InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Sunset Goddess ❯ Basic Training ( Chapter 5 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Inuyasha... but Inuyasha does live in my closet!
Thoughts /Images
(author notes)
Basic Training
The Sunset Goddess
She grinned and held up the tessen. She quickly fanned it out and snapped it back just as fast. “Sango I was wondering if
you could start my training?”

Ripthwack “Kagome watch where you aim that thing” An annoyed Inuyasha yelled. Yet again Kagome had
‘accidentally’ flung the tessen at Inuyasha. It had become a contest between the two women. Kagome had been training
with Sango for two weeks now. Tons of severe cuts and bruises later, Kagome was getting good .Occasionally Kagome
and Sango went for outings to practice.; she had managed to slay several demons on her own.
At the hot spring the previous week the two had made a deal when Kagome could hit Inuyasha without him knowing…
She could start adding her power to her attacks… which also meant an iota of spiritual training. So she tried her best to hit him… everyday…. it was a miracle he hadn’t figured it out. “Kagome it is time to practice” Sango led Kagome into a glade that had exploded into hues of red and gold, A perfect place to practice the graceful art of war-fan dancing. Tiger, crane, and horse… the basic stances; they went through them all until Sango was too tired to practice anymore. “But Sango I’m not even tired!” Kagome complained much like Shippo would. “Not all of us are demi-gods” Sango replied matter of factly.
The two women decided to go to the hot springs to relax.
The two women disrobed, sighs were heard above the trees as both women felt their tired aching, mostly Sango’s, muscles relax under the steaming mineral enriched water. The cool night air whipped at their faces. “This is the life” Kagome sighed as she sunk into the mineral tinted pool. “Kagome… When are you going back?” Kagome stared at he waning crescent moon, the deep in contemplation. “After the new moon…. Inuyasha…..” Kagome looked up suddenly. A crack was heard. The two girls looked at each other. Kagome gave Sango a questioning glance as she reached for her tessen lying beside the pool. Sango gave a slight nod, fast as lightning the tessen were in the air, flying towards the noise. A bloodcurdling scream filled the air as screams of “My HAIR, my hair”. “MIROKU” both girls shrieked as they hopped out of the pool and towards the clothes at inhuman speeds. They were dressed faster than you could say ‘Friar’s cut’.
Indeed, when they returned to the campfire Miroku sat head between his hands with a laughing Inuyasha pulling on his newly ahem shorn hair. Both girls laughed, once they caught their breath they gave him a look that clearly meant ‘you deserved it!’…. They took pity on the Monk though and quickly grabbed a pair of scissors out of the gaping yellow monster known as… Kagome’s backpack.
The next day both girls decided to take a break, after their victory with the pervert. Both girls decided to go fishing, they sat on the bank relaxing more than actually working on catching that evening’s meal. Eventually Inuyasha decided to lecture them on their laziness. “Got any food for dinner yet?” he asked snobbishly. “Nope… and what have you been doing all day?” Kagome asked just as curtly. “I got us another shard …and I didn’t sit on my ass all day doing nothing.” At that Kagome rose to her feet, Whirled around and let one of the tessen fly… It was a hit! “ Hey What did you do that for?” Kagome jumped up and down cheering as Sango congratulated her. Inuyasha just stared dumbstruck at the two girls until they could tell him what had been going on for the past two weeks.
“I was a BET!” Inuyasha bellowed as the companions sat around the crackling fire, the sun had not yet set, It seemed everyone except Inuyasha remembered it was the new moon. Kagome walked over to sit herself right beside the rather angry hanyou. The two started to argue viciously. Miroku said the first intelligent thing since he had received his accidental haircut “ Why don’t you two settle the argument and see if Lady Kagome truly is ready for the next portion of her training?... Why not spar?” He didn’t even have to make the suggestion; they were already on their feet in positions to attack. The tessen sang as they whipped through the air, Tetsaiga hummed as it transformed into the large steel blade. The weapons clashed in a dance of skill, might, and power. Inuyasha using sheer force, Kagome using her grace and speed to outwit the blade. Neither was able to give a hit. The sun started to set over the battle zone, Tetsaiga started to pulse, a pearly aura formed around Kagome, blinding the four onlookers. Inuyasha wanted to escape the blinding light, but could not turn away; all of the onlookers had turned as well. When the light had faded everyone turned to see a human Inuyasha gaping at a rather…. tall… human Kagome.