InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ This is Me ❯ Incarnation vs Incarnate ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If you think I own Inuyasha then you must think I'm Rumiko Takahashi. Since I'm not her I don't own Inuyasha so don't sue.

Yahoo! It's Saturday and you know what that means right? That means I have some free time and I can update! ^_^

Once again I'll have to postpone another song chapter because I didn't get any suggestions and so far I couldn't find a song that fits but it'll be up soon.

Here are the responses to the reviews for last chapter:

ejqHorseLady: OMG! I'm so sorry about that! The underline sort of hid the bottom of the letter. Yes I realize that it's short. I've wanted to make the chapters a little longer but you know lack of time, inspiration, and motivation sort of cut that through. It's mostly time I don't have as much of. By the way about your suggestion about Inu's POV? I'll have to put that in the next chapter or so cause it doesn't fit in this chapter. Thanks for reviewing!

Shadow39: I know that Kikyo's arrow shouldn't be having purifying light, since we all know she's not pure at all. But in the anime, she has the same purifying light on her arrow as Kagome's and she is still able to purify demons right? By the way I'm not so sure if you like this fic or not. Your first review sorta indicated that you don't but the second one kinda confused me. Anyway confused or not, thanks for reviewing.

meera: I know my fic's kinda short. I'll try to make it longer but I can't promise anything :). Glad you reviewed.

sabriel7: Not bad for my first attempt at writing something on my own time eh? Thanks for the comments. Yep I've finally updated.

I just wanted to say that if you're still reading this please review because I don't know if you're still reading it or not. I allow constructive criticism, comments, suggestions, etc except for flames. If you don't like my fic than don't read. Simple as that. Nobody likes being flamed for their work.

Okay it's time for the long awaited fight between you-know-whos.

`This is Me'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 6: Incarnation vs. Incarnate

Inuyasha's forest was deathly still, as if the living in the forest sensed a great battle that was to occur. The wind picked up and blew around the two figures. Dark clouds roamed above, with a promise of thunder, lightning and rain.

The two arrows, glowing equal amounts of blue purifying light, met at the tips and an explosion was the result. The arrows had cancelled each other out.

The miko in traditional priestess attire kept her distance from the other younger miko in a t-shirt and jeans. Kikyo's narrowed as she came to a realization: the girl had become much, much stronger than the last time they met.

Kikyo locked her arrow at the other miko's heart and fired. Kagome was faster than ever. Her training with Sango and Miroku helped to increase her speed. She dodged the arrow easily, even though the arrow was a blur to the eye. Kagome released an arrow of her own. Kikyo just barely dodged the purifying arrow. The arrow had scratched her cheek.

Kikyo's eyes were emotionless, but inside she was infuriating. She underestimated her incarnation. For the first time, Kikyo was actually afraid that Kagome may actually defeat her. Kikyo's eyes strayed to the arrow she had dodged. It was on the ground, still emitting a purifying light. The light had been a huge ball surrounding the arrow, unlike anything Kikyo had ever seen. Her own power had never had that much strength before.

She knew that Kagome was stronger than she was now by power alone, but she had the experience. `I will defeat the miko that next time we meet'. The undead miko spoke to Kagome, "You and I will finish this some other time," with that said, she retreated to the shadows of the trees with her shinidamachuu (soul stealing demons).

Kagome was surprised to say the least. `Why the sudden retreat? Didn't she say she wanted to get it over with? I've only scratched her cheek,' she thought.


Miroku clutched the note Kagome had left behind.

Sango, Miroku, Shippo

Don't worry about me. I just needed some alone time for a while. I will continue to look for Shikon shards. You won't see me until the jewel is completed.


Miroku reread the note over and over in his head. `Why would Kagome suddenly leave like that? Did Shippo follow her?'

Sango had similar thoughts. Sango and Miroku were riding on Kirara above Inuyasha's forest, looking for their friend. `I feel bad for leaving Inuyasha behind but sometimes he just can't keep his mouth shut. Miroku and I can find her faster without him throwing insults every few seconds,' she thought.

Miroku was sitting behind Sango, holding his hands around her waist. `She's so close'. He couldn't resist.

Sango's thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand on forbidden territory. On instinct, she whipped her hand around, landing a slam on Miroku's cheek, almost sending him falling in the forest below. Sango glared at Miroku while he gave her his famous `innocent' smile.


Kagome felt Shippo's aura nearby; he hadn't wondered far. Shippo was so happy to see Kagome and almost knocked her to the ground when he jumped into her arms.

"Kagome! You're all right!" Shippo hugged Kagome as tightly as he could.

As much as Kagome appreciated the thoughtfulness, she couldn't breathe. "Shippo," she choked out, "I can't breathe."

"Oops, sorry Kagome," said Shippo, sheepishly.

"Let's go," Kagome replied, putting Shippo on her shoulder.

Neither had noticed that a silver-haired figure who had watched the fight between Kikyo and Kagome concealed in the shadows of the trees.


I know, I know this is actually shorter than usual but I'm running out of ideas. Sorry the battle scene was so short, but I have bigger plans for when Kikyo and Kagome meet again, you can be sure of that. Try to guess who the figure is. I'm running a little low on ideas, so I'll appreciate suggestions.

Fenikkusu Ice