InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Unforgivable ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
The Unforgivable
By: darkangelprincess24
Chapter Two

Kagome sank in the middle of her living room floor, surrounded by her dead family. Her only family. Her skirt was starting to absorb the blood of her family beside her, surely making stains, but Kagome didn’t care. She was busy thinking of the note.
You cannot hide from me, Kagome.
Those words echoed in her mind, guaranteeing nightmares. She had only read those words, but she somehow heard a voice attached to it. It sounded evil, as it should, cold and harsh…
But she shouldn’t dwell.
Kagome sat in the middle of the room for a few minutes before it dawned on her. She had a working phone. With 9-1-1 on speed dial. With amazing speed, she ran to the kitchen and to the phone attached to its holder. She was about to pick it up when she noticed a folded note with red “paint” dripping off of it sitting on top of Kagome’s way for help. She debated reading it, eventually deciding it might be a clue to who this sick murderer really was.
Slowly, trying to get as little blood as possible on her hands, Kagome unfolded the letter.
Her breath caught.
Don’t even think of calling the police. If you do, your life is mine.
The note brought back memories that Kagome didn’t remember having, except one.

Sota, her little brother, and herself had been walking down the street, when they came across three police cars and a fire truck surrounding a nasty car crash. The drivers and passengers were all alright, but it scared the poor six year old Sota.
“Sister,” He had asked, “Why do these things happen? What if it happens to us?”
The elder sister of fourteen had smiled and shook her head. “This happens all the time, Sota. These things only happen to other people, never us. Now,” She had smiled, “If you’re a good boy, you’ll always be safe, okay?”

Kagome dropped the note, shaking. She turned and walked out of the house, eying the Sacred Tree. Kagome almost sighed when she saw something red sticking to it. She carefully took it and read.
There are two types of people in this world, Kagome Higurashi. A demon, who is superior to all, and a human, lowlife earthworms who serve no purpose. When combined, what do you get?
A Hanyou who is not either. A disgusting, vile creature who should be disposed of and never again shall surface the Earth again.
Confused, Kagome just took the note and held it. She couldn’t believe how well she was taking her family being murdered. She almost wished that she would scream, but when she tried to even talk, she realized the lose of her voice. A normal person would’ve screamed, or called the police.
Then again, a normal person would be dead in this situation.
Kagome finally realized one person who she could tell and wouldn’t send her to a mental institute. Hojo.
She smiled in spite of herself and started running down the shrine stairs and on her way to Hojo’s house. She slowed to a walk, catching her breath. Kagome stopped when she heard a noise inside the nearby alley. It sounded like…a dog?
She cautiously approached the alley and followed the whimpering. Kagome saw it then.
A mass of blood-stained silver hair with the body of a human. Kagome furrowed her brow in confusion, stepping forward to help the whatever-it-was.
“Um, hello?” She asked, still moving towards the thing, her note still in hand. “Are you alright? Do you need help?”
She shook the whimpering thing before she noticed the silver dog ears on top of the thing’s head. The thing didn’t answer her. Kagome rolled the dog/human onto his back to see if he was conscious.
His eyes were closed in pain as he curled up into a tighter ball. Kagome gasped and tried to stay calm.
‘Wake up, come on…”
He whimpered again and opened his eyes slowly. “K-Kik…yo?”
Kagome cocked her head. “No, Kagome. Are you alright?”
He groaned. “What the hell do you think?!” She didn’t answer. The boy looked closer at his rescuer. “Feh. You’re not her. She looked smarter…and a whole lot prettier.”
Kagome had a strange sense of deja-vu, but pushed aside. “Whatever.” She said, standing up. She turned to walk out of the alley when the boy whimpered slightly in pain again. She turned. “Do you need help?”
“No.” He moaned. She shook her head and sat next to him again, noticing for the first time what he was wearing. He wore baggy blue jeans and a red t-shirt. Strange, it was getting cold, and no one was wearing t-shirts in this weather.
“Um, let me help you…” Kagome whispered, taking off her momentarily forgotten backpack from her shoulders. She rummaged through it, eventually finding a small first aid kit that she always brought around. “Aha!”
Kagome smiled in triumph, holding up a gauze pad and some big band-aids. She dabbed his face and cleaned it with a small hand towel, also from the kit. When she was done, she pulled the boy into a sitting position. He opened his eyes.
Kagome smiled. “So, what’s your name?”
He grunted. “Inuyasha.”
Kagome waited a few seconds for him to ask for her name, but when it didn’t come, she sighed.
“I’m Kagome.”
“That’s nice.” Inuyasha replied sarcastically.
Kagome sighed again. “What is your problem? I’ve helped you, and you should be grateful.”
“Well,” Inuyasha lolled his head to the side, staring her down intently. “Maybe I didn’t want to be helped.”
The fifteen year old rolled her eyes. “Yeah right! You would be six feet under if I hadn’t helped you.”
Inuyasha was about to say something, but stopped when he noticed the girl staring past him and at the dumpster with horror written on her face.
“What is it?” He barked. She didn’t answer him. Kagome stood shakily and walked to the old, rotten dumpster. “Hello?” Inuyasha asked, this time a bit softer.
She still didn’t answer him, just kept on walking. She started shaking once she got to the dumpster. Kagome plucked a red envelope from its place between the dumpster lid and a piece of trash. She opened it and read it aloud.
“Now that you’ve found your Hanyou, it’s time to find a demon slayer who should be chopped to pieces and fed to your dead cat. Oh, and one other thing: I warn you, do not fall in love with Inuyasha.”


Author’s note: Hey, I hope you like it. I thought it was a weird chapter, all-in-all, and a bit far-fetched, but, hey, if you like it…