InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Voice of an Unknown Demon ❯ The Nighmare-part one ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: my head hurts... so many ppl telling me to say this or that... I forget........ OH! Sazuku help us. I do not own Inuyasha. But I do own Faijo.
i was going to tell you about the sleepover but i keep getting writers block on it. :-P ******************************************************** *4 weeks since sleepover* *school*

'That's it! I'm skipping!' I kicked my locker door shut and ran into the girls bathroom,

Smearing on my favorite lipstick, Dark Chocolate, as I waited for the halls to clear.
Peeking out the door I decided that it was time to make a break for it. Running across the hall I pulled open a door roughly but shut it quietly. Tiptoe-ing my way up the steps I pulled out my lock-picks and unlocked the door.

"Cake." I muttered as I stepped out onto the school roof. I ran over to my favorite corner where nobody could see me from the school campus or if they happened to open the door.

I let my eyes slide close as I fell asleep.

"Momma?" A younger version of me, looked up at her smiling mother. Blood dripped from the older women's claws as she smiled down at her child.

"Daddy..." I looked down at my father who was bleeding profusely, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Honey, It's better now. He never loved any on us..."

I started sobbing hesterically. "That's not true mommy, d-d-daddy loved me."

"Liar! That's what he was and you are!" My mother pasted a sweet smile on her fce. "Come here baby. I'm ever so sorry."

I got up and ran into my mothers outstreached arms.

"Faijo... ja ne." With that my mother dug her claws deep into her own childs back.

*school, in class*
"Where is she? Did she skip agian?" Kagome whispered to her friends.

"I dunno.." they all shrugged.

"Kouga you go and find her."

"Why me?"

"Because you are the fastest one here and your done with your test." She motioned to the algebra tests.

"Fine." Kouga went off to find their friend.

*back on roof*
"Faijo-sama! I thought I'd find you up here!" an annoying voice called snapping Faijo out of her nightmare.

"Oro?" I shook my head to try toget the lingering dream to leave.

"Faijo-sama, it is your willing servant Jakkin." The toad-like boy bowed.

"Jakkin..." I shook my head in disgust. 'What did I do to get this punishment'

"Yes my lady."

"Bug off toad!" I restrained myself from cussing my 'stalker' out.

"Why do you want me to leave, my lady." He asked oblivous to my growing anger.

I jumped onto the roof of the shed that held the staircase that leads back into the school.

"Wow, you are so..."

I cut him off angrily. "Fag." I looked out over the campus.

"Nice skirt." Was he looking up it?

"Hentai!" I flipped him off and dropped down into a sitting position that he couldn't see up my skirt with.

"I'm sorry..."

"Shut up!" I cut him off and then doubled over as pain coursed though my body. "****it to hell!"

I felt everything go black as the pain grew.

"Wha...." Jakkin ran off.

"Bendahoe!" I cried out agian as the pain coursed even stronger though my poor body. I blacked out and fell off the roof backwards. ******************************************************** what do you think? evil cliffie? what about the algabra test? really scary huh? the test not the fall. oh tha falls scary too? ya i guess....

numbers scare me......there are too many of them.

numbers scare me......there are too many of them.

numbers scare me......there are too many of them.
numbers scare me......there are too many of them.

numbers scare me......there are too many of them.

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