InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Soul Within ❯ To Meet ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry that I didn't make it clear before; even though this story is an alternate universe, it is set in the feudal era.
Like my previous story, I will personally guarantee you all that you will not have to wait longer than two weeks for an update. I make deadlines to ensure that I will keep writing (although reviews help me to keep writing too!) so don't worry! Two weeks at the most!
Speaking of reviews, thank you to everyone who left comments on the first chapter. I was shocked at the number of reviewers. You guys are the fuel that this story needs to keep going!
The Soul Within
Chapter Two
Kagome urged the horse forward as fast as she could.
While the sky had been clear when she left, heavy clouds had formed above her. They bore the unmistakable sign of an intense, unmerciful downpour. She would even be willing to bet that thunder and lightning would join the rain in its decent.
While keeping a tight hold on the reins, Kagome quickly took the map that Kaede had given her, out of her sleeve. One glance at it told her that she was still going in the right direction; north.
“Come on, girl,” Kagome said, not caring if the horse was a male or female, “Just a little faster. It'll be harder for us to keep going as soon as the rain starts. I don't want to get wet and I'm sure you don't either.”
Alas, someone did want them wet. The sky opened up and the rainwater came down in buckets. Kagome covered her head in a vain attempt to escape the angry rainfall. Within seconds, both Kagome and the horse were drenched.
Kagome slowed the horse to a trot, knowing that it could be dangerous to keep dashing down the path while it was wet. She looked around for a shelter but there was absolutely nothing in sight and she couldn't go under a tree for the risk of being struck by lightning. She sighed in frustration.
“Why, me!” she yelled in exasperation. “What did I do to deserve this? Is this my punishment for running away?”
“It could be worse,” said a cool yet amused voice. “At least you have transportation.”
Kagome flushed at the thought of someone overhearing her. She looked for the source of the voice and gasped.
There, at the side of the road, was a miko. She had long, silky-looking, black hair that was tied loosely in a white ribbon. Her skin was the colour of ivory and her dark eyes were calm and calculating. She was wearing miko robes but they were red and white, unlike Kagome's blue and white. She looked only a few years older than Kagome but strikingly similar to her.
“I-I didn't see you there,” Kagome said, trying and failing to cover her shock. She had just appeared out of nowhere.
The woman smiled as the rain pounded on the two mikos' heads. “I am sorry that I startled you.”
“It's okay. What are you doing out here?” Kagome asked curiously.
“I was gathering herbs,” she said, gesturing to the basket on her arm. “Someone at the castle I reside at needs some medicinal herbs. He has a terrible fever and I couldn't wait until morning to replenish my medicinal stock,” she explained.
“What a bad time to run out of herbs,” Kagome said sympathetically.
The woman nodded. “I hate to ask, but do you think you could give me a ride to my home? It is very close by,” she said.
Kagome looked out to the horizon. Through the rain, she could see that the first rays of sunshine were beginning to peak out. She sighed inwardly, so much to making it to the village before morning.
Kagome smiled at the woman. “Of course I'll bring you home.” The woman smiled in relief.
“Thank you,” she said, climbing onto the horse gracefully. “You may stay as long as you wish, in return for your kindness.”
“That's generous,” Kagome said, urging the horse forward into a trot. “But not necessary. I have a post as a miko in a village nearby.”
“Oh how wonderful. I have been the castle miko for a very long time it seems. But I have enjoyed it immensely and I cannot imagine doing anything else.”
Kagome nodded even though her back was facing the woman. “My name is Kagome, what's yours?”
“Oh, my apologies. My name is Kikyo.”
Kikyo had said that her home was very close by, yet they had been traveling non-stop for thirty minutes. That wasn't the only thing strange about Kikyo. Her aura felt kind of…empty. If she hadn't been politely conversing with Kagome, Kagome would've sworn that she was the only person on the horse. Even though the rain was coming down hard and cold, Kikyo didn't seem to be affected by it. However, Kagome just pushed her uncertainties aside and chatted with Kikyo. Her aura was probably just empty because she knew how to mask her powers and…maybe the rain didn't bother her.
The rain hadn't let up at all. Kagome was now so wet that she felt like her bones were drenched with the water. She felt wetter than she did when she bathed! This couldn't be healthy…
“It's not too far now,” Kikyo said.
Sure we will… Kagome couldn't help thinking sarcastically.
But it turned out that this time Kikyo was right. A big castle loomed up ahead of them. Sighing in relief, Kagome gripped the reins tighter and accelerated to the castle gates.
There wasn't a soul in sight.
“Well, here we are,” Kagome said, teeth chattering. She took a moment to rub her wet hands on her miko robes in a vain attempt to dry them.
“Kikyo?” Kagome turned around to look at the other woman and nearly fell over in shock.
There was nobody there.
“Kikyo!” Kagome called loudly.
No answer.
“Okay…this is really, really creepy,” Kagome muttered.
It was. Despite the fact that the sun was now up, Kagome couldn't shake off the uncomfortable aura this castle seemed to behold. It was a typical Lord's castle, well-crafted and comfortable looking. But…it didn't feel comfortable.
It was silent. Not even a bird chirped. The whole world seemed to be holding its breath. There wasn't a single sign that anyone lived there and meanwhile, the rain was still pounding down.
“You may stay as long as you wish, in return for your kindness.”
Kikyo's words suddenly flashed through Kagome's mind. She really didn't want to but…the rain didn't seem like it was going to let up any time soon and she didn't want to get sick. And thanks to Kikyo, Kagome now had no idea where she was. She couldn't leave even if she wanted to.
Well…I'll stay at least until the rain stops. Then I'll find my way to the village.
Satisfied with her plan, Kagome hesitantly got off her horse and tethered her at a nearby post underneath an outdoor roof. Kagome took a bowl out of her pack and filled with the water dripping off the roof.
“Here, girl,” Kagome whispered, feeling the urge to keep quiet. “I'll come back later with something to eat.”
With that, Kagome strode nervously up to the castle doors. She knocked timidly on the door.
No answer.
Impatience getting the better of her, Kagome pushed on the doors. To her surprise, they swung open easily.
Okay. If I didn't feel uneasy before…I sure do now.
“Hello?” Kagome called loudly.
No answer.
Kagome tentatively walked into the castle and gasped at what she saw. Expensive looking tables and chairs were all around the room and handsome paintings resided on the walls.
But the room looked like the living place of a youkai.
The chairs were scattered roughly, slashed deeply and some were even missing a few legs. The tables didn't fare much better and the paintings were gashed and hanging crookedly.
Now Kagome was feeling scared. I have to get out of here… she thought desperately.
She turned around and the next thing she knew, she was flying across the room, only to crash into a broken table.
Kagome lay there stunned for a moment before moaning in pain. What was tha- She was yanked up roughly by the hair and slammed against a wall.
Kagome opened her eyes and they immediately widened in fear. She was face to chest with…an Inu Youkai. He had long silver hair, blood red eyes and purple stripes on his cheeks.
And he looked as angry as hell.
Kagome tried to get away but the youkai slammed her against the wall before pinning her there by her neck. Kagome could feel his hot breath on her face.
“You…” he rasped. “You…you…die!”
A/N: The evil cliffy queen is back! Don't worry; next chapter will explain why Inuyasha is a full youkai (you did realize it was Inuyasha didn't you…?) Please review!