InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ together in harmany ❯ when it all started ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi my name is Higerashe Kagome, and this is the story of my life. It has been 5years since we gathered the shards and completed the jewel; I am now 21 years old. 5years ago inuyasha did not become a full demon instead I wished for all of to my time, and for a way for inuyasha and shippo myoga, koga, keylala, ayame, sesshomaru, jaken, and all the other demons to appear human including koga's pack. They all found jobs and places to live and learned how to deal with my time. All though sesshomaru is acting a little strange how this is the story go.
Present time
“Hay Kagome, inuyasha and sesshomaru are having a party are you going”. Said a much exscinded songo.
“Ya I' am all ready to go”. Kagome said as she comes out in a mini skirt and tank top.
“Wow” said songo
Meanwhile at the party
“Inuyasha I thought I said no beer” sesshomaru said in an angry voice.
“O come on there are no kids here so lighten up and go dance, the next girl that walks in the door you will dance with all night or wear a pink shirt”. Said a excited inuyasha
(Door opens reviling Kagome, while inuyasha is to stunned to speak)
“Fine inuyasha I will, excuse me would you like to dance”. He said to the girl that looks about 20.
“Sure I would lead the way sesshomaru”. Kagome said in a sweet voice.
“And how do you no my name and I do not no yours” he said.
“Don't even remember me do you sesshomaru” said an annoyed Kagome.
“You may tell me your name while we dance. But no I do not recall ever meeting you”sesshomaru said in confutation.
(In his mind “this women looks so familiar”
While another voce that sounded a little deeper that his said
I want her”
“Who are you and what are you doing in this sesshomaru mind”
I am your inner self, your real thoughts and right now you are thinking the same as I have said you want her to”
“I have never seen this girl so how can I want her if I have never seen her, the last time I was like this was when I was with Kagome”
You will see, I will be back later”
As the voice fades away.
“Sesshomaru hello”
Kagome said while waving her hand.
“Yes what it is”
(In his head, my soon to be mate)
“So what is your name and number so that I my contact you after the party for dinner”
said sesshomaru.
“1 you all ready have my number 2 you have to guess my name here is a hint it starts with a K and ends with a e”
Kagome said as a song come on sesshomaru puts his nose in her hair.
“You smell good,” he said
“Doing that will not help you, well it might” as he continues to sniff “like strawberries” “are you ok you sound faint” Kagome said worriedly.
“So good” as he starts to lick her neck. “Se sesshomaru (moan) stop” as he kisses her neck and said some thing and passes out.
Inuyasha comes over “what happened” he said in a worried voice.
“ We where dancing then he put his nose in my hair and said I smell good and then started licking my neck then he kiss it and passed out” Kagome said.
“O well we had better get him to his room, by the way my name's inuyasha.”
(Giggling) “I no what your name is and you should no mine as well or are you like brother and forget the one who wish you to her time”Kagome said still laphing
“K. kagome” inuyasha said still confused
“Yes who ells were you expecting”
“Wow” looking at her up than down. “Are you sure your Kagome I mean Kagome was hot but not this hot”
What should kagome say should she beat the living crap out of inuyasha, and what will sesshomaru do to kagome when he wakes up .will he take kagome there and then or will he try to get her to love him