InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through her eyes ❯ Apple peelers are deadly ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
When I finally got the chance to bring myself out of the trance, she had put me in; it was completely dark, and dry. `What just happen?'
.:Hey, you're awake, about time, I was getting tired:.
`Answer my question.'
.:I Took control:.
`Why, how, when.'
.:I knew you were tired and I need to but you this hut so I just thought, I'll let her sleep and how, well that's easy, I took my side of your mind and heart and knocked you out and when, well hours ago. Don't you feel refreshed?:.
`You can do that? We can't let that happen, and yeah I sort of do. Um, where are all the trees?'
.:I Needed materials for the hut, I chopped them down:.
`Where's the hut and is that why my hands feel like rocks. I was doing manual labor?'
.:It's down the path with nothing but stumps. You'll love it. It's quaint and just so cute:.
I hated this. This woman was taking over me without me know or anything. I have no idea what I am and she just made it worst. She chopped down trees for her own desire and hello, it didn't even rain. I really need some advise something.
I walked down the path of tree stumps away from the narrow stream.
We were still pretty close to the stream when I saw the “hut” she had made, with my body.
It was made of the bark of the trees, or logs, whatever and the roof was covered with tree and bark. It wasn't that big but then it's only one person staying in it. The door was leaves tied together with some type of string. I walked closer and saw the string was green. That was when I felt a breeze. I looked down and saw my half a skirt. “You aren't serious.”
I received no response from her and I continued to my skirt that had shrunk in size. It was smaller by length and I knew if I was to bend down, well you'll see my entire tush.
I felt my head get hot, damn, what is she? She can take over me and I can't take over her. Man I need some help. I heard rustling from behind and I automatically went from my arrows and bow, too bad I didn't have them with me. SO I just thought to get in a fighting stance, wishing they'll get scared that I could fight and just run off. I smelled a horrible smell, I almost got knocked out.
“My, my, my little miko is out on her own. What a mistake.” I knew that voice and I matched it with the newly found scent that had to be hers. “Hello, Kagura.” I had just remembered about the apple peeler I had swiped from my mother. I had slipped it in my socks before I ran off, afraid of Inuyasha coming to get me.
She came out of the trees and into the sumps path. Her feather was shrinking in her hand and the other held a fan.
“Are her to try and kill me?” I asked although it'll be quite stupid if she was. No I was wrong it wouldn't be stupid, it's not like I'm the only one who can see the jewel shards and Kikyou, well Kikyou is Kikyou, nothing more nothing more.
“Of course not, Naraku found out that Kikyou has officially joined your group so, he wants another miko.”
“I don't care.”
“Well, you should, that miko he wants is you.”
“Well come and get me.” No, don't, what was I saying? Well all I know is she did exactly that. She waved that fan and I jumped out of the way using that girl's, inside of me, power.
“Miko, why are you so fast? You run and look and little like a youkai.” She waved again and the blades flew out. I dodged it but she waved a third time when I wasn't paying attention much. It caught in the legs and I went down from the air not even facing her.
The smell of my own blood just rushed to my head. Blood was just leaking out of me. I smelt decay and a smell of rat but I didn't care of that much. I pulled out the peeler and just threw it behind me thinking that was where she was. I heard a satisfying grunt but instead of her copper blood like smell, I smelt more decay coving every other scent.
I turned trying hard not to hurt myself farther and saw who, more like what, I got.
There sitting on a stump was Kikyou with my peeler right in her chest. Inuyasha was standing of her staring at her gaping. He turned towards me with red eyes. And Kikyou coughed out blood and fell limp.
DI: Done for now sorry, I'll update soon. Don't for get to review. I might put it on hold just until I hit like 15 reviews or something.