InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth About Cats and Dogs ❯ Inuyasha's Heart ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Thank you all muchly for the review, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Recap: Kirara convinced Kagome to tell Inuyasha how she feels about him... Ho-hum, not much happened last time, did it?!
Chapter 11 - Inuyasha's Heart
Inuyasha frowned, tilting his head to one side as he watched Kagome's back. He had no idea what she was about to tell him, but obviously it was something very important. For a start, she had insisted on taking him away - very far away, he noted - from the others, suggesting that whatever she had to say was strictly for his ears only. Secondly, ignoring that fact that he could smell her anxiety, any idiot could see that she was visibly trembling, even from the distance Inuyasha stood at.
“Inuyasha, there is something I need to tell you,” she began, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke.
“Yeah, I figured as much,” Inuyasha grumbled. “So what is it?”
Inuyasha started to walk closer to Kagome.
“No!” she yelped suddenly, without turning round or looking back at him. “Don't come any closer!”
Inuyasha stopped abruptly, screwing up his face in confusion.
“Just… Stay there for now,” Kagome said softly, her back still turned to him.
“Fine,” Inuyasha quietly agreed.
“Inuyasha, I…” Kagome began slowly. “I just wanted you to know that I… I love you.”
Inuyasha's eyebrows shot up. Were it not for his heightened sense of hearing, he was certain he would not have heard the last three words that Kagome spoke. Taking into account the volume she had spoken them, the tone of her voice, and the distinct change in her scent from apprehension to shyness and a hint of shame, Inuyasha knew he would have to word his response very carefully.
“What the hell are talking about, Kagome?” he barked.
Kagome stiffened, her fingers splaying at her sides at the harshness and suddenness of his tone and words.
“Are you feeling alright?” he asked.
“Yes, Inuyasha, I feel just fine,” Kagome growled in reply.
“You brought me out here to tell me that?” he continued. “That's not funny you know, Kagome!”
“What now?”
“Sit boy.”
Inuyasha wailed in despair as he was sent crashing to the ground. As he lay quivering, still debilitated by the effects of the spell, Kagome stepped over him, walking back towards the others, her nose turned upwards haughtily.
As the others came into her line of vision, Kagome saw Kirara grinning at her expectantly. Kagome began to seethe in anger at the sight of the gormless, grinning cat demon, biting back the overwhelming urge to run up to her and pull her stupid two-coloured hair out of her stupid, clumsy, annoying, loud-mouthed little head.
“Well?” Kirara greeted her.
“We're going back to Kaede's village,” Kagomne smoothly replied.
“We are?” Kirara asked. “For the antidote?”
“Oh. Why then?”
“I'm going to get Kaede to make me another set of beads, like the ones she made for Inuyasha.”
“And then I can “sit” you to oblivion!”
Sango and Miroku ran forwards as Kagome began to swipe at Kirara.
“Whoa!” Miroku said, leaping between the two, having reached them slightly ahead of Sango. “I don't want to see you two ladies fighting. The last thing I want is for the two of you to tear at each other's clothes, your bodies pressed together as you start to perspire-”
Miroku's voice was cut off as one edge of Sango's Hiraikotsu thumped onto the top of his head, causing him to stagger around, before dropping to his knees, his head spinning as he touched a hand to the rapidly forming lump left on his head. Shippo hopped over to him, studying him curiously as his head slowly stopped spinning.
“It was worth it,” Miroku said dreamily.
“Huh?” Shippo echoed, his face twisting in confusion and disbelief.
“It's getting late,” Sango said, glancing back and forth between Kagome and Kirara. “Let's all just set up camp and get some sleep. We can rise early tomorrow, and we can discuss our problems then, when we are all thinking clearly and sensibly. Alright?”
“Sure,” Kirara agreed with a nod of her head.
“That's if you wake up tomorrow morning, Kirara…” Kagome said in a low voice laced with tones of malice.
Sango cast her a warning glare, but Kagome ignored her, her eyes still fixed on the fire-cat.
“I miss my catnaps, sleep seems like the perfect idea right now,” Kirara said through a wide-mouthed yawn, stretching her arms above her head.
Kagome growled, sounding alarmingly like Inuyasha as she did so.
“We'll discuss it in the morning,” Sango hurriedly whispered to her.
“Morning…” Kagome growled, her eyes thinning to deep brown slits as she watched Kirara curl up by the base of a tree, Shippo lying down next to her to use her ankles as a pillow.
Kagome muttered something else that failed to reach Sango's ears, before storming over to her bag and tearing it open to retrieve her sleeping bag. Sango slowly walked away, watching Kagome so intently, she did not see where she was sitting, yelping in alarm as she sat on something that moved beneath her.
“Miroku!” she snapped, backhanding him away from her.
As the monk tried to blame the curse of his hand for his anti-social behaviour, Sango settled down, turning her back on Kagome, as she could no longer bear to watch her fight with the apparently broken zip on her sleeping bag.
Inuyasha grunted, his ears and nose twitching as he stirred from his slumber. At first, he thought he could sense Sesshomaru; but as he opened his eyes and inhaled more deeply, he recognised the scent as that of Kirara's.
“Hey,” he called to her as she began to scale the tree towards him. “What do you want?”
“To talk to you,” she called back.
“It's the middle of the night,” Inuyasha moodily replied. “Go back to sleep.”
Inuyasha sighed, an impending sense of doom bearing down upon him as Kirara reached his side.
“Move over,” she said, waving a hand at him.
“You move,” Inuyasha grumbled.
Kirara paused, studying the branch beyond where Inuyasha sat. After a short moment spent assessing the situation, she stepped forwards, aiming to step over him. Misjudging the length of her stride, the back of Kirara's heel caught of Inuyasha's thigh, and she slipped as she tried to compensate. With a groan, Inuyasha caught her on his lap before she fell, roughly depositing her onto the space next to him on the branch.
“What is wrong with you?” he snarled, his face tinged with pink.
“It's been so long since I had the use of this body, it will take me some time to remember its limitations,” Kirara explained.
“Stupid,” Inuyasha muttered.
Kirara smiled, turning her head to look directly at him.
“Quit staring at me!” he snapped. “And what do you want, anyway? Couldn't you have waited until morning?”
“Kagome will be awake in the morning,” Kirara simply replied. “And I need to speak to you alone.”
“Oh yeah? Well maybe I don't wanna speak to you. Maybe I just wanna sleep right now!”
“Oh, Inuyasha.”
“Don't talk to me like that!”
“Why not?”
“You make it sound like I'm stupid!”
“But you are, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha leapt to his feet, sending a vibration down the branch that almost made Kirara fall off. As she stabilised herself, Kirara looked back up at Inuyasha, smiling as she saw the infuriated look flashing across his amber eyes.
“You are stupid, Inuyasha,” she continued. “Or at least you must be. Because only an idiot wouldn't know true love when he sees it.”
Inuyasha faltered, his expression slipping into one of confusion.
“Even you're not that stupid, Inuyasha,” Kirara said slyly. “You know exactly what I'm talking about…”
“No I don't!” Inuyasha argued, his face turning red and his expression looking more guilty and childlike with every passing second.
“Kagome?” Kirara said slowly. “What exactly did you say to her earlier? She's really upset.”
“What? I didn't say anything!”
“Really? That's odd, because she's really, really mad! What did she say to you?”
Kirara slowly stood up, carefully balancing herself on the branch to put herself on eye level with Inuyasha.
“She said nothing?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha replied, his voice starting to squeak slightly in his awkwardness.
“Then why did she take you away from us all, telling you that she had to tell you something very important?”
“I don't know!”
“I don't know what you're talking about-”
“Inuyasha, I know you have feelings for Kagome-”
“I've watched you both over time, and the only thing that stops the love-”
“-between you both from being perfect is your inability to show a little emotion.”
“I know you love her-”
“-just as much as she loves you-”
“-so just be a man-”
“-and tell her how you feel.”
Kirara growled lightly, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
“Inuyasha…” she said, waggling a finger at him. “Promise me you will at least talk to Kagome.”
“Fine, but it's not like I've anything even got to say to her anyway…”
“Fine! I'll talk to her in the morning! Can I go back to sleep now?”
Kirara nodded, smiling sweetly at Inuyasha before slipping past him. Inuyasha opened his mouth to warn her to be careful where she put her foot next, but before any words could leave his mouth, Kirara had already fallen off the tree, crashing into almost every branch on the way down, before landing in a pile at the foot of the tree.
“That'll teach you not to go meddling in my business, Kirara!” he yelled down to her.
Kirara groaned, smiling in spite of her injuries. Her plan, it seemed, had worked after all.
Kirara watched from a safe distance as Kagome rolled up her sleeping bag and stuffed it into her big yellow bag. By the hardened expression on Kagome's face, Kirara deduced that she was obviously still angry at Inuyasha for whatever insensitive thing he had said to her when she had confessed her true feelings, and she was also more than likely still angry with Kirara herself for instigating the whole process.
But, Kirara thought, if her plan worked, suffering Kagome's hate for a few days would have been worth it.
“Are we ready to move on?” Sango asked, slinging her Hiraikotsu over her shoulder.
“No,” Miroku said, stepping forwards. “Inuyasha hasn't returned yet.”
“Let's just leave without him,” Kagome said darkly. “After the way he spoke to me yesterday, I ought to be back home right now. The only thing stopping me is that Kirara isn't a cat any more, and she can't take me back.”
`More like I won't take you back,' Kirara thought with a grin.
“Maybe you should go talk to him, Kagome,” Miroku suggested. “You are the best person to bring him back to his senses.”
“Oh yeah?” Kagome spat. “What makes you think that?”
“Because, if all else fails, you can use the “sit” command to bring him down out of whatever tree he is hiding in,” Miroku bluntly replied.
“Good idea,” Kagome said, a devious smirk appearing on her face.
Kagome set off in the direction Inuyasha had headed the night before, leaving the others behind.
“Let's follow her, and spy on them!” Shippo whispered, leaping up onto Kirara's shoulder.
“We can't do that,” Sango said sharply, turning to face the two demons. “It would be wrong. We should let them be together to… Where did… Miroku!”
Sango groaned in defeat as she saw Miroku disappear in the same direction Kagome had just walked.
“Come on, Sango,” Kirara said cheerfully as she walked past her friend, still carrying Shippo on her shoulder. “There is some thick undergrowth near the tree Inuyasha slept in, we can hide perfectly well there.”
“We really shouldn't be doing this…” Sango said slowly.
“Then you stay here,” Kirara called back over her shoulder.
“I'm not missing this!”
Kirara and Shippo exchanged amused grins as Sango ran after them. All four regrouped behind a particularly leafy bush, carefully concealing themselves from view and watching on as Kagome approached the tree Inuyasha was still stubbornly sat in.
“Inuyasha, we're leaving now,” she called up to him.
Inuyasha obediently dropped down from the tree, standing in front of Kagome. Kagome turned her back on him, her shoulders moving as she let out a deep, yet muted, sigh.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha said.
“Yeah?” Kagome asked, without turning round.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked.
Kagome's face twisted, and her four friends winced in anticipation of another “sit” command; but it never came.
“A little,” Kagome said tightly. “But I guess you can't help it if you're a total jerk.”
Inuyasha started at her insult, his face twisting into a scowl. He opened his mouth, pointing a clawed finger at the back of her head; but his expression changed, and he closed his mouth before saying anything, lowering his finger away from her again.
“Yeah,” he said quietly.
“Huh?” Kagome echoed, spinning around to face him.
“Ah, don't look at me like that!” he said irritably, folding his arms and turning his head to one side.
Kagome slowly lowered her eyes to her feet, leaving the two standing facing each other, yet avoiding each other's eyes.
“And I…” Inuyasha began quietly. “I'm sorry.”
“Wow!” Kagome blurted, her head snapping back as she looked up at him. “I didn't expect you to apologise!”
“Well I did, so shut-up about it already!” Inuyasha barked, watching her from the corner of his eye.
“I'm sorry too, Inuyasha,” Kagome offered.
“Huh?” Inuyasha responded, turning his head to look directly at her. “What are you apologising for?”
“Not always understanding you when I should have,” she said softly, touching a finger to the beads around his neck.
“Oh…” Inuyasha mumbled, his face turning slightly pink as he realised just how close he was to Kagome.
“I promise I'll try not to use the “S” word,” Kagome said, lifting her eyes to his.
Inuyasha hesitated, blinking repeatedly as he tried to formulate a reply in his mind.
“And I promise I won't be such a jerk?” he tried.
“Oh, Inuyasha!” Kagome said, throwing her around his shoulders and hugging him.
Inuyasha squeaked awkwardly, and Kagome quickly released him, turning away to blush profusely. Inuyasha gulped, stealing glances at Kagome as he tried to cool down his own reddening cheeks.
“Well, the others will be waiting for us!” Kagome said brightly.
“Yeah, we should go,” Inuyasha said decisively.
“Right,” Kagome agreed.
Kagome took a step forwards, stopping abruptly as she felt something brush against her hand. She turned her head to look at Inuyasha, but he turned his head away from her. She turned her head away again, gasping as Inuyasha took hold of her hand in his. Although the sensation was not new to her - she had held his hand before - it was the first time he had made such tender gesture towards her. The only other time she could remember him doing anything so romantic had been the time he had hugged her; but that had been a mere rouse to steal the shards of the sacred jewel from her, and he had promptly shoved her aside once he had achieved his objective.
With a small, shy smile, Kagome curled her fingers around Inuyasha's hand, and the two began to walk back towards the area the others had camped the night before.
“Yay!” Shippo cried.
Miroku, Sango and Kirara all turned to him, their eyes large in horrified shock at his loud outburst. Shippo hurriedly clapped both hands over his mouth, saying a small, muffled “oops” as he did so; but it was too late. Inuyasha had heard Shippo, and was almost upon them already, having left Kagome - and their shared, tender moment - far behind him.
“How long have you all been hiding back there spying on me?” he roared, ripping apart the bush that stood between them.
“It's okay Inuyasha, we didn't hear you apologise to Kagome,” Shippo said. “Oops…”
Kirara growled, waving a clenched fist at Shippo's head threateningly.
“You…” Inuyasha snarled, his anger rising.
“But we definitely didn't hear you promise not to be a jerk,” Shippo added. “Which would have been funny if we had, because you called yourself a jerk!”
“Shippo!” Miroku and Sango yelled at him.
“Oops!” Shippo yelped, shrinking back from the others.
Inuyasha growled, grabbing forwards with both hands. Miroku and Kirara leapt back, narrowly escaping being hit. Sango dropped down low to the ground and Shippo ran towards Kagome. As he neared her, Shippo realised that Kagome was not about to give him any sympathy, and so he ran back to Kirara, leaping onto her shoulders and wrapping his arms around her neck to hold onto her.
Kagome giggled to herself as she watched Inuyasha pounce at each of their friends, cursing their names as they dodged his every blow. As she was watching them, Kagome heard a faint whistling sound, one that she did not recognise until an arrow sparkling with spiritual energy had shot past her.
“Inuyasha!” she cried.
“Huh?” Inuyasha responded.
Inuyasha jerked back, the arrow soaring past his chest, barely missing him. The others turned to stare at the arrow as it embedded itself into a nearby tree with a dull thud.
“Step away from the humans, demon!” a voice called out.
Kagome turned, finding a priestess aiming an arrow at Inuyasha.
“No, wait!” she pleaded, hurrying over to the woman. “He's our friend!”
“He is trying to hurt the woman and the monk,” the priestess calmly replied. “And those other two, they are demons too.”
“Bu we're all friends, honestly!” Kagome insisted.
“These are not the three demons I seek,” the priestess said thoughtfully, lowering her weapon.
“You seek three specific demons?” Miroku asked, making his way over to her.
“Yes,” she solemnly replied. “They were headed west of here. One appeared as a young man, and he had a terrible demonic aura, one that darkened the skies with its evil.”
Sango and Kirara turned to each other, each knowing what the other was thinking without either needing to speak their thoughts.
“Naraku,” Inuyasha said, walking over to join Kagome.
“He travelled with a female demon, a woman with red eyes who controlled the wind with her sorcery,” the priestess continued.
“Kagura,” Sango muttered, starting towards the priestess.
“And there was a smaller demon, short in stature, bearing a deadly weapon,” the priestess added.
“Kanna,” Shippo piped up from Kirara's shoulder.
“And they headed west, you said?” Miroku asked.
“Yes,” the priestess confirmed. “I sought to hunt them down, but they have moved too far and too fast. I have been travelling in the hope of spreading the warning that they are moving towards another large village.”
“No problem, we're looking for them too,” Inuyasha said. “We'll stop them for you, Priestess.”
The priestess eyed Inuyasha over, quirking an eyebrow critically at him.
“Thank you for the information,” Miroku said to the priestess, bowing his head politely. “May I just ask one more important question of you?”
“Certainly, Monk,” she replied.
Miroku walked up to her, taking her hand in both of his.
“Would you consider bearing my first born child?” he asked.
Sango growled, her face filling with colour as her anger boiled beneath the surface of her skin.
“Come on, Miroku!” Inuyasha groaned. “We don't have time for that now!”
“I shall return one day!” Miroku called to the priestess, as Inuyasha dragged him away by the back of his robes.
Sango marched after them, muttering curses under her breath as she went. Shippo ran after Sango, leaving Kagome and Kirara walking at the back of the group.
“I told you to trust me,” Kirara said quietly.
Kagome turned to her, and Kirara smiled warmly, winking at her.
“You're a strange little cat, you know that Kirara?” Kagome said through a laugh.
“Hey, who are you calling little?” Kirara asked, stretching to her fullest height to look down on Kagome.
“You're still strange,” Kagome replied.
Kirara shrugged her shoulders, her smile still firmly placed on her face. The two then quickened their paces, hurrying to catch up with Inuyasha, who was still dragging Miroku against his will.
“You can let go of me now, Inuyasha,” Miroku complained.
“Not likely!” Inuyasha grumbled. “We have to move quickly, I don't have time for your womanising!”
Shippo caught up with Miroku, running on all fours by his side.
“Say Miroku, was it worth it?” he asked.
“It always is, Shippo,” Miroku replied with a sigh. “It always is.”
“He is such a lecher,” Sango growled.
After over an hour of walking in the direction the priestess had indicated, the gang were still no closer to finding any traces of Naraku, Kagura or Kanna.
“Damn!” Inuyasha cursed, stopping and turning his head up to the sky above them.
The others stopped, looking around themselves. Kagome shivered involuntarily as she took in the exceptionally tall trees so closely packed around them.
“What is this place, anyway?” she asked, looking down at the slimy moss coating the forest floor, that had successfully stained her socks and oozed into her shoes. “It gives me the creeps!”
“I think I know this place,” Inuyasha commented, looking pensive. “I just can't remember when I here before, or why.”
“A demon!” Kirara blurted.
“It's Naraku!” Inuyasha yelled, tearing the Tetsusaiga from its sheath.
“No, it's Kagura!” Miroku said, pointing up into the sky.
The others watched in silence as Kagura flew off into the distance, heading northwest.
“Should we follow her?” Sango asked.
“I don't think so,” Miroku replied.
“Why not?” Inuyasha barked impatiently. “She'll lead us straight to Naraku!”
“Not necessarily,” Miroku slowly replied. “She seems to have been rebelling against him somewhat, I don't trust her to be entirely in alliance with him.”
“Hey, she's not exactly on our side!” Inuyasha pointed out.
“I suggest we keep going west for now,” Miroku suggested. “The priestess told us that Kagura was with Naraku and Kanna. Naraku is possibly somewhere nearby, too weak for us to sense due to his injuries from his fight with you and Sesshomaru. Let's keep going.”
“Alright,” Inuyasha grumbled, returning his Tetsusaiga to its scabbard.
The gang walked a little further, before Inuyasha stumbled to a halt, raising his head to sniff at the air.
“Can you feel that demonic aura?” Miroku asked the others.
“Very powerful,” Sango said, nodding her head.
“And I'd know that scent anywhere,” Inuyasha said bitterly. “Kagura wasn't with Naraku and Kanna. She was with-”
“Sesshomaru and Jaken!” Kagome shrieked, pointing forwards.
Inuyasha clapped a hand onto the hilt of his trusty Tetsusaiga as he saw his older brother and the little toad demon walking slowly towards them, curling his fingers around the hilt as he awaited his chance to attack.
Sesshomaru moved at his typically unhurried pace, Jaken trotting along at his side, looking even more disgusted by Inuyasha's group than usual. Once he was within ten feet of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru stopped walking, Jaken dumbly walking on a few steps without him before noticing that he had stopped. Bowing and apologising pitifully, Jaken slunk back to stand a step behind his lord, scowling at Inuyasha and his friends from the safety of Sesshomaru's shadow.
“What do you want, jackass?” Inuyasha demanded. “And what were you doing with Kagura?”
Sesshomaru stared blankly as Inuyasha whilst he spoke, pausing for a moment after he stopped before shifting his eyes to look at something beyond Inuyasha.
“Huh?” Inuyasha muttered, turning his head to look in the direction Sesshomaru appeared to be staring.
Inuyasha frowned as he saw Kirara standing staring back at Sesshomaru, her face pale and her eyes wide.
“Hey, if it's a fight you want jackass, I'm right here!” Inuyasha yelled, turning back Sesshomaru. “And I'm not letting you anywhere near any of my friends. You gotta get through me first!”
Inuyasha drew out his sword, which glowed with life, the blade bleeding a deep crimson.
“No,” Kirara said quietly.
Inuyasha faltered, her voice having been so soft and quiet, he momentarily wondered if she was even talking to him.
“Kirara?” he muttered, looking back at her.
“I have to go,” she said, her voice slightly louder and slightly stronger. “It is only right.”
“Kirara, no!” Sango cried as Kirara started to walk past Inuyasha.
“It would be a dishonour to the name of my creed to refuse a challenge from a dog demon,” Kirara said to her. “I must do this, and I must do it alone. Please understand.”
“Don't be stupid, Kirara!” Inuyasha yelled at her as she started off again. “He'll kill you!”
“That is a chance I am willing to take,” Kirara replied, her eyes watching Sesshomaru as she spoke.
`Even though it hardly seems fair to die now, after only just managing to break the spell,' Kirara thought despairingly.
“Jaken, wait here,” Sesshomaru said, his eyes locked onto Kirara's as she stopped in front of him. “You will follow me.”
Sesshomaru turned his back on Kirara and slowly began to walk back in the direction he had just emerged from. Kirara took one last look over her shoulder, forcing a smile as she caught Sango's eye.
“No!” Sango wailed, lunging forwards.
Miroku hurriedly grabbed his arms around her waist, holding her back.
“This is Kirara's battle, Sango,” he advised. “We have to let her fight it, and just pray for the best.”
“If he kills her, I'm gonna kill him,” Inuyasha said, turning the tip of the Tetsusaiga towards Jaken. “And I'm gonna kill that little imp bastard too!”
Next Chapter: It's showdown time between the cat and the dog, but not all is as it seems; did Kirara hear Sesshomaru correctly?! Chapter 12 - Sesshomaru's Concession.