to hold on any longer, Sango let go of the ropes holding the bridge up while running towards the other side. But just as she neared the sweet, solid ground again, the bridge bucked, and with a scream, she was sent flying backwards.
But, as luck would have it, she fell into a strong body and a pair of arms that caught her. For a moment, Sango remained stunned as Miroku asked, “Are you all right, Lady Sango?”
A blush sprouted on her face as she spoke, “Yes…thank you, Lord Monk,” while removing herself from his hold. With another few and quick steps, she was off the bridge, and could have kissed the green grass beneath her.
Miroku, after a few stumbles came as well, just as the wild wind calmed down, leaving the bridge swaying gently as before. All three watched it return to its normal movement, their hearts returning to their normal pace as it finally stopped.
Retrieving her rope, Sango spoke, “It's lucky that didn't break; we wouldn't have been able to get back if it didn't hold.”
“Yes, but all the same, it would have prevented some youkai from coming and attacking the Human Lands for a while, don't you agree?”
Miroku's statement was a bit odd for the ordeal they had just experienced, but all the same, they nodded anyway, turning towards the new land they had just entered in.
Sniffing the air, Shippou spoke, “There is a peaceful scent here…Like a place out of a dream…” But after he said it, the fox frowned and continued, “But against that scent, there's another, of bloodshed…But, how can that be? How can a peaceful place like this have suffering?”
“I suppose we'll find out soon enough,” the monk replied, gazing at the miles of grassy plain before them. He turned back to Lady Sango, and grinned, “Shall we, My Lady?”
“After you, Lord Monk,” she replied, making him shrug and take the lead, as they all took their first steps into the Midlands, and a new adventure.
But far away, a woman sitting on a floating feather watched them, folding a fan and tucking it away. “I tried to warn them,” Kagura shrugged, turning and flying back towards the Human Lands.
* * * * * * * *
They did indeed find out what the scent meant soon enough. Two days after they had walked into the new territory, they fully realized the hidden terror of the peaceful Midlands.
Like usual, they all walked together in the mornings, continuing towards the west, and the Demon Lands, when Shippou suddenly stopped, sniffing intently. “There's a scent on the wind,” he spoke, continuing to sniff.
“What scent?” Miroku asked, turning towards their small companion.
“It's the scent of blood,” the small fox said gravely, turning towards the distance. “It's fresh…and that way…”
Both Miroku and Sango glanced at each other. “We should probably check it out,” the monk said, turning to the exterminator, who nodded.
The took off in the direction Shippou led, them, the little fox leading the way through a small forest of trees. When they came out on the other side, they gasped at what they saw.
A small village that had been living happily a day before was massacred. Blood spattered the dirt and the huts, with people in contorted, painful positions lay dead in the grass. Some looked as if they had died screaming, and writhing in agony, while others looked like they had been slashed dead quickly by sharp claws.
Sango gasped and stepped back a moment at seeing the total destruction done to all; human and demon alike. The provocation of the attack was revealed in the one, small body lying at the center of the village. A small girl, with jet black hair and ears on top of her head lay with slash marks all over her, some having been put there right after she had died. Her blood blossomed around her like a wreath, while the only one at her side was a small, white dog, cut down while protecting her.
Lady Sango seemed to have to take a moment to recover after seeing what had happened to this small hanyou girl, her eyes filling with tears. Miroku sighed and walked up to her, hiding the sick feeling in his gut at the murder of this one girl. “They attacked the village because they harbored this hanyou girl…demons who couldn't understand.”
“No,” Shippou spoke softly, sniffing the air. “It wasn't demons. It was…humans.”
“Humans?” Sango gasped; it was nearly impossible thinking that humans would do something this cruel.
“Whether it is demons or humans, none of them understand this way of life, or tolerate it,” the monk finished, turning back to his two companions. “We will be delayed a little while. We will have to build graves.”
Sango nodded, walking up to join him, trying to recover quickly. “Yes, we should.”
As they did their duty to the dead, the innocent villagers slaughtered in cold blood, Miroku glanced back on the plains with the peaceful scent. “With all the border disputes, the Midlands will never fully be a peaceful land until it is decided whose it is…until they are strong enough to stop things like this from happening.”
Placing wildflowers on the graves of the dead, and a whole bouquet on the hanyou girl's and her faithful pet, buried with her, Sango glanced up at the sky and retorted, “No…it may not be the border disputes at all. Perhaps it is just the Human Lands and the Demon Lands rejecting to the Midland's way of life—humans and demons living together, in peace.”
* * * * * * * *
The tall towers of the ancient palace stood in the distance, getting closer as Inuyasha ran towards it, scowling the whole time. There it was, the palace of the Demon Lands, surrounded (as usual) by several guards, most of them from the dog demon clan, the clan King Sesshoumaru was from.
Usually, guards barred the gates from anyone attempting to enter the castle unless they had special permission, but when they caught sight of Inuyasha, his face in a determined sour look, they looked surprised for a moment, until they stood aside. “Welcome back, Prince Inuyasha,” they spoke in a regal voice.
“Shut up,” he growled back at them as he passed into the gates, standing still for a moment as the unpleasant smells he knew from long ago washed over him. He never liked this place, even when he first came to it as a child. His father, the Inu no Taisho, had come to the village just after his mother died and promised to take care of him. Wanting somewhere to belong now that his mother was gone, Inuyasha had agreed.
Little did he know that meant living alone in a place full of demons that scorned him, with a brother that despised him for what he was and several other reasons, hardly seeing his father, because he was always dealing with small rebellions within his country.
He had loathed this place, and after he left, he hoped he would never have to come back. But unfortunately, fate was none too kind. Pushing through the large doors, Inuyasha hoped that at least, this visit would take as little time as possible.
Unlike the Human Lands, which screamed elegance with as much decoration as possible, the palace of the Demon Lands had elegance in a different way, by giving a simple, plain theme to each room. As Inuyasha stormed through the black marble entrance hall, with demon courtiers from all different clans staring at him and not recognizing the brother of their king, wondering why a lowly hanyou had just entered the palace without being introduced.
Not taking notice of anyone, the hanyou continued to march through, towards the throne room where Sesshoumaru's scent was coming from. As he neared the golden doors, a weak weasel demon tried to stop him. “You, hanyou! You can't just march in here and demand an audience with His Majesty.”
Giving that demon his scariest glare, Inuyasha snarled, “I think you'll find that I can.”
And with that, he burst through the doors into the ornate, sunlit chamber, to see King Sesshoumaru himself lounging on the large throne, without the slightest surprise on his face.
“Bastard,” Inuyasha snarled, his first word of greeting.
Glaring back, Sesshoumaru replied, “I do believe you are referring to the wrong one of us, Inuyasha.”
The king looked like Inuyasha had remembered, still as smug as ever with the marks of his clan on his face, the same amber eyes and silver hair that he had inherited from their father. But Sesshoumaru had a demonic elegance and grace, and had a way of positioning himself that demanded respect.
However, that did not work on Inuyasha. For a few moments, both brothers stared at each other. While Inuyasha noticed how being a king seemed so natural to his older brother, Sesshoumaru took notice of how his little brother wore the emblem of the Human Lands so proudly on his shoulder. “In the service of humans, are you, Inuyasha? I didn't think even you would sink that low.”
“Oh, quit the act, Sesshoumaru! I know you've had spies tailing me ever since I left this stinking Hell. Don't tell me you don't know what I've been up to.” Inuyasha added a little growl at the end of his insults, but that didn't phase the demon lord one bit.
The king added smoothly, “Father made me promise to look after you, of course I am going to fulfill his wish.”
Inuyasha snorted, “There is a difference between `looking after' me and spying on me for your own enjoyment, Sesshoumaru.” But he also knew another reason why it was imperative that his brother keep an eye on him. Because Sesshoumaru had not yet chosen a queen, Inuyasha was, by default, the prince and royal heir to the Demon Lands. Though Sesshoumaru hated thinking that he may one day be succeeded by an illegitimate hanyou, he had no choice but to make sure he knew where he was, just in case.
Rolling his eyes and turning away, as if looking at him was hard on his eyes, Sesshoumaru asked, “I can't imagine you coming all this way to see me, little brother. What is it that you want?”
Stomping towards him, the hanyou demanded, “I know you've had spies wandering around the Human Lands. Tell me everything you know, right now.”
Sesshoumaru scoffed, “I don't know what you're talking about, hanyou.”
Growling, Inuyasha explained, “Lord Onigumo's death. That dragon kidnapping Kagome. There is something fishy going on here, and I know you know about it. There is something bigger behind this, and you are going to tell me what it is!”
Casually looking annoyed by his brother's tirade, Sesshoumaru asked, “Why should I share this precious information with my little brother?”
Stepping forward, the hanyou shouted, “Come on, isn't it obvious? If I don't find her, the humans are going to want someone to blame. And because you have such a reputation for your treatment of humans, try and guess who they're going to lay the blame on.”
Sesshoumaru sighed once more, clearly feeling like this matter was of no use to him, yet nonetheless, spoke clearly, “The night their Lord Onigumo was killed, there was a strange demonic power in the air. There is also some wind witch, Kagura, who decided to humor me with boasts of her power. It is clear she is working for someone.”
“Kagura…” Inuyasha thought a moment. “I've seen her before. She is after the Shikon no Tama.”
“I thought so,” replied Sesshoumaru. “The dragon you said kidnapped the princess, was it a blue and white dragon?”
“Yes,” Inuyasha nodded. “That was it.”
That information seemed to make the king uneasy for a moment, as he furrowed his brow in thought. However, he explained anyway, “The dragon you are looking for is Ryuukossei, and lives in a cave by a ridge. Follow the river and eventually you'll catch up with its scent. It probably took the princess there.”
Without even bothering with a thanks, Inuyasha turned to leave and go rescue Kagome, but his brother stopped him. “Wait a minute, little brother. Didn't you also want the Shikon no Tama? Is that why you are going after the princess?”
Glaring back at him, the hanyou retorted, “I am going after her because I protect her, and it is my sworn duty. I keep my promises.”
Smirking slightly and leaning back on his throne, Sesshoumaru replied, “Yet all the same, you are a hanyou in service to a human. Do you have any amount of pride at all in the small amount of demon blood that you have?”
Clenching his fists, Inuyasha's eyes narrowed dangerously, as his voice deepened in seriousness. “I am half human, but I am also half demon, Sesshoumaru. I can have loyalty to both sides. But if it is a choice between loyalty to Kagome, and loyalty to you, I'd choose loyalty to her any day.”
With that, he stormed out, leaving Sesshoumaru behind, with a pensive look in his eyes. There is no way my little brother would take such risks for one woman, unless he had some attraction to her…
But then is amber eyes narrowed, deep in thought. But the dragon he described is Ryuukossei…which I thought father killed years ago…
* * * * * * * *
It was the dead of night by the time Inuyasha reached the cave of the dragon, Ryuukossei. The cave was on a high cliff, with no way of getting to it but scaling the cliff face. Climbing up rock after rock, his strength was found when he caught Kagome's scent on the wind.
Don't worry Kagome, I'm almost there! he thought, hoisting himself up onto the edge, looking into the deep mouth of the cave where Kagome's and the dragon's scents emitted. Pulling out Tessaiga, he slowly marched in, keeping his eyes open for any sign of movement.
He heard a shuffle in the dark corner, and immediately, his hands tightened around his sword, waiting for Ryuukossei to make the first move. But then he heard a completely different sound, the sound of a soft female voice saying, “Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha's heart nearly stopped at that sound, as he lowered his sword, “Kagome?” Without a second thought, he ran where he heard her, eventually seeing her lying against the stone wall, her silk nightgown and robe dirty and tattered, with dirt all over her face. She was hunched over, like she was cold, but her eyes, when he saw them, he could see the hope she had held on to these past days, waiting for him to come.
“Inuyasha…” she breathed, almost unbelieving what she was seeing was real when he knelt down next to her, to see if she was okay. “You came for me…”
All he could do was smile back his heart finally felt at peace, “I said I would protect you, and I won't let anything like this happen again.”
Tears formed in her eyes at the words, and for a moment, Kagome looked at him, on the verge of breaking and falling into his arms…something she had wanted to do for those ten, horrible days…
But instead clinging to her sense of propriety she knew as a princess, she closed her eyes and shut her tears out for a moment before whispering back, “We have to get out of here…that dragon will be back any moment, and—”
“Yeah, come on,” Inuyasha stood up, and offered a hand to her, which she took. He put his arm around her to help her out as they headed for the entrance. But just as the cliff formed in sight, there was an ungodly shriek as Ryuukossei dived towards them from the sky. Both hanyou and human stumbled back as the dragon landed inside the cave, the great boom echoing off all the walls.
“Get behind me!” Inuyasha yelled to Kagome, who did what he said as he pulled out Tessaiga once more. Ryuukossei charged, his white and blue body a blur as it flew towards him, Inuyasha barely slashing back in time. Outraged, the dragon flew back, hitting a wall before turning and flying towards him again. This time Inuyasha was ready as it came towards him, swinging Tessaiga full force.
But even though it seemed like Inuyasha had made a hit, it didn't phase the dragon as it continued to whirl overhead. The hanyou expected it to head towards him again, but instead it flew around him, and then aimed straight for Kagome.
She screamed and shrunk back as the dragon came, with his large talons ready to strike. Inuyasha ran towards her, swinging the sword once more, yelling, “Kagome!”
But what happened was a surprise to both of them.
A golden light flashed from Tessaiga erupting from the sword and heading straight for Ryuukossei. Both hanyou and human were awestruck as the light enveloped the dragon, who writhed in pain while being thrown back deeper into the darkness of the cave. At last, when the light faded, all was silent.
Both stared and caught their breaths for a moment, hearing nothing more from where Ryuukossei had been blown back. Finally, Inuyasha sheathed Tessaiga and turned to the princess. “Come on,” he said, helping her up. “We have to get out of here and find somewhere safe.”
But as they both left the cave together, silently overjoyed they had found one another again, there was a slight stir of movement coming from the depths of the dark cave…
* * * * * * * *
“Here,” Inuyasha whispered, offering Kagome a drink of water from the stream not too far away from the cave. She quietly sipped, glad for the cool refreshment it offered. “Are you hungry?” He asked, indicating to the fish that swam in the stream.
Kagome shrugged, “A little.”
Surprised by what she said, Inuyasha asked, “A little?”
“I was able to survive in that cave,” she explained. “Though I couldn't get out of there because the cliff was too steep, there was a small creek in the very back, and that dragon—Ryuukossei, you called him—always brought raw meat back, but wouldn't eat all of it. So it wasn't hard to feed myself when he was gone…Perhaps he was doing it on purpose, making sure I would survive for however long it took.”
The hanyou nodded, conferring, “It was definitely a kidnapping, but if he didn't do anything once he had you, I wonder why he did it…It doesn't really make any sense…” But the thought of it plus the odd occurrences lately was too much to think about right now. Kagome was back, and that's all that mattered. He turned away, back towards the stream, “Well, I'll catch some fish anyway, if you don't want it, I'll eat it.”
But before he could reach in the cool water to catch anything, he felt two warm arms wrap around his waist from behind. Inuyasha stiffened instantly as he felt Kagome lean her head against his back, smiling. “Thank you for saving me.”
A huge, red blush grew on his face as he stammered, “It's…it's no big deal…I mean…I did promise to protect you, after all…”
Though Kagome knew she should be insulted because of that, she only smiled at his bashfulness, she knew him to well now. She knew he wasn't good with his words. Smiling once more, she said, “Thank you anyway,” before releasing him, her heart beginning to race as much as his was.
Later, as Inuyasha watched over Kagome as she slept, wrapped in his tunic for warmth, he smiled slightly, remembering the warm feeling he felt when she hugged him.