InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Seasons of the Heart ❯ une ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The Seasons of the Heart

~ Kikyo's Grief Journal ~

Many claim that they know Pain, but do they truly understand it? Pain within itself is an oxymoron. It can bring Understanding, and Misconception. It can bring Grief, and undeniable Pleasure. Bliss even.

But perhaps Pain doesn't bring anything. Perhaps, it's just a Deception of Life.

Either way, this is my story, and my experience,

My Pain.

-Disclaimer: The original "Inuyasha" does not belong to me. I only hold claim to any original characters, original story line, and/or original literature/writing style.

-Inuyasha Fanfiction =The Season's of the Heart= Author pen name: tiarella_cordifolia;

Based on "Inuyasha" the manga/movie. Rated PG-13. To be safe.

Genre: General/Romance/Angst

Inuyasha's Forest is quiet these days.

Perhaps, too quiet.

I remember a time, a time where this forest was Alive. Not Alive in the just the sense of the Living, but Alive in the sense of Happiness, Calm, the basic feeling of Life and Freedom. Full of wonderful things.

Now, now it's just Dead.

There's no Life here whatsoever. Just Dead. Nothing. No Life, no Happiness, no Laughter or Sounds of Life, nothing.

Not even Hope.

Inuyasha's Forest used to be a place of Life and New Beginnings.

Of Hope. But where's Hope now? Nowhere. Not here anyways, never here.

I used to have a Name. Now, I don't need one. No one ever summons my presence. I wander this land like a Spirit. Good or Bad one, I'll let you decide.

Many believed me to be Good turned Evil. I was Kikyo, the village Miko, who held the Shikon no Tama, renowned Jewel of the Four Souls. I was Pure.

I was also Kikyo, the wandering Corpse, who stole Souls in order to maintain my presence upon this land. This time. This part of Life.

I was Tainted.

Sometimes, I wonder. I wonder about Life and Death. Which is truly the better? I am between the state of the Living and the state of the Dead. I am undecided which to turn to.

Which to return to.

But my Time here in the Land of the Undecided is up. I can no longer travel between the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead. I have to choose.

To Live, or not to Live.

To Live is to undergo the Burdens of Life. Love, Betrayal, Responsibility, Duty. To Die is to Sleep, forever to Dream of the Trials of Life, to forever be tormented by our Mistakes.

Which is truly better? To Live or to Die?

I truly don't know. I've been a part of both for so long, I forgot what it was to be truly Alive or truly Dead.

Both my Life and Death was incomplete in a way. In both state of being, I was misunderstood, tormented. No one ever bothered to help bring me into the state of Wholeness. I was always Incomplete.

And now, it is Time for me to be Complete.

"To be, or not to be? That is the question."


….to be continued.