InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through the Rose Colored Lenses ❯ The Bait is Set ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inu Yasha is NOT MINE!!!!!!!! He belongs to Rumiko Takahashi

P.S. I HAVE NO $$$$$ SO DON'T SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Through the Rose Colored Lenses


By Sailor Scribe

"Sesshomaru, I need to speak to you, youkai to youkai!" Sesshomaru raised a quizzical eyebrow at the intruder standing on his oak desk. He sat back in his chair and gave his guest his undivided attention.

"As you whish."

"Inu Yasha didn't come home last night…or the night before last. Level with me Sesshomaru; I can take it! Is Inu Yasha spending his nights…with a woman?" Sesshomaru examined the young youkai with interest.

"Yes…actually, one in particular."

"What?" The young kitsun wailed. "Say it ain't so!"

"It isn't. Say it isn't, and I am afraid it is so."

"But…but, if Inu Yasha is seriously seeing a woman, then he could get married! I don't want one of those stupid models as my mommy!" Shippo cried.

"But Shippo, Inu Yasha is not seeing a model."

"He's not?"

"No, he's been staying with Kagome."

"Kagome?" He sniffled. "I like Kagome…she doesn't stink of coconut oil! Is Inu Yasha going to marry her?"

"It's too soon to say…they are not even dating."

"Then why did he spend the night with her…twice?" Shippo protested.

"Kagome was in a car accident; nothing serious." He quickly added the second part before Shippo's eyes began to tear. "She had to spend the night in the hospital, and Inu Yasha stayed to keep her company, just like he stayed with you when we first found you. And, last night, some bad guys broke into Kagome's home, so Inu Yasha stayed to protect her."

"Poor Kagome, she musta been scared!"

"Why else would Inu Yasha stay with her?"

"She should come live with us, like Kagura and Kanna did! That way, she could always be protected!"

"Would you like her to live here?"

"Yeah! It would be so cool! She could read me stories and kiss me good night and scratch my tail just the way I like it…"

"It almost sounds as if you want Kagome to be your mother." Sesshomaru observed.

"Kagome…my mom?" Images of Kagome taking him out on picnics, kissing his scraped knees and tucking him at night flooded the young boys mind. "That would be nice…I think I would like that."

"Too bad that can never happen!"

"Why not?"

"Because to be your mother, she would have to marry Inu Yasha, and since when do those two get along. Quite a shame, a bigger one if you consider she has a brother a little older than you. You would no longer be outnumbered by the girls."

"That stupid Inu Yasha! Leave it to him to mess things up, like usual!"

"It's a shame he is so hard headed…you might have been able to convince him that Kagome would have made the perfect mother for you!"

"Stupid idiot!" Shippo stopped for a second. "Guilt trip…" Shippo whispered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing Sesshomaru! Thank you for talking to me!" The young kitsun raced out of the office as Inu Shantino walked in.

"Did you just recruit my grandson for your evil plans towards my youngest son?"

"Father, you should know best that a parent's greatest weakness is his child, and Inu Yasha is no exception. I could not proceed unless Shippo wanted Kagome as his mother. One word from him, and Inu Yasha would push Kagome away."

"Will she be a good mother for my grandson?"

"See for yourself." Sesshomaru handed his father a folder filled with pictures. Inu Shantino examined them carefully. Kagome tickling Shippo as the boy laughed; Kagome giving Shippo an Eskimo kiss; Shippo, perched on Inu Yasha's shoulder, sticking his tongue at the angry hanyou with the young miko looking at them with a knowing expression. He could see the mirth in her eyes, the warmness in his son's and the life in Shippo's. Yes, this woman would make a good mother and a good wife. He turned to a close up of Kagome's face turning towards the camera as she pushed a lost strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes were a vibrant blue, as if she held a will to live that was kept in check by glass doors, and her smile, it was naturally charming and, combined with those eyes, sexy.

"She is beautiful."

"If you are into the down to earth kind of girl." Sesshomaru shrugged as he eyed his wife in a designer skirt and shirt that glazed her conservative edge and accentuated her every curve simultaneously.

"Your brother is…any idiot could see the aura around her! She is perfect for your brother! I approve of your choice, Sesshomaru."

"Unfortunately, my brother is not as smart as any idiot! He is stupid enough to let her go." With a sigh, Sesshomaru stood up. "Now, if you excuse me, I must go to the emergency meeting called by the Youkai Council caused by your son."

"Hasn't the matter been cleared up already?"

"Unfortunately, the youkai Kagome identified was from a wealthy family. They want retribution for their daughter."


"Kagura knew her. She was her cousin…one of Naraku's favorite spies."

"Naraku? Then is it safe to say that he was behind the attack."

"Kagura doesn't believe Angel would act without Naraku's orders, but there is the chance that she was just being a troublemaker."

"Hmm, or that the jewel that saved Kagome's life was the actual Shikon no Tama!"

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Kagome followed Inu Yasha into his private photo studio behind the elegant mansion he called home. The place reminded her of a resort with new stone buildings built with the traces of an old French villa interlacing the buildings. She spotted Meche-Benz parked near the entrance and realized that Laura-chan must be already in side. She walked-in behind Inu Yasha spotting the glow in the kitsun's eyes when he spotted his stepfather. Her smile widen when the pup turned to her and raced to her side. "Kagome! I've missed you! I haven't seen you in over a week! I was so sad!" He gave her his best puppy eyes. "Inu Yasha is really mean not sharing you!"

"Keh! Like I want her all to myself!"

"Well, why else would you spend two nights with her?" Shippo asked faking innocence. Laura's head shot up.

"Oi, I was watching over her! She was sick!" He tried to explain as Kagome's face flushed a lovely shade of red.

"If you didn't want her all to yourself, then why you didn't you bring her here, so we could all take care of her!" Shippo protested.

"Shippo," Kagome began, "I didn't need everyone to take care of me. Inu Yasha was more than enough…"

"That is what my mommy used to say about my daddy." Shippo said in a sad voice. An uncomfortable silence followed.

"Well, I don't mean to be rude, but I do have other engagements." Laura finally spoke up.

"Yeah, do I finally get to be a model and become rich and famous?" Shippo's face brightened.

"Keh, you were already a model and you are rich!"

"But not famous!"

"That's because those ads with Sango haven't aired yet."

"Doesn't matter! I want to be a model."

"Are you sure? This would mean you couldn't pig out as much as you like, and you would have to get up early and work really hard instead of playing with your friends?" Kagome asked.

"I'm sure! I don't mind getting up early or doing those things if you or Inu Yasha are going to take my picture."

"Oi brat! It won't always be us, and it won't always be fun!"

"But I liked it!" Shippo whined, and Inu Yasha took a deep breath.

"Fine, but I don't want to go overboard. Let's just start slow and see where it goes from there." Inu Yasha finally conceded.

"That sounds great. I have the contracts to sign with me, and I take it you will be putting together his portfolio."

"Hai, me and Kagome."

"Gi'me some sugar baby!" Kagome encouraged as Shippo glided in front of the camera in a kid's tux, with his tail well hidden. He winked and gave a kiss to the camera. Kagome faked to swoon and Inu Yasha chuckled. Laura had left hours ago, and he had almost used a month's supply of film on Shippo, but even he had to admit, the kit was photogenic. "Such a lady's man! A Don Juan for the new Millennium." Kagome brought Inu Yasha back from his thoughts. "Just like his father."

"Keh, the kid still has a lot to learn."

"About what?" Shippo asked turning to him.

"Women." Inu Yasha continued.

"Yuck, they got cuties! Except for Kagome, Rin, Kagura and Kanna…they are cool, for girls that is."

"Stay that way, Shippo, for as long as you can!" Inu Yasha ordered. "Last thing I need is to deal with all the broken hearts you will cause."

"Why would I cause a broken heart?"

"Because you are too cute for your own good." Kagome answered ruffling his hair.

"That is true!" Shippo sighed sadly.

"Speaking of cute," Inu Yasha cut in. "Who was that girl that called today…Sakura?" Shippo's cheeks flushed bright red and he quickly looked away with his big green eyes shinning. Kagome didn't miss the opportunity to capture the moment and smiled.

"She wouldn't be your girlfriend?" She teased.

"Ahh…she is just a friend!" He quickly added.

"Oh?" Kagome asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, she is just a friend with beautiful brown eyes…the color of caramel when it melts from a candy bar." He sighed with the saddest love sick eyes. Again, Kagome captured the moment.

"What's wrong? She doesn't like you back?"

"No, she won't be my girlfriend because her best friend has a crush on me! I'm telling you, these looks are a curse!"

"Curse, huh? Didn't you just say girls had cuties?" Inu Yasha interrupted

"But Sakura isn't like any other girl…she is beautiful. Life is so unfair!"

"It's true what they say." Kagome smiled at Inu Yasha as he gave her a questioning stare. "Everything you need to know in life, you learned in Kindergarten."

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Sesshomaru reached the old round stone in the woods outside Tokyo that marked the spot of the Youkai Council. When human cities had outnumbered the old Youkai treaties and it was obvious to the race that they would need to integrate with the ningen, the Council was formed to provide guidelines for the youkai. It operated independently of any human law and all youkai were bound to it, whether or not they had migrated to the cities. Some questions of honor could not be solved by ningen means, and if they were to remain undetected by the human population, they needed to solve their problems their way. It was not only youkai that were bound to the council, but all who dared dabble with magic. Kagome, Kaede and even Kikyo had to register with the council. They may not be bound by its laws, but at times like this, it provided them with the right to defend themselves from the claws of their enemies.

The twelve representatives from the twelve tribes of youkai gather around the Stone in a perfect circle, leaving four gaps. "Who here speaks on behalf of the Northern Lands?" Jaken asked as he stood on the round stone.

"I, Ayame of the Northern wolves, do." She took her place at the Northern gap.

"For the Eastern Lands?"

"I, Erinnus, of the Eastern Lions, do." A tall slender female with a yellow mane and matching amber eyes said as she took her place in the Eastern gap.

"For the Southern Lands?"

"I, Lord Naraku, do." He took his place arrogantly in the Southern gap.

"And for the Western?"

"I, Sesshomaru of the Inu Youkai clan, do." Sesshomaru concluded taking his place. He could feel his father-in-law's glare. Naraku had no tribe, just subjects, while Sesshomaru spoke for all Inus no mater what lands they inhabited.

"Who seeks retribution?" Jaken demanded.

"I, Rei of the Kaze Youkai, do. My daughter, Angel, was killed with unjust cause! I demand the death of the miko and hanyou that killed her!" A young woman with grey eyes and black hair floated into the circle on a feather.

"This is going to take long!" Sesshomaru concluded as he eyed the woman.

It was past sunset when the Council agreed to vote. The discussion had not been civil, and the weeping mother was the receiver of Sesshomaru's sharp tongue. Naraku stood behind his adoptive sister and demanded retribution for his niece. The war between West and South raged for better part of the afternoon with neither side seeming to gain the most ground. After sunset, Jaken called for the vote and closing remarks or questions. Naraku, failing in etiquette, as usual, ignored the right of the Northern lands to begin the discussion and began demanding for the young life that was cut short by such careless actions of a dog and a miko, the natural enemy of a youkai.

"Naraku, I disagree." Ayame finally spoke up. It was her first time at the Council, though it was known her grandfather was planning to name her his heir. "Kagome-chan has never killed a demon for jest or because it is her natural enemy. She has a natural regard for all life, and has managed to befriend a number of youkai, among them the wolf tribes. I cannot believe that Kagome acted in any other manner than to protect her home and family."

"I must agree with Ayame." The Eastern Lady spoke. "Though tragic death, Angel was intruding in a house protected by wards. Even if it was an innocent prank, this should have been enough to warn her that it was not a welcoming house. What I still do not understand is what a young girl was doing wondering the streets of Tokyo unsupervised at that hour." Erinnus glared at Rei feeling her maternal feelings rising.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken pressed.

"Kagome is my employee as well as my brother's friend. Though he is hotheaded and has caused his share of problems, he would not have killed the intruders unless he believed they meant Kagome true harm. She did kill one…not Angel. She was outnumbered. It is well documented Inu Youkai are extremely territorial, and this very Council has created laws to protect our nature. Can you blame my brother for protecting HIS friend in HER home?" Sesshomaru never let a touch of emotion seep through his mask. Now, it was up to the tribes to decide, in a blind vote, the fates of the miko and her hanyou friend.

"The Youkai Council has decided on a consensus of nine to three that the miko known as Kagome Higurashi and the hanyou known as Inu Yasha Morrimotto are not responsible for the death of Angel of the Kaze Youkai on the grounds of self defense." Jaken declared.

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"Hojo?" Kagome stood up to greet her old friend. She was sitting outside of Aailyah's café with Sango and LB on this sunny Wednesday afternoon, when he approached her.

"How have you been feeling?"

"Just fine." Behind her, LB suddenly became possessed by a coughing fit.

"Oh, Hojo, let me introduce you to my friend LB and you remember Sango."

"A pleasure to meet you." Hojo smiled cheerfully.

"Kagome, I was wondering if you gave what I said any thought."

"There was nothing to give thought to Hojo. I told you there is nothing there."

"Are you sure…Nurse Datchic…"

"Hojo, trust me. I know my life best."

"In that case, would you like to go to dinner this Friday?"

"This Friday?"

"That is if it is not already taken."

"No, it's not. I would love to go to dinner with you on Friday." Kagome smiled with defiance.

"Yo doc, don't forget you got surgery this afternoon." Hojo's companion called after him.

"I'm coming Ashley. See you Friday, then." He smiled and left.

"Wow, Kagome, a doctor! I'm impressed." LB cheered.

"I'm not!" Sango complained.

"What? I thought you liked Hojo!"

"That was before I realized he hasn't changed: plain, safe and boring. You need to live a little, girlfriend!"

"I'm sorry Sango, but I am not as free as you! I need to think of Souta, and safe is just the way I like it." Sango frowned. Her sunny afternoon ruined.

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"Miroku! How in the seven hells can you be so calm?" Sango demanded as she paced angrily in front of him. She had rushed to his apartment after the incident at the café, needing someone to vent to.

"Please Sango, you are making me dizzy!" Miroku sighed. "I just don't see the problem."

"Kagome is going out with an ex-boyfriend, and you don't see the problem?" Sango screamed at the sitting figure.

"But you said that he was the safe, pain-boring type…"

"But that is what Kagome wants!"

"No, that is what Kagome thinks she wants! Besides, if she is going out that means she is ready to date again."

"How can that be helpful if she isn't even looking for someone like Inu?"

"Baby, haven't you ever heard the expression, 'Love shows its face when you are NOT looking for it, in the place you NEVER thought to find it?'"

"But still…"

"And think of Yasha's reaction when he finds out that Hojo has one on him."


"Kagome and Yasha fought over Hojo…remember? So, if he thinks that the guy that caused Kagome to get angry at him and then indirectly caused Kagome to get in an accident, is going out on a date with her, he is going to be mad…so mad that you can say he would be territorial. Protective and possessive of Kagome…like a boyfriend would…"

"So you are saying, we turn this into our advantage?"


"How do you manage to be so calm through this?" Sango asked as Miroku approached her. He quickly slipped his hands around her waist.

"Simple, I was trained as a Buddhist monk in a previous life, and besides…"

"Besides, what?" She asked as he brought his face towards hers with a lecherous smile.

"If you are worried that we fail getting Kagome and Inu Yasha together, then that must mean that you do want to be with me." He kissed her lips softly as Sango melted into his arms.

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"Kohaku, what am I going to do?"

"Calm down Souta. We will think of something." Kohaku kicked the soccer ball back to Souta. "Are you sure she liked this guy in high school?"

"They were official!"

"Then this is serious!" Souta kicked the ball and it bounced off the well house towards Kohaku.

"What if you tell her that he gives you the creeps?"

"Haven't seen him in years…plus he is a doctor."

"Yes, girls always fall for the doctors! Or at least they do in all the soaps!" Kohaku pondered as he bounced the soccer ball on his head. "What if you were sick?"

"She could tell if I'm faking. Besides, for a cold, she would call Kaede to take care of me. It wouldn't be a big deal."

"What if we came up with a rare disease…that wasn't permanent, so that she would worry and stay."

"What kind of disease?"

"Oi runt!" Both turned to see Inu Yasha walking towards them from his car. The boys had been so absorbed in their conversation that they hadn't heard the car pull up. "Is your sister home?"

"Yeah! She is in the darkroom, so you better be careful not to mess up her pictures."

"I'm a photographer remember. I know all about darkrooms."

"Hey Inu Yasha!" Kohaku called after Inu Yasha started walking towards the house.


"Do you know of a disease that is powerful, no one knows how long it will take to cure it, and is difficult to heal?"

"Yeah, a broken heart." Inu Yasha answered. "Why?"

"It was a riddle we heard at practice." Kohaku replied winking at Souta. Inu Yasha growled. They were good kids, but strange none the less.

"Oh yeah, I made goalie Inu Yasha!" Souta called after him.

"Congrats kid!" He gave him a thumbs up and entered the house. "Wench where are you?"

"The name is Kagome!" She opened the door next to the kitchen. "Try it with me, Ka-go-me!"


"Well, at least you got the first letter right."

"Do you have the pictures?"

"They are drying as we speak." Kagome pointed at the half-bath she had converted into her darkroom.

"They any good?"

"I like to think so."


"Want something to drink?"

"Do you have Sierra Mist?" She threw a can at the hanyou.

"After Souta found out it was your favorite, he won't drink anything else."

"Kid got taste!"

"Kid got a hero complex!" Kagome interrupted, and they fell into a comfortable silence.


"Shoes!" Kagome yelled causing her brother to halt his entrance into the kitchen.

"I almost forgot! Hojo called and said that he would pick you up at eight on Friday."

"I know I read the note. Did you get Buyo from the well house this morning?" Kagome asked as she realized her fat cat hadn't touched his food today.

"Ah, be right back!" Souta left the kitchen in a hurry.

"Hojo?" Inu Yasha growled.

"Yeah, we are going on a date on Friday, catching up on old times." Kagome folded her arms defensively. "Is there a problem with that?"

"No." Inu Yasha match her stance, as they both went on the offensive. "It's your life…but what kind of boyfriend calls his girlfriend by her last name?"

"The kind I like!" Kagome retorted.

"Keh, that explains your lack of men."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, just that it's hard to find nice weirdos these days."

"I know. Usually I am stuck with rude weirdos like yourself." Inu Yasha growled.

"Why him?"

"Why not?" Kagome retorted.

"Because I don't like him!"

"So now you know what's best for me?" Kagome took a few steps forward like a lioness on the prowl.

"Keh, not like you got a clue!"

"Oh?" Kagome's eyebrow arched in defiance reminding Inu Yasha of an angry Sesshomaru. Inu Yasha growled at her as he stepped into the battlefield.

"Stupid wench! Even I know you could do better!" Kagome took a step back in response. That almost sounded like a compliment. She was about to give in when Inu Yasha spoke again. "Therefore you should cancel!"

"Excuse me?" What was wrong with her? Inu Yasha saw her step back; she had admitted that she was wrong. Why wasn't she calling up the Hobo-guy and canceling?

"Cancel; he ain't worth your time!"

"And you became my father when?" Even Inu Yasha recognized the warning in the anger that laced her words. He had crossed the line.

"Keh, stupid bitch!" He half mumbled at a failure to come up with a response.

"Sit! Then get out of my house! I'll take the pictures to work on Monday!" Kagome marched out of the Kitchen as Inu Yasha received a close inspection of how clean Kagome's floor was.

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Wow another chapter done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm still procrastinating! Worst of all, I have been getting ideas for new stories….an action and an angst-filled one.

I'm not sure if I can wait for winter break to start them!

I'm in the middle of a snow storm. We got more than a foot of snow. There is nothing more that I wanted to do than forget my homework and read some good fan fiction while drinking some hot cocoa, but none of my favorite stories were updated and the hot chocolate burned my tongue. I felt like Inu after he eats spicy foods. So what is a girl to do, but update her own story? I guess you guys are happy I got snowed in.

This story is becoming longer than I thought. Originally I thought fourteen chapters, which would mean this would be half way through by now, but somehow Naraku and the Youkai Council made their way into this story! I don't know how they did it…It was just going to be a sappy story of how they fell in love. Oh well, now you guys will get some action…Inu Yasha picking a fight on Hojo does not count.

Well, thank you so much for all the wonderful reviewers. Meche, for getting up at 4:30in the morning to correct this, thank you. I'm sure the reviewers are grateful. Don't forget to keep reviewing, it keeps me writing.