InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things the Cast Would never Say or Do ❯ Miroku ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Miroku, or any other characters that are mentioned

Things Characters Would Never Say or Do: Miroku

- ::gropes Inuyasha::

-Can I fake an exorcism so I can steal all your stuff?

-Naraku, will you bear my children?

-Inuyasha you look so totally sexy when you use the Tetsusaiga

-Guys, can I keep Naraku as a pet?

-Everyone, I have an announcement. I am leaving my career as a Buddhist monk to become a rapper

-Sango, I promise not to peep at you and Kagome taking a bath. Why don’t you tie me to a tree, just to make sure I can’t look

-::throws paper airplane at Inuyasha:: Don’t look at me, I didn’t throw that thing! It was Kagome! Jeez Kagome, what’s your problem!

-Hey Inuyasha? Would you mind cutting my hand off? This whole Wind tunnel stuff is getting annoying!

-Kagome? Can you bring me back a dress, or maybe some shorts and a tank top when you go to your era? I think this outfit makes my butt look big!

-Guess what, you guys! I just figured out who my reincarnation is! Its J. Lo!

-(singing) Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do we swim, swim, swim!

-Hey guys, lets have a snowball fight! ::chucks snowballs at everybody::

-::drinks beer:: I swear to drunk, I’m not god!

-Look! There’s Naraku! After him! ::runs into tree::

-Hey guys! Lets watch the lion king! ::turns on movie:: ::starts to cry after 2 minutes of it::

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don’t forget to review, even if it’s a flame! Oh, and stay tuned for the next chapter: Sesshomaru!