InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Soul of a Hanyou ❯ Unseen Affection ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 28-Unseen Affection
Kayoko held her head low, she knew it'd take Inuyasha a while, but he'd have to figure out what she meant. But if he didn't, it might mean the end of Kayoko's life. She was caught up in her thoughts, and oblivious to the conversation going on between the other 5 wolves.
Koga-So everyone got that?
Ayame, Ginta, Hakaku and Akeela-Yes.
Koga looked over at Kayoko who was still in deep thought.
Koga-Kayoko, you okay?
Kayoko-Hmm, uh yeah, just a little tired.
Koga-you don't look tired, just troubled.
He put his hand on her shoulder and she placed her hand over his and looked into his eyes.
Kayoko-Don't worry, I'm ready for the gathering. So when do we start the meetings?
Koga-See you weren't listening, I said that there's going to be a big ball first. Everyone needs to be in a couple with someone else.
Koga-I said that one of the reasons why you were comin' here was to be someone's date. Well Kayoko and I should stay together so that if her demonic nature starts kickin' in then none of you will be hurt.
Koga placed his arm around Kayoko who simply rolled her eyes, and Ayame was now infuriated.
Koga-Ayame you'll be with Hakaku, and Akeela with Ginta.
Akeela and Ginta glanced at each other and gave small smiles; they didn't really mind each other. Ayame on the other hand preferred to be with Koga obviously.
Ayame-Koga shouldn't you and I go together so that we'll be able to talk more about the peace talks, I mean I know more about the inner workings of the other tribes than Kayoko does.
Koga-That maybe true, but if some even just a small portion of Kayoko's demonic nature got out of her, then she could kill Hakaku. And I'm not willing to lose his life just because you prefer to be with me, besides Kayoko has telepathy and could tell me more than you could.
Ayame was shocked and stepped back in defeat but not without shooting a death glance at Kayoko.
The six demons continued walking until they reached the beginning of a forest. Koga and Kayoko stopped so the other 4 followed suit. Koga glanced at Kayoko whose eyes were affixed on the mass of trees.
He whispered into her right ear, as she continued staring never taking her eyes off of the trees and surrounding mist.
Koga-You know what to do?
Kayoko-I read your mind, I don't want to look stupid in front of foreign wolves, and besides if they're to ever take a female hanyou seriously here, they must be able to think the best of me.
Koga nodded his head signaling his understanding. A dark figure began to appear from the surrounding fog and then emerge from the trees. He had blonde hair pulled back in a tiny loosed ponytail (like Miroku's), and blue eyes. He was wearing a black collared shirt with a blue undershirt and black pants with matching shoes. The man placed a hand on his hip as two other men appeared from behind him. One with brown hair, brown eyes, a white shirt with brown vest, pants and shoes. The other with dirty blonde (brown and blonde) hair, a blue overcoat that was undone with gold buttons with a white undershirt, and white pants with black boots.
The first one stepped forward and outstretched his hand to the other 6 wolves. “My name is Luke, these are (pointing to demon with brown hair) Franqois and (demon with dirty blonde hair) Jacque. WE are humbled by your presence.” Luke did a bow with his hand still outstretched. After a second of bowing, he stood up straight and took a look at everyone.
Luke-So I presume that this is the Japanese Eastern Tribe, from your face Koga.
He turned to look at Koga as Koga shook his hand.
Koga-Correct, my companions are Ayame, Ginta, Hakaku, and Akeela.
He said pointing to each one. Luke noticed that Koga didn't point to the woman on his left, who was looking at the girl named Akeela. Luke stepped up to the girl and clasped her right hand in his.
Luke-And who is this lovely young wolf?
Kayoko was about to speak when Koga cut her off short.
Koga-Her name is not important, shall we carry on with walking to the festivities?
Kayoko-My name is too important Koga, all too important.
Luke-Indeed it is, that is why I am inquiring about it.
Kayoko opened her mouth but Koga held his hand firmly over it before she could even get the “K” out.
Koga-We are in a rush, we'd much like to get the ball over with, move onto the peace talks and hurry back home. Kayoko has business to attend to once we return back to Japan.
Luke lifted an eyebrow at Koga and looked back at Kayoko.
Luke-Ah so her name is Kayoko, beautiful.
Koga mentally slapped himself for being so stupid.
Kayoko giggled at Koga, and Luke noticed it.
Luke-Such an infectious laugh, an admiration among many young demonesses.
Kayoko solemnly nodded her head and blushed slightly as she began walking towards the great Chateau in which the ball would be held. Koga took her arm in arm in through the entrance. The music was beautiful with a complete orchestra and a harp or two, with some handcrafted chime sets. Kayoko walked past them as Koga hurried her along. She was able to notice the fantastically painted ceiling with emblems of the wolf tribe everywhere, yet they would be unknown to any humans that would walk through the chateau.
Luke-Franqois, Jacque and I have some business to attend to, but we'd be delighted to return and have a dance or two with the ladies.
They three wolves left without another word said, as the angered Kayoko turned to talk to Koga.
Kayoko-Why isn't my name important anymore?
Koga-It's one of the most important things to me other than yourself, it's just that…
Kayoko-That what Koga?
Ginta-That male French wolves are notorious for being great seducers of other female wolves.
Kayoko made a sly smile while turning towards Koga who was trying to look like he wasn't interested or he didn't hear what they were saying. Kayoko stepped closer to him and began to pinch his cheeks.
Kayoko-Ah, Koga you do care about me.
He clasped her hands and moved them between their chests as he drew her in closer to him.
Koga-You're the most important thing to me, how could I not care about your welfare?
Kayoko blushed but before she could say anything Luke, Franqois and Jacque returned. Luke bowed politely in front of Koga and Kayoko and held his hand for Kayoko to take.
Luke-May I ask for a dance?
Koga-No you may…
Kayoko-Of course.
Luke placed his arm around her waist and led her out onto the dance floor leaving behind a shocked Koga. But before he could run after them, Kayoko looked back at him and winked. Franqois and Jacque followed, with Franqois asking Ayame and Jacque asking Akeela to dance, the other two women also graciously accepted, feeling that they should accompany Kayoko should she need rescuing.
By the time the other two couples reached the floor, Luke and Kayoko were already gracefully dancing with his right hand on her waist and the other hand holding her right hand, as she held her left hand on his right shoulder. The demon snapped to the band and they began playing a song that was slow and romantic. Koga and Ginta were getting jealous, but Hakaku didn't really care about Ayame and so just sat back and relaxed in an armchair as his two comrades stood with their arms folded in frustration.
Kayoko-So what is the name of your tribe?
Luke laughed slightly before replying.
Luke-You know most girls I dance with know everything about me, they're fans.
Kayoko raised in eyebrow while he was bragging and now thought even less of him.
Kayoko-Well France is particularly far away Japan.
Luke-Indeed it is.
There was a brief silence as Kayoko heard Luke carefully sniffing the air, she feared that he'd be able to sense that her blood was not truly full of demon blood, but mixed with the blood of a mortal. Fortunately he stopped sniffing.
Kayoko-Did you smell something?
Luke-You. You smell quite delightful, and your blood has a uniqueness to it, something that I can't quite place it. But I do sense the blood of a hanyou, someone who's trying to cover it up, someone who doesn't know much about wolf demons, and has been a solitary demon all their life until recently.