InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Heal a Broken Heart ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Heal a Broken Heart
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
Last Time: Once she got there she started to wonder why he wanted to talk to her all of a sudden. I mean not more than two weeks ago he hated her. She was so deep in thought that she didn't even realize that a man walked up to her table until he said….
“Kagome it's nice to see you again”. he said. She looked up and said...
"Hojo what are you doing here"………
“Well I just happen to want a drink so I came down here” he said as he sat down at her table next to her.
“So who's is life been treating you” he said.
“Just fine Hojo” she said. She wanted to hurry this up before Inuyasha came. The last thing she needed is for him to see the two of them together.
“Oh really because I heard that you and your husband are getting a divorce” he said with a smile.
“And just were did you hear that” she said.
“I have my ways…so is it true” he asked.
“No I'm not okay know could you please leave I'm meeting Inuyasha here and I don't want him to see us together” she said.
`Damn I was sure that he would have kicked her ass to the curb by now…oh well I have a chance right now' he thought
“Okay I'll make this quick then…I still want you Kagome and I know you still want me” he said getting to close for comfort.
“No…No I don't I'm trying to work thinks out with my husband and I don't want him to see us together now would you pleas-
She was cut off by his lips as he kissed her. She didn't mean to but she ended up kissing him back. At that moment Inuyasha walked in and saw them. Kagome finally pulled away and saw Inuyasha walk back out.
`Oh my god he must have saw us' she said as she pushed Hojo out of the way and ran towards out side calling Inuyasha's name. But by the time she got out there he had already pulled off in his car.
“SHIT…SHIT…SHIT” was all she could say.
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Inuyasha came in the house and slam the door behind him. Sesshomaur was coming down the stairs and said…
“Inuyasha what's wrong” he asked but Inuyasha ignored him and went up stairs to his room. He couldn't believe it here he was thinking that he should actually take her back and this is what she do. When he saw Kagome kiss that guy back he felt his heart break again. A tear ran down his face but he quickly wiped it away. No he would not cry over her ever again she could burn in hell for all he cared right now. Just then his cell phone rang. It was Kikyo. (A/N: Inuyasha talking Kikyo Talking)
“Hey yasha how are you”
“Umm I'm fine”
Well you sure don't sound fine…is something wrong”
“Kind of I don't feel like talking about it right now”
“That's okay…hey there is this party that my cousin Kagura invited me to go to and I was wondering if your not doing anything this Saturday that you'd come with me”
“Well I….sure why not”
“Great I have to get back in the court room so I'll see you then” and with that she hung up.
The only reason he said yes was because that he knew that Kikyo's cousin Kagura was a fashion designer and the party she was talking about was the same party Kagome told him about before all this started. So he knew that coming there with Kikyo, the one person in the world she hated, would make her suffer just as much as he had to.
Uh-oh Inuyasha is out for vengeance. What will Kagome say? What will she do? Will they kiss up and make up or walk out each others lives forever? Want answer keep reading the answers will soon come. Please send reviews and Happy New Year everyone.