InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Reincarnations ❯ Home For A Test ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The Reincarnations

Chapter 1

Home For A Test

By: Yaiko Youkai

June 1, 2003

Kagome and the others have went back to Kaede's village so Kagome could go home for three days. She has the beginning of school knowledge test. To see what she had leaned the year before.

"Inuyasha I'm going home for three day's chill out. You stay in your time all the time. All I'm asking for…no wait taking three day's in my own time." Kagome yelled at the Hanyou angrily.

"Well you're still not going!" Inuyasha yelled angrily.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said sweetly.

"What…" Inuyasha said a little confused.

"SIT BOY!" Kagome said, then Inuyasha ate dirt.

"Run Kagome we'll keep him here." Sango said happily.

"Thanks Sango. See ya in three days." Kagome said and started for the well as she waved back to the others. Kagome went home and crawled out of the well.

"Mom I'm home finally." Kagome said taking a last look at the well then ran to the house.

"Kagome!" Sota yelled as he ran up to her and hugged her.

"Ah you're home darling. How was you visit this time?" Her mother asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Fine. I was almost killed by Naraku but I'm fine. I had to argue with Inuyasha again to get to come home." Kagome said and was surprised to see her mother giggle.

"You seem to always win against him in an argument." Her mother said seeing the surprise on her daughters face.

"No not really some times I just get tired of arguing and just say what ever. I usually win by sitting him though." Kagome said.

"Sitting?" her mother, asked.

"Yeah he has a necklace around his neck that is connected to my Miko powers and all I have to do is say Sit and he eats dirt." Kagome said and started laughing a little.

"That's mean Kagome." Sota said.

"Well if you argued with him you'd understand why I do that. He has a one-track mind. Besides I didn't put it around his neck the Priestess Kaede did." Kagome explained.

"I agree with Kagome, Sota go play one of your games in the living room or your bedroom." Their mother said and smiled at Kagome.

"Oh all right." Sota said sadly and ran off to the living room.

"Mom I'm going to unpack my stuff and take a bath." Kagome said and her mother nodded then walked back into the Kitchen. Kagome walked back up stairs.

<Wonder where Grandpa is?> Kagome wondered as she threw her stuff down in her room then went to her bath room.

"I'll take a shower first." Kagome said walking into her bathroom. Her mother had started to keep a pair of cloths in there for her so she didn't have to go into her room before bathing.

After Her Bath!

"Hey mom I'm going to study for tomorrow's test OK!" Kagome said and waited for her mothers response.

"Kagome come down for a second you have a visitor." Her mother said.

<Oh no…Inuyasha!> Kagome thought as she started down the stairs.

"Inuyasha I'm not goi…Oh hi…uhm who are you?" Kagome said walking into the living room and noticing the guy sitting on the couch with Sota wasn't Inuyasha but looked like Sesshomaru with black hair.

"Oh hi sorry were you expecting some one?" the guy asked as he stood up.

"No not really. Who are you may I asked?" Kagome asked a little stunned.

"Oh sorry I'm Seto you're Kagome right." Seto asked.

"Yeah uhm what was you needing?" Kagome asked a little uncomfortable with him looking like Sesshomaru.

"Oh I was wondering if you had to take those tests tomorrow!" Seto said kind of embarrassed when Sota grabbed his pants and was told him that he had beat him again.

"Yeah…Sota leave him alone." Kagome said a little upset that the boy was interrupting there conversation.

"Sota go up to your room." Their mother said sticking her head out of the kitchen.

"No he's fine ma'am." Seto said and smiled at her.

"All right but leave him alone Sota!" their mother scolded him.

"Ah mom." Sota whined but then shut up when his mother looked at him a little mad.

"Do you have to take the tests as well?" Kagome asked a little annoyed with every one interrupting their conversation now.

"Uhm…yeah…I was wondering since we just moved here if you could help me study. Since I don't know what you learned here." Seto said.

"Yeah sure I'll go get my stuff." Kagome said and started for her room.

"Kagome just take him up with you. It'll be quieter up there." Her mother said.

"Uhm…OK…come on Seto…" Kagome said and blushed as she ran up the stairs. Seto followed her up the stairs and saw her standing at a door. She walked in and saw her yellow backpack and picked it up then ran over to her closet and threw it in. Seto came into see her shut the door.

"What was that?" Seto asked letting the curiosity get the best of him.

"Nothing…" She said quickly then walked over to her school bag and opened it and got out some books. She sat down on the floor and he sat beside her and started to listen to her tutoring lessons.

"Kagome." A knock came to the door but no sound came from her.

"Kagome…" her mother opened the door to see Seto asleep leaning back against her bed and her laying on his chest asleep. She walked over to Seto and woke him up.

"Seto it's 9:48 don't you think you should call home or some thing." Kagome's mother said when he woke up and was looking at her.

"Mrs. Higurashi…oh my gosh I'm in trouble but I can't move without waking Kagome." Seto said and looked down to Kagome asleep oh his chest.

"I got an idea for that." Kagome's mom said and leaned Kagome up off of him with out waking her. He stood up and then picked Kagome up and laid her down on her bed.

"Thanks Mrs. Higurashi. Buy." Seto said and started for the door but stopped when Mrs. Higurashi started talking to him.

"If your parents are mad tell them to call our shrine and I'll keep you out of trouble. Thanks for picking Kagome up off the floor." Mrs. Higurashi said.

"You're welcome ma'am and thank you. I may just have to have them call seeing as how my curfew is at 8:30." Seto said and smiled then left the shrine and ran down the street.

The Next Morning!

"Kagome get ready for school!" Mrs. Higurashi said and Kagome Jumped up falling to the floor.

"Kagome…" Her mother said worriedly as she came in and saw Kagome on the floor standing up.

"Owch. Who put me in bed?" Kagome said and looked at her mother now standing.

"That young man did just before he left." Her mother said making Kagome blush.

"I fell asleep while I was telling him what we did last year." Kagome said and ran over to her dresser and grabbed her uniform.

"Calm down he was asleep too when I came in at 9:45 last night. Kagome where are your cloths from your trip?" her mother asked knowing that they weren't down in the laundry room.

"Uhm…I threw my bag in my closet I believe mom can you clean them I'm going to go ahead and go to school." Kagome said.

"All right darling go ahead." Her mother said moving away from the door so Kagome could go threw it without running into her.

"Thanks mom." Kagome said and ran down stairs.

"Dang she's up on time for once wait where are you going?" Sota said watching Kagome run out of the house.

"To school." Kagome said and smiled.

"Earliy!" Sota yelled surprised.

"Sota don't yell why don't you go with her." Mrs. Higurashi said coming down the stairs.

"Yes Mom." Sota said and ran to catch up with Kagome. He caught up to her just a little way's away from the stairs to the shrine.

"Kagome slow down please." Sota said out of breath.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Kagome said slowing down.

"Hey there's that little twerp that got Senja in trouble last year." a guy said and walk up to Sota.

"Excuse me but we were walking here." Kagome said and grabbed Sota's arm and started around the guy.

"I didn't say you could go missy." The guy said grabbing her arm.

<I can't use my Miko powers…> Kagome thought using her other hand to grab his.

"Let go of me!" Kagome said in a threatoning tone.

"Oh what are you going to do about it bitch." the guy said tightoning his grip on her but she made no sigh that he was huting her.

"The lady said let her go!" A guys voice said from behind Kagome.

"Seto?" Kagome said and turned her head to look at him.

"What are you going to do pretty boy?" the guys asked.

"Sota, Kagome come here." Seto said as his anger rised but he didn't show it.

<He's angry. He must be Sesshomaru's reincarnation because that's the way Sesshomaru looks when he's mad.> Kagome thought

"I would but he won't let go. Sota go over to Seto." Kagome said relising him and using her other hand to grab the guys hand that was going after him.

"Let Kagome go." Seto said.

"No!" the guys said then noticed a smirk of Seto's face.

"I'd sugest you let her go quickly." Seto said then looked behind the guy to notice his buddy's unconscious.

"Why would that be?" the guy asked.

"Well you're out numbered." Seto said then nodded behind him.

"What the…" the guy said surprised and let go of Kagome. She ran over to Seto and looked to see what he was talking about and saw a guy that looked a lot like Inuyasha but he all so had back hair instead of Silver and he was doggy earless.

<OK! This is weird!> Kagome thought looking between Seto and the new guy.

"Kagome this is my brother, Yashue!" Seto said as Yashue came over.

"Hi! You all right ma'am?" Yashue asked.

"Yeah thanks to you two." Kagome said and smiled.

<I'll definatly have to take that one back to show Inuyasha some manners.> Kagome thought and they escorted Sota to school.

"Remember Sota don't start home with out me. I'll come pick you up here after school." Kagome said a little worried about those guys.

"OH Kagome I can walk home on my own!" Sota whined.

"Don't worry Sota she won't be walking alone either. I'll be escorting her here then home." Seto said and smiled at the boy who just smiled then ran into his school.

"You don't have to do that." Kagome said.

"Yes we do." Yashue said and smiled at Kagome while Seto gave him a go away look.

"May we be on our way to our own school." Seto said and the three of them left for their school.


Authors Note: Hey waz up. Just wrote another sorry. I hope you like it and leave a lot of reviews. Please I'd like to know if I should continue it or just take it back off. Well thanks…

Yaiko Youkai