InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Student and the Teacher ❯ Surprise! Date? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters!*
The Student and the Teacher
Chapter 10- Surprise Date
“Hey, Hojo!” Kagome waved putting on a big fake smile.
“Kagome!” Her friends grabbed her in a huddle.
“I bet Hojo's gonna ask you out again.”
“Yeah! If he does, say yes!”
“You need to get out once in a while.”
Kagome stood in the middle of them. “Uh…” before she could finish her reply, they pushed her out of the “circle” and right into Hojo.
“Kagome! Are you OK?”
“ Uh, …… yeah….. fine.”
“Great! Hey are you doing anything Saturday?”
“Uh, I'm not sure.”
“Well, if your not, I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie with me.”
“A movie?” She placed her index finger on her chin and quickly glanced for an escape. Her gaze landed on Inuyasha.
“Uh, sorry Hojo.” Kagome smiled and ran over to Inuyasha whom, up until this point, had been standing off to the side in the shadows by himself. Kagome grabbed his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. He stiffened and gave her a questioning glance.
“You see Inuyasha and I were going to have a lesson that night to get to know each other better so we would be more comfortable working with each other. Right, Inuyasha?” Kagome looked up at him with eyes that just said `Play along please.' He looked at her and then at her friends. His voice didn't seen to be working. Why couldn't he speak? He opted foe just nodding in response to Kagome question. Kagome just smiled and looked at her friends. They just stood there shocked. Their eyes were big and round and their mouths hung open.
“You know, if you're not careful, you could catch flies that way.” That seemed to snap them out of their shocked state.
“Uh, I guess it's OK then, Kagome. Maybe some other time?”
“Um, sure, why not?” Kagome looked up at Inuyasha. He was stiff as a board and was looking straight ahead at nothing. “Well, if you'll excuse us, we will be going.” Kagome pulled Inuyasha away with her past her friends. “See you guys around!” Kagome waved and practically ran away, towing Inuyasha behind her. Kagome eventually stopped outside an ice-cream shop to catch her breath.
“Uh, Kagome?” Inuyasha managed to say.
“What?” Kagome gasped out. Inuyasha just looked down his arm. Kagome looked too. She still had a hold of his arm.
“Oh! Sorry.” She quickly released his arm and crossed her arms in front of her. Inuyasha looked at the ice-cream shop behind her and got an idea.
“Hey, you want some ice-cream?” Kagome looked up at him with a questioning glance and looked behind her.
“Uh, sure. Why not?” Inuyasha nodded and walked up to the door and held it open for her.
“Thanks.” Kagome blushed and shyly walked inside.
“So, what do you want?”
“Uh,” Kagome walked up to the counter. “I'll have a double scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough.” The man behind the counter nodded and scooped the ice cream into the cone and handed it to her. Inuyasha moved up next to her and handed the man some money.
“Um, thanks. You didn't need to do that.” Kagome blushed, but proceeded to eat her ice cream. They walked over and sat at one of the tables in the corner of the small shop. Kagome felt weird eating in front of Inuyasha. He was staring at her and watching her eat. She felt almost self- conscious. Neither one of them spoke; they were both unsure of what to say. Inuyasha soon grew tired of the silence.
“So,” He smirked. “What time did you want to do that lesson of yours on Saturday?” Kagome practically chocked on her ice cream. She swallowed and looked at him with big eyes.
“Are you serious? I just wanted to turn Hojo down and it was the first thing that I could think of!” She protested.
“Well, I think it's a great idea. So, how about 7:00PM on Saturday. Then you would be able to prove to your friends that you went and you wouldn't have to lie to them.” Kagome was speechless. She seemed to find her voice though because she found herself asking the question before she knew what she was doing.
“What did you plan on us doing to get to know each other better?” Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and smirked at her.
“So, I'll take that as a `yes, I'll come'?” Kagome stared wide-eyed at him while her ice cream melted on to her hand. She nodded dumbly still trying to figure out what possessed her to say that in the first place.
`Oh come on Kagome you know you would love to spend time with him.'
`No I wouldn't'
“Yes you would. You like him.'
`No I don't!' Kagome blushed.
“Kagome? Are you OK?” Kagome snapped out of her conversation with herself.
“Yeah, fine!”
“OK, so I guess you can come by my house and we'll just hang out and get to know each other better.” Kagome nodded and proceeded to finish her half-melted ice cream, Kagome finished and they left to finish their walk.
“I think I should be getting home. I have school tomorrow.” Inuyasha nodded and they headed in the direction of her house. As they walked away from the ice-cream shop, someone stepped out from the shadows and watched them. When Inuyasha and Kagome turned the corner their shadowy pursuer followed at a distance.
Inuyasha and Kagome stopped at the bottom of the shrine steps.
“Well, I guess I'll see you Saturday! Bye!” Kagome waved and ran up the steps. Inuyasha stared after her for a while and then turned to leave himself. A pair of eyes watched them separate before making his move slowly up the shrine steps.
Ah! Cliffy! Who was following them? Bet you'll never guess!! Well, I have been having some really great ideas for My Girl and will maybe finish it soon and that will free me up to do this one and others. Well, I know the chapters have been slow coming but, but school is coming to a close and I will be on summer break in the end of May! I hope you enjoyed it! You all know what to do now right? Review please!!