InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ This is Me ❯ Ice Meet Fire ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: (snore) BOOORRRINNNGGG!!!! How many times do I have to say this? I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters from that anime/manga.

In case you're wondering, I usually update when I have some spare time. Since I usually only have spare time on the weekend I will probably update then but sometimes that's not the case.

Well since I've gotten no more suggestions on which song to use, I'm going to put that chapter somewhere else and go with the whole Kikyou and Kagome meeting in right in this chapter.

Wah it seems like so few people are reading my other fic I'm working on called, "The Last Phoenix Demon Trilogy: Freedom of the Fire Bird," or just "Freedom of the Fire Bird" on Especially since I have BIG and I mean BIG plans for that. Well hopefully there will be more people reading it once I update.

THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS!!!!! Here are the responses for ALL chapters so far.


AsianEyes: Thanks for saying I have potential. Since you were the first reviewer of my first fanfic that really meant a lot to me.

sabriel7: Glad you loved my story so far. Anyway you know that I've made this an Inu/Kag fic right?

Emerald Night: Sorry this didn't turn out a sess/kag fic. Most people saw this as an inu/kag fic. But you can read my sess/kag fic "In My Brother's Place" if you want.

Queen Klu: I agree that this idea isn't exactly my best one yet. In my opinion my best one so far is "Freedom of the Fire Bird" but few people seem to like it. Glad you liked it though. I did make this an inu/kag fic but that does not mean that I don't like sess/kag fics. I used to only read inu/kag fics only, but one day I got curious and sought out to read some sess/kag fics, so now I like them too.

Morlana: If you've read all the chapters and the author's notes up to this point you'll know what couple I chose to write about. I'm happy that you liked that chapter.

Inu Girl: Err that song "This is me, that was her" it's actually called "This is me". I used it in the first chapter of this story. You are talking about the song by "Dream" right?

Star Angel: I made this story an inu/kag if you've been reading the authors notes with the chapters up to now. If not, then I just told you. :)

lazy leah: Thanks for the comments. I just find it difficult to make the chapters longer because like I said this is my first fanfic and I've never really liked writing much cause I rarely get inspired or motivated to write on my own time. Reviews however makes it all worthwhile.

ladyfluffy2003: Really you think this is good work? ^_^ I actually find my writing much better when I read them than when I write them. I really should read my writing more often cause sometimes I don't read what I write. I'll get the urge to delete it if I think it completely sucked.

InusDemoness: Yep it's an inu/kag. I also like sess/kag fics by the way. Yes there's tons of those stories. I think they seem more like opposites than Inuyasha and Kagome so it's more of a challenge to get them together. That's my opinion anyway.


EjgHorseLady: Thanks for saying I'm a good writer. You're the only reviewer who's reviewed more than once for this fic and I'm grateful to know that you're still reading it. I know the chapters should be longer but like I said, I rarely write anything on my own time due to lack of inspiration and motivation, so the reviews do help me a lot in writing. Hmm, you know I think I might do one in Inuyasha's POV in the chapter 6. Glad you enjoy this fic.

The Torn Angel: Sorry that you didn't like this fic coz it's going to stay inu/kag. If you only like sess/kag however you can read my other fic "In My Brother's Place". That's a sess/kag fic.

kokoro: I've said it many times, and I'll say it again. I've made this an inu/kag fic. Sorry but you can see how many people ask me that even though I say it in the author's notes in the beginning of each chapter since I've decided the couple. :)

Sakura hanyou: Thanks for the comments. I try to update as quickly as possible but there's only so much time I put into this. Not to mention that it's like pulling teeth for me to write something on my own time if I don't get some inspiration or motivation. See that's when reviews REALLY help.

Gaurdian of the Hell Gates: No I'm not a Kikyo fan so you can tell me how much you hate her. Lol. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. Actually I just think she's a good person but blinded by Naraku's lies and therefore manipulated to do really evil things, especially to Kagome and Inuyasha. Naraku's the one I really can't stand. This story will only go deep to some extent like only when the character is caught up in his/her thoughts. Hope you continue reading.

FallenSk8rAngel: Glad you liked it.

sparkel: Yeah another person who loves my story!

Nicole: Yes I made this an inu/kag.

Note to self: respond to reviews in every chapter so I don't forget what I'm writing while answering the reviews. Lol ^ _ ~

This is Me

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 5: Ice meet Fire

It was late morning. The sun rose higher and higher in the sky approaching its highest peak, creating shadows in Inuyasha's forest.

Kagome was startled to feel a demon's presence around her, but she calmed down after realizing it was Shippo. `Jeez I must have been really distracted if I didn't sense him until now,' she thought.

"Shippo I know you're here. You can stop hiding from me," she called out.

A worried looking kitsune leaped out of the bushes and then sheepishly looked up to her.

"Shippo why have you followed me?" Kagome asked in a serious tone.

Shippo, thinking he was in trouble, jumped into Kagome's arms and cried, "I was so worried about you. I woke up feeling cold and that's when I saw you leave. I saw how sad you were. You wouldn't have left if there wasn't something wrong."

Kagome held the sobbing kitsune in her arms as she smiled the smile she reserved for Shippo. "Shhh, Shippo, I'm sorry I made you worry about me. Don't cry. It's just that I needed some alone time that's all. Inuyasha's acts like such a baby sometimes." Kagome tried to make Shippo laugh, and it worked. Shippo's tears became tears of laughter.

Shippo's laughing soon ceased and he said, "Inuyasha's doesn't act like a baby, he IS a baby." Shippo then turned serious and said to Kagome, "Was he going to Kikyo again? Is that why you're sad?" When Kagome didn't answer right away he muttered, "He's such a jackass."

Kagome's eyes widened with shock. `How the HELL did he learn that? Damn, Inuyasha should really stop swearing when Shippo is nearby. He's such a bad influence on the little kid.' "Shippo . . ."

"I know I shouldn't use that word Kagome but that's what he is, isn't he? Who would cause pain to someone they love?" Shippo said as he hugged Kagome.

`How did he get so smart?' Kagome thought as she hugged back. `He sure has grown up too quickly in these past two years. He already has seen too many things a child his age should never see.'

Kagome continued to walk through the forest with Shippo on her shoulder. They walked until the sun was directly above them at its highest peak. It was then that they decided to have lunch.

Kagome handed Shippo a chocolate bar after they finished their lunch, which was ramen. All through this time, whenever something, like the ramen, reminded Kagome of Inuyasha, she pushed the thought in the back of her mind and concentrated on her new goal of increasing her inner and outer strength.

When they were finished, they continued their travelling. Kagome suddenly felt a familiar cold aura around her, while at the same time Shippo's nose caught a scent of dirt and bones. Immediately both Kagome and Shippo recognized the presence as they shared the same thought, `Kikyo'.

The said person came out into the clearing where the other miko and the kitsune were as if she had heard their thought. The incarnation and the incarnate gave ice-cold glares at each other for a moment.

Kagome broke the silence, never leaving her eyes off Kikyo, said, "Shippo, I want you to run and hide."

"But Kagome, how will . . ." Shippo started to say.

"Don't worry I'll find you," she reassured him.

Shippo hesitated but he replied, "Okay. Be careful," and then he scampered off.

Both of the mikos focused their whole attention towards each other. Kikyo's eyes reflected hatred, while Kagome's eyes showed pity and disgust.

"I have come to take back what's mine," Kikyo said in a bored voice.

There was no doubt that a battle was going to erupt between the two mikos, and no doubt that only one of them will be victorious.

"If you mean my soul, forget it. It's not yours anymore," replied Kagome.

"After this fight ends, I will have MY soul back and something else you have stolen from me," Kikyo said threateningly.

`What? What is she talking about?' Kagome thought. `She couldn't have meant Inuyasha. I never had him in the first place,' she thought bitterly.

"Enough talk. Let's get this over with," Kikyo said, her voice raising. She raised her bow and pointed her arrow at the other miko, at the same time as Kagome pointed her arrow to her.

Both mikos released their arrows; the arrows emitting purifying light.


`K, I'm going to stop there for now. I know, I know, terrible ending to this chapter. I think you have an idea as to what would happen in chapter 6 of this story. It's gonna be called, `Incarnation vs. Incarnate'. Soon I will have Inuyasha's POV in there somewhere. Please review cause only they can get me motivated and inspired enough to write on my own time.

Until next update,

Fenikkusu Ice