InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Turning Point ❯ Old Friends ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Inuyasha Fan-Fic
"The Turning Point"

Created by Jake Wagner

NOTICE: I am NOT the creator of INUYASHA or helped inspried it in any way. This fan-fic is created simiply from what I know from the show and my own imagination. The characters are NOT my own (any charcter that I made up I will put a ? music note next to on the character list for each chapter.)

Chapter 2: Old friends

Character List:
? Mysterious Boy (name is unknown as of now, also voice of narrator)

And then, I saw someone I once knew... even though I saw her from the back, I knew it was her.

The boomerang was a dead give-away.

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Things you need to know before you continue:

This chapter is set in the present time, just after episode 162
- The Mysterious Boy will reveal his name to the others

That's all for now, any more information would spoil the story.
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A smile spread across my face and I ran up to her, hugging her. I didn't care that my leg was injured, my excitement made me forget... Of course, that probably wasn't the best way to introduce myself, running at someone full speed from behind a tree and tackling her from behind.

"Sango your alive!" I held onto her with all my strength, refusing to let go. I was so blinded by excitement that I didn't notice that Miroku, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo were with her...

"Who are you?" She gently pulled me off her... Miroku is in a full blown panic by this point.

"GET OFF HER! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" Just as Sango is jealous of Miroku being around another woman, Miroku is jealous of Sango being around another man. The fact that I'm the same age as Sango probably didn't help out either. A wack from his staff is just enough to make me let go, holding the back of my head.

"What did you do that for Miroku?" I continue to hold my head, trying to act tough but failing misserably.

"You know my name? Who are you?" The entire group looks at me as I stand up.

"My name?" I thought before answering... "Jakeu"

"Feh. He's not a demon thats for sure." Inuyasha quickly points out, crossing his arms and facing away from me.

"Thats right... I'm a..." I stop midsentence and look around. It all seems so surreal... how can they all still be alive? I watched them die, one by one...

"Well he can't be bad if all he did was hug Sango..." Shippo chips in... I hear his voice and look down...

"Oh hey Shippo... haven't seen you in ages... forgot just how small you are..." I realized what I said and instantly regretted it...

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SMALL! I'M A DEMON! I'M STRONGER THAN YOU!" Shippo carried on, running around me in circles proclaiming just how powerful he is. I had to stop myself from smiling.

Kagome who had been quiet up to this point began to approach me. "I'm Kagome" She smiles at me... the group turns and looks at me.

"I know who you are. You can sense sacred jewel shards and carry a bow if I'm correct..."

"You think you know everything don't you?" Inuyasha turns to face me, putting his hands at his hips, leaning forward. "Are you some type of spy?"

I look down at the cold earth... "No I'm not Inuyasha... I know you all from before... I use to remember.... was it all a dream?"

Sango tenderly put her arm on my shoulder. "Are you lost?"

The second she touched me, my memories came back to me.
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It was a dark, cold night. I was playing with Shippo, looking at each others breath in the air. Inuyasha was on edge, being the night of the new moon. Miroku was still reeling from our last encounter with Naraku, the poison from the insects flowing in his blood... one of them had even managed to damage the wind tunnel in his hand. Kagome had gone back through the bone eater's well to get medicine for Miroku. It was up to Sango and me to keep the others safe.

I didn't pay attention to the demonic aura in the air. Inuyasha couldn't sense it in his human form, Miroku was in too much pain to notice. I should have stopped goofing around with Shippo. The clouds around us started to thicken and darken. Sango looked up and saw Naraku... he used the power absorbed from Sesshomaru to create thousands of demons all around us, all filled with Naraku's myasmia. When I finally noticed, Sango had already begon to fight them off.

Miroku put up a barrier to protect the others... Sango and I stood outside it to continue fighting. She threw her boomerang, destroying many of them. If only I was as strong as my father, she wouldn't have suffered. I ran up to protect Sango, killing as many as I could with my Katana, my left hand in pain as I continued to fight... but the myasmia was just too strong...

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I woke up holding Sango once more, screaming. "I won't let you die Sango!" I just held her, crying the whole time. She reassured me as I let go of her, looking up into her eyes.

"Jakeu, your bleeding."

I didn't pay any attention to it till that point... "Its nothing I'm not use to." It was really beginning to hurt... Kagome insisted on treating the wound with some medicine she had on her in her bag. Everyone was really consered about my injury (except Inuyasha) which made me feel more reasured. After my leg was wrapped up in a bandage,I turned to face Kagome, wiping my tears away.

"Kagome, please take me with you,"

Inuyasha butts in, rejecting me. "We can't take some little runt... he'll only hold us back."

"I can hold up my own Inuyasha." My hands go to my side, resting on my two short swords.

"Feh. Your just a kid, a waste of my time." Inuyasha retorted, turning his back to me.


"What is it Kagome?"

"SIT!" A loud smack is heard as he goes face first into the ground. I couldn't help but chuckle... the look in Inuyasha's eyes towards me was enough to kill... I felt safer talking to Kagome.

"Please just let me stay Kagome, I won't hold any of you back I promise." Miroku then turned to face me.

"Yes, you won't hold any of us back... but is that any guarentee you won't hold any of us down?" He looked over at Sango...

"Don't tell me your jealous Miroku..." I said teasingly, watching as his face was flushed with embarrassment...

"Of course not..." He stood beside Sango... "We love each other..." She blushed turning to him, gazing in his eyes... his hand behind her back...

I looked away and began to count to myself.

"3... 2...1..."

A loud smack is heard, this time across Miroku's face... "I don't love you like that pervert!"

And with that, we traveled together... none of them really trusted me, especially Inuyasha. To him, I was nothing but a burden... an extra weight on his shoulders. When I told them that I was after Naraku myself, it seemed to ease them... it united us together as a group. I played with Shippo as we traveled into the sunset, even beating him at his own game with tops. In the evening when we had stopped to rest in a clearing, I practiced mediatation with Miroku. For the first time in a while... I felt at peace.

Tonight would be my first chance to change what happened that fateful night... I prayed I'd have the strength.
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End of Chapter 2

Don't worry, I'm not ending it like this. Keep reading on, it gets better.