InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Weirdest Pairing Ever! ❯ The Search for Kohaku! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I finally figured out how I want to continue this so Enjoy!


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!


The Search for Kohaku!


Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Touya, Asuko, Masashi, Akira, Sota, and grandpa are all out on a journey to find Kohaku so Touya can introduce him to Sota.


"So Sango, where was the last place you saw Kohaku?" Touya asks.


"Last time I saw him, he was at Naraku's castle." Sango replies.


"Good! We'll go there!" Touya says. They head in the direction of Naraku's castle.


At Naraku's castle


Naraku was watching them all on Kanna's mirror. 'Huh, why are they all coming here? And who are those people with them?' He thinks.


Outside the castle, Kohaku was sitting around. 'Hum, I have a feeling that something is going to happen.' He thinks.


Back with the group


Inuyasha was leading them all to Naraku's castle. He then stops. "What is it, Inuyasha?" Kagome asks.


"It's Kagura!" Inuyasha replies.


"Who's Kagura?" Everyone who doesn't know her asks. Just then there is a big gust of wind and Kagura appears.


"I'm Kagura!" She says, "I'm here to stop all of you from doing what ever it is you're trying to do!" A whole horde of demons arrive.


"No! I must find Kohaku to introduce him to Sota!" Touya screams as he slays all the demons.


"Oh you're SO strong!" Asuko comments, "I can't believe I'm going to marry you!"


"Introduce? Marry?" Kagura says.


"Yes! I, Touya Taijiya, am going to marry Asuko Higurashi! So I must introduce our sons!" Touya explains.


"Did you introduce your daughters yet?" Kagura asks.


"No, I'll do that right now!" Touya says. He walks over to Sango and Kagome. "Sango, this is Kagome! Kagome, this is Sango!"


"WE ALL READY KNOW EACH OTHER!" Sango and Kagome scream. Kagura blinks.


"Kaze no Kizu!" Inuyasha yells. Kagura hops on her fan and leaves.


"Now let's go find Kohaku!" Touya says. They all walk to Naraku's castle.


At Naraku's castle, Kohaku is sitting out side when he hears a noise. He spins around to see the group.


"Hi Kohaku!" Touya yells.


"FATHER?!?!" Kohaku screams. He runs up to his father and gives him a hug.


"Kohaku, there is someone I'd like to introduce you to!" Touya says. He walks over to Sota. "Kohaku, this is Sota, he's going to be your brother soon!" Touya explains.


"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Kohaku screams.


"Now that the introduction is over, I'll leave you to play with your friend Naraku!" Touya says and leaves. Kohaku looks shocked.


"FRIEND?!?!" Screams Kohaku, "DIDN"T YOU COME TO RESCUE ME?!?!?!" The rest of the group sweat drops and follows Touya.




I bet you weren't expecting them to leave Kohaku there after all that, were you? Please review!