InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ This is Me ❯ My Last Breath ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the song, "My Last Breath" by Evanescence.

Hey people. I know that I haven't gotten around updating lately but I've been experiencing a REALLY REALLY bad form of writer's block. So you can see why I haven't felt like writing anything. But I guess I'm fine now.

This is the last chapter everybody! I've gotten bored of this plot especially since this was seemingly getting nowhere. So I've finished it. It's been fun though. Thanks so much for your support!

Okay enough about me. All righty here are the responses:

Shadow39: Yah go Kagome!

dancing-by-moonlight: I'm sorry about the updating but I'll rather write a good chapter than a bad forced one. This story's almost done so I can work on my other fics as well.

Hinoiri Fighter: Hey, you've read my fic! I try my best on the action scenes coz I like fighting as well. Oh I've decided to use another song instead of "Because You Loved Me". I hope you don't mind.

Rushyuo: Do you want Kagome to leave Inuyasha though? This is an Inu/Kag though it's more angst than romance.

monsterkittie: Is it? Thanks for the great ratings! Enjoy this chappy.

Akiame: You'll just have to see. I don't hate her but I don't like her either so please don't flame me if this gets out of hand, okay?

`This is Me'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 11: My Last Breath



He couldn't believe it; he refused to believe what was happening. The blood poured out from Kagome's wound, the hole where the arrow pierced through her chest, right at the heart. He knew it; they both knew it. She hadn't much time to live.

Her breath came out in rasps, coughing out more blood. She managed to make of the blurry image of Inuyasha. She smiled a sad smile. `This is the end,' she thought. `I can feel it.'

"Inuyasha," Kagome whispered, too weak to make her voice any louder. Even with his demon hearing, Inuyasha had to lean towards her to hear her words.

"Hold me."


Hold on to me love

You know I can't stay long

All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid

Can you hear me?

Can you feel me in your arms?


"Yes, yes of course, Kagome," he said quietly, holding her closer to him, afraid of letting her go.

Her smile faded as she felt a tear fall on her face. She raised her hand weakly to touch the side of his face. He grasped her hand and held it to his cheek.

"You're crying," she whispered to him.


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself

Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light

It ends here tonight


Up until then, Inuyasha hadn't been aware that he was crying. Tasting the salty water as one tear slid on the side of his mouth, he couldn't help but think that this was the first time he had cried since the death of his mother.

Kagome's blue-grey eyes became hazy with unshed tears as she gazed into his amber ones. She remembered how they had captured her attention so many times in the past. She remembered all the times that they had fought, all the times they had with their friends, and most of all, all the tender moments they had shared. Although they were few, she will forever treasure those moments.

She realized at that moment as she continued to stare into his eyes, that she had been lying to herself and him. Kagome knew that she had never, not even once, despite of all the times that he had brought her pain, stopped.

She had never stopped loving him.


I'll miss the winter

A world of fragile things

Look for me in the white forest

Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)


She had wanted to hate him. She really did. But her mind contradicted with her heart.

Kagome's tears started to fall as she said the words she wanted to tell him before the inevitable came,

"I loved you. I never stopped. Inuyasha. . ."

Inuyasha nodded to show that she had his full attention.

"I'll always love you."


I know you hear me

I can taste it in your tears


Inuyasha's happiness was only short-lived. He was overjoyed to know that Kagome had been by his side, had never left him, and had always loved him. But that emotion was quickly replaced with the knowledge that she was dying and there was nothing that he could do.

He held her closer, both of them savoring their last moments together as they knew that they were not destined to be together, once again separated by fate.


Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself

Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light

It ends here tonight


Inuyasha's eyes widened in horror as Kagome breathed her last breath. . . the life in her eyes gone. . . her soul freed.

She was gone.


Closing your eyes to disappear

You pray your dreams will leave you here

But still you wake and know the truth

No one's there



Flashbacks of Kagome smiling at him, comforting him, giving him strength, even of Kagome sitting him came into his mind at lightning speed.

The hanyou wept harder from the loss of his love; his only love. He hugged her against him as tight as he could. "Please don't leave me. I love you," he cried in her hair. He strained all of his youkai senses, hoping for any signs that Kagome was still alive.

There were none.


Say goodnight

Don't be afraid

Calling me calling me as you fade to black


Inuyasha shook with anger as the full force of what had happened shot at him. It was Kikyo who had tried to hurt him. It was Kikyo who had tried to kill him. But most of all, it was Kikyo who had attempted and had succeed in killing her reincarnation.

That WAS the last straw.

Inuyasha carefully set Kagome down as his amber eyes bled crimson as his demon side completely took over him and this time, he didn't even try to push his youkai blood back. Kikyo no longer had his sympathies. `She deserves to spend an eternity in hell, alone.'

His claws lengthened as did his fangs as his mind was overcome by anger and hatred for the undead miko.

With a mighty roar, he dashed towards Kikyo, intending to slice her in half and rid the world of this clump of clay and dirt.

Kikyo raised her hand to activate a purifying shield around her. Inuyasha ran right into the shield and was thrown back at the force and power of it. He snarled when she laughed evilly.

He narrowed his eyes in realization as Kikyo's body glowed white and the same thing happened with Kagome's body.

Kagome's soul was returning to Kikyo.

Kikyo continued laughing when all of the soul reunited within her body.

Inuyasha finally understood why Kikyo wanted Kagome dead. It was so she could have all of her soul back. With the entire soul back together, she wouldn't have the need to absorb any more souls and she would be much more powerful.

At that moment, all Inuyasha could think of was Kagome. The anger of his mind heightened as it overtook his entire body. No part of his mind told him to grant his former love mercy. For once, his human side and his demon side completely agreed with each other. `Kikyo must die.'

Inuyasha's eyes bled crimson red as he slashed his claws to Kikyo. She however dodged his claws and fired arrows of very powerful purification arrows. Some of them managed to pierce through his haori and through his skin, but he never paid any heed to any of them. He barely even winced.

His anger only grew. His mind told him to avenge Kagome's death. That served to heighten his senses and his strength. Inuyasha gained more speed and agility, his strength multiplied.

He punched right through the ground as he tried to hit her. That attack left a giant crater which both baffled and frightened Kikyo. She had expected that he would attack her, but she had no idea that he loved her reincarnation enough so that he would be able to control his demon side instead of blindingly attacking her.

Kikyo had underestimated him.

She kept firing her arrows at him but he kept dodging them with ease. Her eyes widened. She knew now that he would really kill her. She used the last of her remaining power to put up a barrier to defend herself. That served no purpose for Inuyasha's claws easily slashed through it. His claws struck Kikyo right where the heart was supposed to be had she been alive. Kikyo disintegrated, leaving dirt and ashes blowing away with the wind.

A white ball of light emerged from Kagome's fading body as Inuyasha returned to his hanyou form. He looked on as the image of Kagome appeared from the light.

"Kagome," he whispered as he walked towards her.

She smiled a sad smile. "Inuyasha."

They were now a foot apart. Inuyasha reached over to touch her cheek and was surprised that he could feel her warm soft skin underneath his finger tips. He pulled her over to him and embraced her as if she was his lifeline. She returned the embrace.

"I love you, Kagome," he whispered against her hair.

"Me too, Inuyasha." Kagome could feel the tears running down her cheeks. They were only delaying what was meant to be.

Neither of them wanted to let go, both knowing that they may never see each other again.

"Inuyasha. . ." she started.

"No Kagome. Let me hold you a bit longer." Inuyasha's golden eyes now shined with unshed tears. "Please," he pleaded.

Kagome shook her head. "I haven't got much time, Inuyasha. I have to leave."

They let go enough so that they could see each other's faces. It tore both their hearts that they could not be together. They were both shedding tears now. The distance between them were closed as they shared a kiss. It was a chaste kiss. A simple but powerful expression of love.

Inuyasha could feel her touch fading away. `No. . . not yet!' his mind screamed. He tried to hold onto her but it was a useless effort. Kagome was still next to him but she was fading.

"Be free, Inuyasha. I'll always love you, no matter where we end up," Kagome cried.

"I'll always love you too, Kagome, my Kagome." He watched helplessly as she completely faded away, the image of her in tears will always be engraved in his mind.

Night fell upon the forest and still Inuyasha hadn't moved from his spot. Finally he picked up one of Kagome's arrows and buried it as a memorial for her. He clenched the beads of his necklace. That was his last remembrance of her; the one object that bind them from the very beginning. When morning came, he took one last look at the gravesite and returned to the village.

They say that the hanyou had come to that part of the forest every day up until his death. People say that he had held onto his necklace until his very last breath, with no one but his two demon friends by his side.

Who knows? Maybe the souls of Inuyasha and Kagome would meet once again and next time, maybe they'll be given the chance to love.

****THE END****

Well that's it everybody! Only two ppl mentioned about the ending so I stuck to the original sad ending. Just so you know: I'm definitely NOT doing a sequel to this story. However I will probably do another Inu/Kag fic sometime in the future, though it's probably gonna be a long time from now. Not gonna start a new fic when I've got others to finish. In the meantime, I've got to work on my other fics.

If you think this sucked, don't worry. My next one will be much better, I promise. I had wanted to go with a simple plot for my first attempt at a fic. If you don't think it sucked, then I'm glad you like it. My next one will still be better nevertheless.

See ya later!

Fenikkusu Ice