InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy of Each Other ❯ First time of Phys. Training ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry, busy weekends and I don't write on Sundays. But if my updates get slow, please excuse it cause we have like 2 people moving in with us… One of the being my mother-in-law. But anywho, story time:
Chapter 5: First Time Training.
Inuyasha was woken up at 7am by his alarm clock. He jumped awake to the song “Speed Master” by Gackt. They moved him in a room just down the hall from Kagome. He grumbled and growled. It had been a week and a half since his training began. He took his test and passed, so now he was no longer a janitor. He was a personal trainer to the person he despised more then anyone in the whole world…even though Miroku kept trying to convince him it's useless, it was like a habit to hate her. He could not let it go. Now it was time to feed her. Sango had already woken and changed her. He was assigned to some scrubs with…Akitas…Japanese dogs with pointed ears… printed on them.
“Ha ha ha… Very cute”
He sarcastically complained as he took a shower, changed, brushed his hair, and went to the cafeteria to eat waffles then pick up Kagome's food. He sighed and grumbled all the way to her room. He then heard something in her room and peeked around the room. There was a woman with a little boy and an old man. It was her family. Then he spotted a man…a doctor giving her a physical. He was taking her blood and she didn't even flinch when he injected something into her arm. Her family was pale and her mother had tears running down her cheeks, her bent finger to her lips. Her brother looked on finally saying,
“Com'on nee-chan! Please! My first soccer competition is only a month away… and… and… I need help and…”
He had a tear run down his face. Her grandfather was saying a chant and put something weird around her neck. It was a wooden heart.
I carved this out of a branch that was cut. It is from Goshinboku… May it watch over you and bring you good health.”
Kagome just stared in front of her with a blank look. But the doctor decided to tell them. He didn't before in fear that their hopes would raise falsely.
“ Well, good news is she has been responding to a therapist here. He seems to have caught her attention...”
And Inuyasha turned pale as the doctor described to her family about his “wondrous deeds”. He growled under his breath. He just sat and watched until he ducked behind a corner when they left. Angery, Inuyasha rushed into her room and tossed the food on the tray. Kagome's eyes lit up, not seeming to care about the cold, dark look Inuyasha had on his face. His fists were clinched as he stared at her, breathing hard to control his temper. If Kagome were herself, this would be the time he'd grab her by her hair and shirt to drag her and sometimes push into a wall. Kagome didn't seem to notice his anger. She just stared at him and her eyes became unglazed and seemed to sparkle. He rushed to her side and got into her face,
“Would you stop staring at me?! It's really pissing me off!”
She didn't seem to care or notice. He knew he was just wasting his breath, so he looked back at the food, then to her. Should he feed her? Should he even bother? Why does he even bother?
“Those stupid people! That old hag… pervert trainer and pushy nurse.”
He crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair just to stare at Kagome. She didn't budge. He angrily pushed the food tray within her reach.
“If you are THAT hungry, then eat it yourself, Jajauma!”
He dare not look at her. Those big, bright brown eyes seemed to be capturing him lately… not to mention they were only for him. He watched her. She did not move, but just seemed to…patiently wait. He started to fidget. He wanted just to walk out, but he'd get in trouble for it… maybe even now that he was her caretaker he'd be charged with abuse and actually be put in jail for a long time. It seemed he had no choice. He thought toying with her like this would be fun… but he looked at her with pursed lips to the side. She just laid there and watched him like he was the greatest thing in the world. It sure seemed she thought so.
“Why do you stare at me? Why am I they only thing you respond too? Why me? I'm nothing special!”
He stood up and pointed to her forehead,
“You see that scar? I gave it to you with this claw!”
He held up the middle finger on his right hand. Then he picked up her arm and pointed to a long scar,
“I gave that to you when you were 10! To test out my new pocket knife I sliced you slightly. Don't you remember?”
Kagome just lay with a bit of confusion on her soft, pale face. He sneered at her. She didn't know his looks, what they meant. All she knew was this man…He was familiar and remember him… a glimpse that she dreamed of every night. He was special, though she did not know why. Inuyasha sat back and looked at the food, then her… He snickered as she squirmed a bit from her growling stomach. She began to whine a bit, he mockingly said,
“Why don't you feed it to yourself?”
She stopped moving and her eyes contacted with his. He growled,
“I hate you so much”
As he finally scooped up the oatmeal and fed it slowly to her. Though she did not smile, her eyes shined as he fed her.
“This is so gross… I can't wait till you can eat alone! But yet again, Sango has to do more disgusting things to you, so I don't feel so bad.”
She would watch him, then the spoon, then him. It got on his nerves. Why did they have to be there to watch? If he never fed her, He'd only have to look at her for maybe 20 min a day… but now… dawn till after dusk he was with her. Everywhere but the restrooms, changing and baths… those were in Sango's department... He finished up with the last spoonfuls then got up to leave. She began to whine a bit. Kagome wasn't vocal much, only when he was leaving. He sneered back at her,
“Shut up Jajauma! I'll be back in an hour to…”
He shivered and made a gagging sound,
“'Train' you. So just shut up and do what you do best… Just lay there like a good little vegetable…”
That didn't stop Kagome's whining as he walked out. After he left, she just kept quiet and stared at the wall.
He plopped face-first onto his bed. He couldn't take this… and this was his first day. First day out of 6 months and 3 weeks left to go. He grabbed his sheets with his claws, puncturing them. That stupid girl! She must pay for doing this! He would have unsupervised physical contact with her shortly. Maybe THEN will he have his fun. He smirked at the thought. He remembered some painful positions he'd put her in the past, but now a cheerleader, she might be more limber. When he watched Miroku, She seemed pretty limber, but he had a few ideas of his own. He snickered.
“Time for some REAL training, Jajauma!”
Kagome sat and waited, watched the clock… She recognized the position of the hands that Miroku would come… But today she'd get a surprise. Kagome mentally was getting more aware, but her body was not listening. Inuyasha rushed into the room with a sinister look on his face. Kagome didn't care, it was him… That's all that mattered. He lay down the blue futon-looking mat and then he pulled down the rail that kept her from falling of the bed and turned down the covers to uncover her. Her gown was hiked up pretty high, but to his relief not too high. He carefully scooped her limp, but surprisingly firm body into his arms. If her muscles would work with her feelings, she would have smiled, but her eyes just got calmer. He kneeled on his knees and basically tossed her on the mat like a rag doll, not caring for her need to be handled gently. She slowly rolled her neck to look at him with semi-glazed eyes, almost saying,
“Why did you do that?”
He coldly looked at her. She couldn't read his looks, but felt worried, he heard her heart beat quicken, and sweat. Signs of nervousness. He hissed in her ear,
“Enjoying this, Jajauma?”
Then he leaned back to look at her sinisterly. She lay there helpless. He held up one of her legs and gulped at how smooth and firm they were, though still thin. He then roughly bent the leg slightly not the way the joint was made to go. Kagome's eyes got wide and she squirmed with major discomfort. Inuyasha's eyes glimmered and he then brought her foot and pushed it over her head slightly too much, making Kagome wince and squint. Never before has he seen so much expression from her, but it was expressions he awaited to see. Yes it was unfair that she could not fight back, scream or yell, but he enjoyed it…until… When he roughly brought her knee up to her ear, she whimpered and looked at him with eyes that made him actually soften. A tear ran down her face looking at him while innocently her sad, confused, pained eyes asked him,
“Why are you doing this to me?”
Inuyasha quickly let go and as her leg dropped in on the mat, she opened her mouth to make a noise, but nothing came out. Inuyasha stared at her. She was scared now. His mind filled with guilt, but he got mad at himself, he then hissed at her,
“I enjoyed that Jajauma! It looked like you did too!”
He forced a sinister smile and she sadly looked at him… almost the look of a broken heart. He snickered,
“Maybe that will teach you NOT to stare at me and I'M NOT the person to help you… or even care about you… because I don't care… Lay in that bed and rot for that matter”
He smirked,
“As long as I get to watch”.
She didn't understand him. He knew it, but still it felt good to tell her… at least he thought it would. He sneered at her. He still needed to do the other leg and the rest of the major functioning muscles. He smirked, but then rethought, and then he yelled at her,
“Dammit Jajauma! Stop looking at me like that! You are taking all the fun out of it.”
Then he thought out loud
“If only you could scream… fight back… yell at me… but I might as well be torturing a mute, paralyzed cat.”
Her eyes showed heartbreak and fear, but quickly went back to how they were before, admiring, soft…loving. He sneered at her and growled,
“Let's just get this over with.”
He finished up the session roughly, but not to much painful, in fact this time around, being touched by him, held by him… She didn't mind the slight discomfort.
After the training, Inuyasha went outside to get some fresh air. Kagome's painful eyes should have satisfied him, make him smile and quench the thirst he had to torture her… but it caused guilt. Oh don't get it wrong, he hated her, but causing her more pain then she was in wasn't as fun as he thought it would be.
“Stupid Jajauma… why'd you have to get those eyes! That body! You… You...”
He kicked a rock hard, it chipped the tree. Maybe Miroku was right… but Inuyasha grew up hating her.
“That will not change. I hate that Jajauma… nothing will change that…”
He growled,
*******************************----------------------************ ********************
A/N: Darnit! I'm doing it already! He can't soften up on her this early… but I don't really want this to be a long story… but it'd be nice for him to be nice to her… It's hard being the author of such a story… “To have Inuyasha be cruel till last few chapters…or… Him soften up to have a fluffy …gooy story”'… I want the latter… so I'll try to blend it softly… but here soon I want Inuyasha to be IC… But IC epi 1-30: thinks of her as a friend… but mean and snobby to her…; or IC in current epis where Kagome is basically his life force… we'll see… till next time...