InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Roommate ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Roommate
Sara: If you want to see my Updating Schedule, go to my profile. Yeah yeah! But it isn't a month later yet…. Sry. This was longer than my last one…. I think this was too long for a life. Oh and my sister-and-law is here. Jasmine! -waves-. Thx to all who wasted their precious time reading this and to all who were to lazy to, I will give out a piece of important information. The last chapter review will be in next chapter, and the one I showed you in the last chapter would too. There. All of those who didn't read this missed that. -sticks tongue out-
Thx to all of the reviewers!
Warning 1: New border again. The last one looked tacky and like a child was playing around. Even though that's probably what I'm doing.
Warning 2: I spelled Jakotsu wrong in the last chappy.
Warning 3: Short chappy. See bottom.
Beta-ed by marijang69 on media miner (THX!)
Last time on The Roommate
I squeaked from the pain but continued to pull. I felt the rope sag and I quickly bolted out of the room I was incased in. I stumbled into the forest. Then I suddenly felt arms incase around me once again.
This time on The Roommate
I felt my heart catch in my throat. My body was shaking violently. What if it's Inuyasha? I thought.
“Thought you could escape, eh?” The second I heard that, it abolished all thoughts of Inuyasha rescuing me. I think I had a heart attack and a stroke at once. My body failed to fight back in the way my mind was thinking of. I sighed as he flung me over his shoulder like I was a mere rag doll. I watched closely as we passed the scenery towards the place where I was being held captive. I could now see that it was a brown shack-like sort of building. He flung me to the other shoulder before opening up the door and sealing it securely behind him.
“Tried to escape I see?” The lady with the raspy voice spoke solemnly. I looked up but she was turned with her back towards me, undressed, and currently scrubbing herself with a sponge and water. I grimaced as I noted the there was only one room I this shack and that I smelled. Naraku lugged me to the chair that I was strapped in earlier but turned it to face a corner.
“Now don't try escaping again wench, before you are needed to…” He said before strapping me into the chair and pulling the strings tightly, back into my welts. I cried out in agony before Naraku slapped me.
“Don't need the neighbors to hear you, now do we?” Naraku said. I stayed silent and closed my eyes.
-------Inuyasha's POV-------
I sat on the couch in the living room. I couldn't sit straight without fiddling around in my chair. I closed my eyes tightly so tears didn't erupt from them. I knew I should have jumped out the window but I was wrapped in the feeling that Naraku wouldn't hurt his student. His own student; my Kagome; the one and only Kagome. I shook my head. Something needed to get this Kagome thing off of my mind before I went crazy. I stood and walked slowly towards Kagome's room and touched the doorknob. I could faintly hear the scream of `Inuyasha' that she had cried out the night, just before Naraku took her.
I squeezed my eyes shut as a small tear escaped. I pushed open the door and was greeted by the strong smell Kagome had. It smelled of thick rosemary and iris leaves. I scanned the room for anything that might be useful to catch they reason why Naraku took her. I looked on her pale lavender dresser and saw it littered with numerous items that you can only find on the bureau of a girl. It had five different flavors of lip-gloss, makeup, perfume (smelly cheap ones might I add), bracelets, earrings, toe rings, necklaces, and a diary… I paused; Diary? I remembered when I began reading it that day when Kagome stomped off to her room. I hesitantly opened it and a few letters fell out. I opened on and read it.
Yea, I know you have a meeting with the Shichinintai and all, but could you please just take one day off for my Thanksgiving party? Aunt Yura is coming and so is Grandpa. I heard you haven't seen them in years. Ahsayuni is waiting for you here because I already told him you are coming. You don't want to let him down right? Can't you imagine him pouting? C'mon Jak, please? I know you won't do it for me but do it for Ahsayuni. Pretty please with sugar on top and ice cream in the middle?
Yours Truly,
I gasped. As if anybody wouldn't know that Ahsayuni was backwards for Inuyasha…. I gasped. She made it sound as if I was gay! I trashed the letter. Last time I checked, Yura seemed to be the source of Kagome's problems. I sighed and cracked the diary to the first page; Wrong choice.
Dear Diary,
Do you know what it feels like to be hated? When you want to be loved? Do you know how life looks when the one you love backstabs you? When the only thing you can see is that lonely knife on the kitchen counter? Have you ever felt like ending it all? Like this place isn't where you belong? I bet you don't even have a grip on what I am talking about. I bought you so I can try to get a grip on reality but this is making life feel more like a nightmare. Like a nightmare that was never meant to begin in the first place.
Yura beat me again today. Doesn't she always? I came home one or two hours late, I think. Maybe it was the pit stop I took at Rite Save to buy this. Oh well. Hiten almost noticed today, but I kind of brushed it off. I don't think I can stay this way. I am an hour away from civilization and I have never had a friend visit my house, ever. This is getting so damn crazy. Maybe I just might end it now. Oh well. I just wasted 728 yen on this diary. That knife is looking like heaven right about now.
See you in hell,
I couldn't do it. Knife pressed against my vein and I chickened out. I guess I really am a coward. And now I'm afraid to die. Thank my conscience.
I quickly tossed the book across the floor and shivered in the depth Kagome placed in her first entry. I looked around the room and saw the bed roughly messed but not tangled enough to show forced exit. I sighed. The only lead I had was the broken windows and his face imprinted in my mind. I walked to the front door and placed my hand on it.
-------Kagome POV-------
“Okay, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” I asked. The lady with the raspy voice left a long time ago and I was talking to the woman they sent to guard me. She sat quietly, still grasping the diamond mirror in her hands. `I wonder if she can get any paler'
“Fine; a canner can can anything that he can, but a canner can't can a can, can he?” I snapped. She still looked at me with her black blank eyes.
“A flea and a fly flew up the flue; said the flea, `Let us fly!'. Said the fly, `Let us flee!'.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.” The woman's left eye began to twitch.
“Betty Botter bought a bit of butter. `But,' she said, `this butter's bitter! If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter!' So she bought a bit of butter better than her bitter butter, and she put it in her batter, and her batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit-”
“SHUT UP!” The girl said and she stood violently, causing her white blossom to fall on the ground. She stomped out of the room and slammed the door. I looked at where she just left.
“Ah, bliss…pure bliss.” I leaned back in my chair and came crashing down onto the floor. I spoke to soon.
The sun was beginning to set as twilight was setting in. I hung my head limply. If this is what it meant to be kidnapped, I never wanted it to happen again. I whistled a light tune. I knew Inuyasha would come for me, right? I lowered my chair from the tilted position it was in. I kind of assumed Inuyasha would come to rescue me but… what if he didn't? What if Kikyou told him not to? Or what if he just didn't care? I filled my mind with tons of negative thoughts that I didn't hear the door creek open.
“Dinner,” A gruff voice snapped. I turned and tried to look at who was at the door but I felt cold hands cover my eyes.
“French fries and ketchup,” He let go of my eyes left the shack. I looked at the fries disgustedly. This surely wouldn't help my diet.
(Sara: The English lyrics for Kagome Kagome are at the bottom of the chapter)
Kagome Kagome Kago no naka no Tori wa
Itsu Itsu deyaru? Yoake no ban ni
I leaned back in my chair as I continued singing the children's song over and over again.
Tsuru to Kame ga subetta.
Ushiro no shoumen dare?
I could here Mr. Baka and that woman with the raspy voice in the room.
“Care to join me?” I called to nobody.
Kagome Kagome Kago no naka no Tori wa
Itsu Itsu deyaru? Yoake no ban ni
I rocked my head to the beat.
Tsuru to Kame ga subetta.
Ushiro no shoumen dare?
“So, which one of you is behind me?” I called.
“I'm going to kill her if she doesn't stop Naraku…” The woman with the raspy voice threatened. Naraku sighed.
“She is needed,” He reasoned.
“The bitch is so annoying though…”
“CARE FOR ANOTHER ROUND?” I called. I could hear struggling.
“No we don't Kagome.” Naraku said calmly and I could feel him rolling his red orbs.
“Only under one condition.” I said.
“Ne?” He asked.
“Stupid bitch…” Naraku mumbled under his breath and I pressed the stick down harder.
“Remember, I have control.” I reminded as I continued to put on the black eyeliner. He already had on pink lipstick, a hint of blush, dark red mascara (to bring out his eyes), and the pink eye shadow that I stole from Sango.
“And what if you don't?” He asked. I took a deep breath and stuck my chest out.
Kagome Kagome Kago-” He stuck his hand up for silence. He mumbled a few incoherent words before rolling his eyes and closing them. I continuously dusted the pink powered onto his lids until they were powdered full. The woman with the raspy voice sat in the back and chuckled.
“I highly doubted she was that annoying…” She said. “Then again, I am a human.”
“So Mr. Naraku… by the way can I call you that? Anyway you aren't human?” I asked as I dabbed a bit of lip-gloss on his lips. I knew Jakotsu wouldn't mind a bit if I were doing this to him. I remember the time when I was going to the salon for my first time and he assisted me…
“The man is a hanyou. And mind your own business, wench.” The lady with the raspy voice snapped. I rolled my eyes.
“Inuyasha gave me a good share of name calling so would you mind sticking to Kagome? Maybe even Kags?”
“No.” I was blown away with the ice in their voices.
“Just asking,” I mumbled while ripping the scrunchie off of my wrist and pulling his black tresses into a thick bun. “Jerk”
I sat with my arms folded, and tilted further in the chair but not far enough so that I could see the woman with the raspy voice.
“Your turn Naraku,” I said.
“Alright. You…” His finger pointed in the direction of the woman with the raspy voice. She had a ski mask over her face. “Truth or dare?” Her eyes rolled.
“Do we honestly have to play this stupid game?” She asked. You could see that she was deeply annoyed just by her eyes.
“Yes; now truth or dare?” Naraku asked again. She puffed out her cheeks.
“Dare.” She replied.
“Alright, I dare you to let Kagome give you a dare.” He said smartly. The woman narrowed her eyes.
“Fine, Kags. Dare me.” She snapped. I closed my eyes and tapped my chin.
“I dare you to take off that mask.” Naraku raised a newly (and neatly) waxed eyebrow.
“She got you there.” He said. The woman smiled and removed the mask. My eyes widened as I saw she had a masquerade mask on.
“Thought I would come unprepared Naraku?” She asked and smiled. Her lips were small and her smile looked like a cross between a frown and a line. “Truth or dare Naraku.”
“Dare” he replied quickly.
“I dare you to lick the jelly between my toes.”
Naraku spit on the shack floor in disgust.
“Truth or dare Kagome.” He asked.
“Truth,” I answered.
“Do you care for Inuyasha?” He asked with a sly grin on his face. This information was vital for his plan. I smiled a tiny bit and I could feel my eyes warm.
“I don't think what I feel for him is just caring…” I said warmly and closed my eyes. That was enough for now.
“Truth or dare, woman with the raspy voice,” I asked. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Dare!” She snapped.
“I dare you to let me go and if you don't, you have to tie yourself up in this chair with this rope.” I voice. Naraku could see right through what I was saying but that didn't mean that the woman with the raspy voice would.
“Well I won't untie you so I guess I will tie myself up.” She untied me and tipped me off of the chair. I hit the floor with a THUMP and she sat in the chair. I moved to the other side of the room. Pure bliss. I proceeded to tying the woman up and laughed heartily.
“Dumbass,” Naraku mumbled as I slouched by the door.
Sara: Yeah yea. Writers block is killing me right now. And my friend just testified against her father about abuse. Naturally, I needed to be there for her. The next chapter may be out on spring break or when I get a change.
Sara's Report Card
Science: B
Social Studies: A
Math: C
Challenge: A
Band: A
Choir: A
Gym: A
Literacy: A+
Wh0ot Wh0ot
Kagome Kagome (english)
Kagome, Kagome, the bird in the cage,
when will you come out?
In the evening of the dawn,
the crane and turtle slipped.
Who stands right behind you now?

Sometimes the last few lines are translated literally as the following:

At dawns and evenings.
Who is in front of the back,
where a crane and turtle slipped and fell?
Ja ne
Chapter Preview:
None (sry)
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