InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ Discoveries ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 15: Discoveries
Back at the palace of the Human Lands, word had finally been sent overnight by one of King Sesshoumaru's demon subjects that was graced with incredible speed. Like always, the aloof king of the Demon Lands had little to say, but he did assure those in the Human Lands that their princess had indeed been rescued.
Hearing that news caused a great relief and broke the tension that had haunted the palace ever since the princess went missing nearly two weeks ago. She was safe, and, as King Sesshoumaru told them, in the hands of her knight protector, who was bringing her back as they read.
The dowager queen had finally emerged from her bedroom, having held herself within it ever since her daughter had been kidnapped, not wanting to see anyone. Once her worries and fears had been put to rest, however, she went back to face the public once more.
And her first act was to look into the case of Kagome's possible new betrothal.
“So, you came all the way from the West to inquire about Kagome, Lord Naraku?” the queen asked skeptically, wanting to hear what he said before fully believing him.
Naraku, a handsome man with long, brown hair and curious maroon eyes, and a seductive smile, nodded. “I had heard her most recent betrothal had been broken, so I came to offer up my services.” Naraku wore the clothes of a noble lord, yet he wore a dark, black cape as well, that swished as he walked and gave him an odd look for his appearance of innocence.
The queen was no fool; she knew better than to take his word for it just based upon that. “Services meaning you were going to do the country a favor, instead of acting for your own gain?”
Lord Naraku didn't even flinch at her statement, regarding the woman carefully with his maroon eyes. “Your Highness, I do believe I sent a reasonable settlement—”
“Yes, it's reasonable enough; it could pay the full dowry of ten women, but surely it is nothing compared to what you would receive in return,” Pausing for a moment, the queen's eyes narrowed slightly as she regarded him, and then asked, “I have never seen you before at court Lord Naraku, so forgive me if I am a bit frank with you, but I would like to know why you never sought out the court of Kagome until this time?”
Blinking slightly, Naraku replied, “I never came to court because it never suited me, Your Highness. Besides, I did not have the money that I could offer up as a settlement for the princess' betrothal. I was just a friend of Lord Onigumo, until that dreadful accident—”
“The accident was dreadful indeed,” the queen replied, remembering the Onigumo accident which had originally been the reason Kagome's betrothal had been broken. “So where do you get the wealth that you claim you did not have before?”
A sad smile came on Naraku's face, though his eyes remained as seductive as ever. “Onigumo willed it to me, Your Highness, since he was quite without an heir. I took over his estates, and then decided to act upon what has always been my greatest wish—”
“Your greatest wish is to marry Kagome?”
Naraku's smile returned, although it appeared more sinister in the dim light than friendly. “You could say that…”
Turning away for a moment, while still interrogating him, the dowager queen asked, “Ironic, isn't it? That the time you came for Kagome, she was already gone, kidnapped in fact…”
Sighing, like a man disappointed, Naraku began in smooth, sugary tones, “Yes, it was a terrible thing to happen at a time like this, and I cannot say I am not worried about her…At least now she has been rescued, but I hope she gets back safely…”
“So we should all hope,” the queen nodded, agreeing.
Daring the question, Naraku asked, “Do you find me a suitable betrothal, or shall I answer more questions first?”
He said it with an air of humor, but the dowager queen faced him once more, serious. “We shall see,” she replied. “However, I cannot answer for Kagome; and especially not when she is in a situation like this. But, Lord Naraku, you may remain in the palace until she returns.”
Bowing low towards the dowager queen, Naraku smiled widely once again. “I understand, Your Highness, though I cannot wait until I meet my—beloved.”
His statement made the queen give him a curious look, but she dismissed it as the lord left her presence chamber, leaving her in peace once again. Lord Naraku was indeed a strange man, and one that she was wary of, but perhaps would he finally be the man to end Kagome's struggles for a husband?
The door to her room opened up again, this time brining in Lord Bankotsu. He had seemed to come with great haste, since his black braid was swinging behind him, and his blue eyes looked frantic. “What is it, Lord Banktosu?” the queen asked, suddenly worried. “Is it news about Kagome?”
Bankotsu shook his head. “I'm sorry Your Highness, but we still have heard nothing…But your cousin and his daughter just arrived, and were anxious to see you.”
Disappointed, the queen nodded, “Send them in.”
Bankotsu bowed, and soon only one came to see her. A young woman dressed in an expensive red gown, with long black hair and dark eyes; her cousin's eldest daughter Kikyou. Like a loyal subject, she bowed to her before rising up once again, giving all respect to her father's cousin as if she was still a queen instead of a dowager. “Father went to his rooms,” Kikyou explained in a calm, soft voice. “I think the ride was hard on him.”
“Not too hard, I should hope,” the dowager queen answered, smiling back. “But why did you and your father come all this way on short notice?”
Kikyou paused a moment before replying, “We heard about Kagome…I was worried…especially since a demon was the one that took her away.”
“You can rest easy,” the queen assured her, “We received word from King Sesshoumaru that Kagome was successfully rescued, her knight protector Inuyasha has already taken her back.”
At the mention of that, Kikyou's normally dark, cold eyes went wide in surprise. She kept silent, but the queen could have sworn she saw her mouth `Inuyasha…'
“Kikyou?” the queen asked, curiously. “Are you all right?”
“Oh—yes.” Kikyou replied at once, letting nothing else slip a second time. “But what exactly happened? After her sickness, why would anyone want to attack her?”
The queen sighed. “We're not really sure…We think it's a plot by renegade demons that are unhappy with our country, but there is always a possibility that it was a planned kidnapping in hopes to force the Human Lands to bend to the kidnapper's will—”
But Kikyou stopped listening when she felt like someone was watching her…the feeling of eyes boring into her back, with a grin hidden beneath them…the very same feeling she had months ago…The same feeling of those eyes…But, that was impossible!
She turned sharply towards the doorway, where she saw the door was open a crack, but…no one was there, watching her. Sighing in relief, Kikyou figured it was her imagination, because it was impossible that after his death, Lord Onigumo would be here, wasn't it?
* * * * * * * * *
Kagome gasped as she looked up at the large palace of the Demon Lands, taking in the mighty fortress that Inuyasha had led her too. Unlike the palace of the Human Lands, built for beauty, this one was clearly built for strength, and had certainly passed the test of time. It's weathered but still strong battlements stood high and proud, daring anyone to try and take the castle.
Inuyasha noticed the princess staring at the castle. “Keh. It's intimidating the first time you see it, but it gets boring after a while.”
Turning back to him, Kagome asked, “Are you sure this is a good idea? I know that the Human Lands and Demon Lands are at peace, but asking King Sesshoumaru for help?”
“Don't worry,” the hanyou assured her, turning away and setting his eyes back in a glare as he looked upon where he had once lived in childhood. “He'll definitely help; he won't refuse this.”
“How do you know?” Kagome demanded skeptically. “You sound like you know him.”
He paused for a moment, before muttering, “You'd be surprised…” Leading her on, he ordered. “Come on, it'll be safer for you once we get you inside, Sesshoumaru won't let anyone who would think of killing you into his palace.”
Trusting him, Kagome nodded and followed Inuyasha towards the gate, but she stared at the expanse of silver hair being blown across his back as she followed, wondering the same question over and over. But how does he know King Sesshoumaru?
Her answer was given shortly, as the guards of the gate, all dog demons, stood aside for the hanyou and spoke in unison, “Enter, Prince Inuyasha.”
Kagome's eyes bugged out of her head and her jaw dropped to the ground. “Prince Inuyasha?” What was going on?
Glancing back at her, the hanyou sighed. “Yeah, Sesshoumaru's my brother. Well…half brother, actually.”
She was still dumbstruck, rapidly processing the thought that her handsome knight protector she had known for but a month was King Sesshoumaru's brother and a prince of the Demon Lands. “But…why didn't you ever tell me!”
Deciding he didn't want to get into it right now, Inuyasha sighed, “It's not a part of my past I don't like to remember,” and with that, walked through the large doors of the castle, Kagome following behind, wondering the implications of his last statement.
It was late night, since they had spent all day getting to the palace, and the hallways were deserted. Inuyasha was glad; he preferred it that way, and it would be better for Kagome if few knew she was there. But walking through the black marble hall, they met up with a small, insignificant demon.
It looked like a little green toad, carrying with it an extremely large staff for its size. The creature's green eyes narrowed for a moment, before glaring at Inuyasha. “So, back, are you half-breed? And look, you even brought your bitch with you.”
At that moment, a bright blush grew on Inuyasha's face, while Kagome's turned red with fury. “I beg your pardon!” she roared, even making the demon Jaken suddenly loose his nerve.
Deciding to stop her before she got too far, Inuyasha hastily explained, “He doesn't mean it like that, Kagome…dog demons just call their mates `bitches'…it's a…a term…” If possible, his blush grew deeper as one sprouted on Kagome's face as well.
“Oh…” For some reason, those words made her heart thump quickly in her chest for a moment as she turned away, unable to look into those golden eyes anymore.
“And by the way, you nosy toad, she isn't.” Inuyasha pointed out to Jaken before turning away and heading towards the throne room, where Sesshoumaru was bound to be. “But we have to see Sesshoumaru, so I don't have time to shred you.”
Both Kagome and Inuyasha were still blushing slightly as he threw open the golden door, his eyes staring right back into his brother's. Kagome's first impression of Sesshoumaru was the most handsome man ever on earth; obvious he was Inuyasha's brother since he had the same silver hair and amber eyes. This only made her curious as to what their father must have looked like. But his face, with the purple stripes and blue moon mark of his clan, was cold, and made her certain that no matter how handsome he was, he was probably a distant man.
Though Inuyasha was ready to fight with his brother, as always, Sesshoumaru, however, got in the first word. “Back already? That's sooner than I thought it would be.”
“Keh!” was the only reply Inuyasha gave before answering, “Anyway, that dragon's dead, you don't have to worry about it disturbing the peace in your precious kingdom anymore.”
Golden eyes turning to Kagome, Sesshoumaru spoke, “I see you rescued Princess Kagome as well…you have nearly outdone yourself, Inuyasha.”
“Will you—!”
But Kagome cut in, stepping forward and curtsying (as much as she could in her ripped nightgown and robe) towards the king. “Inuyasha told me it was you that helped him find me, so I would like to thank you, Your Majesty.”
The hanyou was lost in his thoughts watching Kagome bow towards his brother. The image was enough to set him on edge. “What are you thanking him for? He didn't give a horse's ass—”
“You are welcome, Princess Kagome,” Sesshoumaru replied, bowing slightly towards her, though not as deep since she was, after all, a princess to his king. Though he didn't really care of not if she was welcome, he gave her respect as etiquette in his position called for.
Now Inuyasha was really annoyed. “Will you two stop that already?”
Turning back to his younger brother, Sesshoumaru glared, “Perhaps if you tried to follow the rules of society, you would have more friends, little brother.”
“Shut up!”
“However, put aside your temper tantrum for a moment and listen to me, hanyou. It is odd, since I was sure Father killed Ryuukossei years ago. How could he still be alive?”
“Keh,” the hanyou muttered. “He was alive all right, but I took care of him. He isn't getting up anymore, I'm sure of that.”
Sesshoumaru thought on this for a moment, before his amber eyes turned back to Kagome. “I'm sure the reason will be revealed later. However, there is the matter of you traveling back to the Human Lands with its princess in tow. You do realize, that there will be many demons coming after her if word gets out of the situation.”
“It doesn't matter, I'll protect her!” Inuyasha asserted, making Kagome's heart flutter slightly to hear his words.
Rolling his eyes, the demon king spoke, “All the same, I do not want a war on my hands. I can offer you shelter for the night at least, since night in the Demon Lands is the time when you will find yourself in most danger.”
Once again, Kagome said formally, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“It is only due for the monarch of another country,” Sesshoumaru explained, standing up from his throne and walking towards the two. “You can have the fine room in the north wing; it is relatively secluded, to avoid any dangerous situations. Inuyasha…your old room is empty, as usual. No one wants a room a hanyou once used.”
But instead of accepting this offer, Inuyasha growled and stepped in front of the princess, “No. I'm staying with Kagome.”
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. “To watch over her?”
“To protect her!”
Glancing between both of them, Sesshoumaru replied after a moment's hesitation, “Yes…to protect her. I see. Very well, you may also take up a room there, little brother, but my hospitality has already reached his limit.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Kagome replied formally, before Inuyasha, growling, grabbed her and dragged her away from his older brother.
“Inuyasha!” she yelled, jerking out of his grip once they were out of the throne room. “What is your problem?”
My problem?” he growled. “What's with you being all formal and such to him?”
Kagome huffed, folding her arms in annoyance, “Whether you like him or not, he is a king, Inuyasha. And kings need to be treated with respect.”
“A bastard like him doesn't deserve respect,” the hanyou muttered, setting off in the direction of the north wing, making a sour faced Kagome follow behind. Though she tried to stay angry, she couldn't help but notice that despite the narrow, tall hallways of the palace, built for strength, there existed a simple beauty here, with minimal, yet elegant tapestries of king's of old.
The rooms in the north wing were unlocked, so they chose the closest one they found and walked in, shutting the door firmly so they could have some privacy. “Why do you always act like this? What do you have to prove to the world, anyway?” Kagome muttered as she walked past him, causing him to freeze momentarily at her words.
But an instant later, he had a comeback for her lashing retort, “Look, Kagome, someone like him doesn't deserve respect from me. He's hated me ever since he found out I existed.”
That caused her to pause for a moment, then slowly turn back to him, with curious and pitying eyes. “Why?”
Sighing, Inuyasha decided it was time to tell her the whole story. He sat down on one of the couches in the room, staring at the floor. Kagome sat next to him, looking worried at his sudden change of expression. Then he began, “I lived in the Midlands with my mother until she died, but…she promised me that if anything happened to her, then my father would come and take me away with him, so I would always be taken care of.”
“But your father…”
“Was the king of the Demon Lands,” Inuyasha finished. “He met her on some campaign to the Midlands…a long time ago, but it was only about fifty or so years after his mate had died—”
“ `Mate',” Kagome asked, having heard the term before, but not quite understanding it. “Like…his wife?”
Glancing back at her, his amber eyes meeting her brown, Inuyasha explained, “Something like that,” But when soft pink blushes graced both of their faces, they turned away once more. “Anyway, she was dead, and newly dead by demon standards, but he met my mother, and…”
Smiling slightly, Kagome finished, “Then you came along.” Pausing for a moment, she added, “He must have loved your mother and you, to make such a promise like that.”
“No one here wants to believe it,” he added quickly. “But it was probably true. Father's first mate was taken to unite the two dog demon clans…and when she died, he didn't seem to care…But mother told me he wanted to take her as his second mate, but the laws wouldn't allow it…” he couldn't help it, but just kept rambling on, hardly realizing what he was saying, “Because of what they were, and their differences in status—”
“They couldn't be together,” Kagome finished, causing both of them to desperately try not to look at each other.
“Yeah…” Was it Inuyasha's imagination, or had the mood suddenly gotten a lot sadder? Wanting to forget about that last statement, he began, “Anyway, when my mother died, my father did as he promised, he brought me back here to live, and declared me as his son, but everyone, including Sesshoumaru, hated the fact that the king had an illegitimate hanyou son…Sesshoumaru was especially angry since it was his mother that had been slighted and forgotten for mine.”
“So you lived here, until…”
“Until Father died,” he explained. “I really didn't have a choice; here I was protected and it was assured that no demon would dare try to kill me with my father looking after me. But after he died and Sesshoumaru was crowned king, I couldn't take it anymore, and left, heading for the Midlands and living there until I strayed too close to the Human Lands and was captured and forced to work in the Western Palace—”
“But why did you leave?” Kagome asked. “If you were safe here, then why?”
Sighing in exasperation, Inuyasha exclaimed, “It's because I hated it here! Demons always either ignoring me or scorning me for what I was…And there was the fact that Sesshoumaru and I never got along, since he considered me to be an insult to his dead mother, and an insult to him because father named me a prince and left me the Tessaiga, his most powerful sword…” with his words, he gently touched the sword at his waist, averting Kagome's eyes to the ancient blade for a moment.
Inuyasha felt his heart thump loudly in his chest as he felt Kagome's fingers gently touch his, making him look back into her deep, brown eyes. “But that's no reason to hate someone.”
They were way too close, but…they were talking! Just talking, so…it didn't make any difference, did it? Pulling his hand away, already frustrated from his previous situation and…that, he spoke without realizing, “Look, Kagome, Sesshoumaru's always been a bastard! He hated me even before that, so why should I—”
“ `That',” she asked, making him regret his slip of the tongue instantly. “Inuyasha, what do you mean by it?”
By his horrified face, she thought at first he wasn't going to tell her, but slowly, she saw his face turn to one that looked slightly guilty, his ears drooping. “Inuyasha, what's wrong?”
His hands were folded in his lap as he glanced back at her, only for a moment. “There was an incident,” he spoke softly, turning away once more, falling into memory. “Back before my father died, when he was fighting a rebellion from some demon from the north…”
“The north?” she repeated, but he cut her off.
“My father was always fighting against rebellions, that's how it is when you're king of so many different tribes, and some gain favor over others…That's why he never really had time for me, but this time, the rebellion was more than just one clan, and they fought so well that they reached the castle with their army they had mustered.”
“What happened?”
“I was still just a child, then,” Inuyasha explained. “Father ordered Sesshoumaru to look after me…He didn't want to, but he was never able to refuse him, so he had no choice. Father went off to head the army against the rebels, but some of them found a way into the palace, and Sesshoumaru had no choice but to fight, and protect me, but…”
“Run, you idiot!” Sesshoumaru yelled to a small Inuyasha, looking frightened at the sight of blood. Slashing another demon that slumped against the wall, Sesshoumaru turned back and roared, “Run!”
Inuyasha did as he was told, running down the spiraling hallway in the depths of the palace. His small legs ran as fast as they could through the dark, damp hallways, and soon, he was lost in the labyrinthine corridors. Stopping for a moment, and hearing no one following, the boy Inuyasha caught his breath, his ears still on his head, searching for a sound. He was alone.
He always hated to be alone…he hated feeling vulnerable. The little boy's heart raced as he couldn't hear anything, but felt like someone was watching. Slowly, with fear in his round amber eyes he turned, seeing nothing. But still…that feeling…
All of a sudden, the little boy screamed as many demons jumped out from the shadows. Stumbling back, Inuyasha hit a wall, surrounded by the large, and sinister demons, each grinning and holding their weapons pointed at him. They all laughed as they looked upon him, shaking with fear. Inuyasha only knew one thing to do, scream. “Sesshoumaru!”
But he didn't come. No one came to save him as the swords of the demons flew, ready to pierce his skin—
There was a cry and scream of pain as Inuyasha dared to open his eyes. To his amazement, Sesshoumaru had come, wielding his sword ferociously as he sliced the attacking demons, one by one. His silver hair swirled around him like a cloak as he moved faster than thought possible, carving up the attackers like butter.
Inuyasha watched, amazed as his brother fought, feeling that nothing could ever hurt him if Sesshoumaru was protecting him. But his eyes flickered to see one more demon that Sesshoumaru hadn't caught, rushing forward with a dagger raised at Sesshoumaru's back, ready to strike.
“Sesshoumaru!” Inuyasha cried, alerting his brother to the danger.
Gasping, Sesshoumaru turned, his sword slicing away at the enemy, its deep red blood splattering all over his face. But the demon he had been fighting before was not yet slain. He did not see the demon sneak up behind him until it was too late. Inuyasha cried out as Sesshoumaruwhirled around, yet he was not fast enough.
His amber eyes widened in shock and there was a gasp of pain as the son of the great demon lord fell to his knees, grasping the bleeding stump of his left arm—

Kagome gasped as she listened to Inuyasha's recollections. “What happened then?”
He replied, “Sesshoumaru fought off the rest of course, even with the loss of his arm, he was still stronger than them. Though he really doesn't need his arm, and could defeat anyone without it…he's never forgotten it was my fault that he lost it in the first place.”
“Do you…feel guilty about it?” Kagome asked.
“Keh! No!” he spoke at once. “It's not my fault he can't keep up with all his body parts! Besides, I was just a kid then, so how could I have anything to do with it?”
“Right…” though she had a feeling that somewhere deep down in his soul, he did feel a little bit guilty about it. Rolling her eyes, Kagome snapped back, “Anyway, you're both idiots! Whether you like it or not, you're both family, and what happened before was an accident! Besides, since Sesshoumaru protected you with the life, and the cost of his own arm, you should feel a little indebted to him.”
With her absurd idea, he shot up, yelling, “Me? Indebted to him? You're crazy, woman! Hell would freeze over before me and that bastard are civil to each other! You just wait and see!”
Why did they always have to fight over the least little things? Standing up as well and stomping out, Kagome muttered, “Then you're both hopeless if you're unwilling to try!”
After she had left, to go to her own room, Inuyasha growled and released some of his frustration by kicking the couch they had previously been sitting on over. Satisfied, he thought, Fine, whatever…maybe I am somewhat…glad…that he helped me find Kagome, but that is as much thanking as he is ever going to get!

* * * * * * * *

Later, in her own room, Kagome sat on the window seat, looking out on the stars. She remembered Inuyasha's story, thinking over what he had said, especially the part about his mother and father. She must have loved him so much…but they could never be together because a human could never be the queen of the Demon Lands…
After another thought, she added, Besides that, she wasn't even of royal blood, but that doesn't matter much when it is a peasant woman and a king…only when it is a peasant boy and a queen…or a princess…
Her heart thumped in her chest as she pictured Inuyasha, her knight, and now her friend. It's odd…before I thought he had been penniless, but today, I learned that he is a prince…even if he doesn't want to claim that title…But as a prince, he is on the same level as me, a princess…so…doesn't that mean that
Kagome suddenly blushed, shaking her head so violently that her black hair flew around her. What am I thinking? When did I start thinking about that! Besides…he doesn't want to be a prince, and he doesn't live at the palace, or have any money or inheritance, so it doesn't count…he's still just the same knight I knew…nothing more…
He's handsome…the thought floated in the back of her mind.
What does it matter if he's handsome! she shouted back to the invisible voice in her mind. Men can be handsome! There's no law saying men can't be handsome! There are several men who are handsome, just because he is one of them doesn't mean anything!
But another thought came to mind, He rescued me…twice…how many of my previous suitors would do that…
That only made matters worse. But that doesn't matter either! When did he start courting me? Inuyasha and I are nothing but friends, friends! That was what she told herself, but she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered around him, or the way that she felt herself falling into those captivating amber eyes of his…
Standing up sharply, Kagome walked away, exiting her room and exploring the corridors, trying to run away from her thoughts, but now when they were out, exposed in the moonlight, there was nothing she could do to deny them now. He is handsome…but this is nothing…nothing more than a summertime fancy…By the time I am home and betrothed to a new man, I will have totally forgotten about him…it will have died out…and it will be nothing more…
Without realizing where she was going, she came into the great hall, dark in the moonlight, feeling very alone and vulnerable. With her heart sinking slightly, Kagome added, Besides…I'm sure it is only just my silliness…Inuyasha doesn't…he doesn't care for me at all…with nothing to encourage it, it will fade into nothing and be forgotten.
Unfortunately, what she overheard would turn the tables on those thoughts, forever.
“You are being foolish, Inuyasha.”
Kagome practically jumped at hearing that voice. Who was that? Sesshoumaru? And Inuyasha? What are they doing, talking? Stepping softly in hopes that they wouldn't hear her, Kagome managed to make it over to the slightly open doors to the throne room, peeking in.
Sesshoumaru was standing up, regarding his brother with the same, stoic expression he always had. Inuyasha however was turned away, with his arms folded, looking stern as Sesshoumaru continued. “I know you are concerned for the girl, but you're making things obvious. If this continues much longer—”
“You don't know anything!” the hanyou snapped, turning around to glare at his brother. “You think you know everything about me, with your spies and such, but don't you dare assume anything about Kagome!”
“You make it obvious just by speaking her name,” Sesshoumaru retorted, not even lifting an eyebrow to Inuyasha's yells. “I'm surprised the whole of the Human Lands doesn't know now. You're setting yourself up for ruin, if you keep on like this.”
“Shut up! Just shut up, you bastard! I don't want your advice, and I certainly don't want to hear it when it concerns her—”
“If it goes on much longer, they can arrest you for treason, you know that, don't you? Or if she ends up getting married, they might arrest you both for adu—”
“I know what they can arrest us for, damn it!” Inuyasha roared, cutting off Sesshoumaru's explanation. Kagome, who listened with a shocked expression on her face, had a sickening feeling she knew what word Sesshoumaru had been about to say, but that was impossible! They couldn't be talking about…about that, could they?
Sighing, King Sesshoumaru looked away from his fuming brother, out to one of the dark windows. “Still, I doubt she would be as stupid to let it go on so far. You are setting yourself up to be in the same position you were with Lady Kikyou.”
KikyouInuyasha knew Kikyou? Kagome wondered what her cousin had to do with this, as Inuyasha erupted.
“Leave Kikyou out of this!” he bellowed, fully snarling and apparently fighting himself to just go up and attack his brother. “Listen, Sesshoumaru! I don't know who you think you are lecturing me on this, but let me say it one more time; you don't know anything about this at all! And you certainly don't know Kagome if you think that this would ever amount to what you're suggesting, got it? Don't you dare say anything about this again, or I'll kill you myself.”
Inuyasha stormed out of the room, Kagome gasping and just barely hiding herself behind the door as it sprung open, nearly crushing her. Inuyasha marched out, so angry he didn't even recognize her scent as he continued back up towards his room, knocking over everything in sight.
Kagome, however, watched him leave, with a fearful and worried expression in her eyes. What they were talking about…it couldn't be…it can't be…Inuyasha wouldn't be…
She tried to convince herself, yet with what she had just overheard, it was nearly impossible to justify it as anything else. A hand was held over her heart as she sank to her knees, suddenly very afraid of what might be happening that was beyond her control. She knew, if she didn't put this out of her mind, if she didn't stop it before it began…then both of them could wind up in very much danger.