InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tokyo/Shikon High ❯ Inuyasha's Part II ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER: I dont own Inuyasha

"Ouch!!" Kagome yelled and pushed Inuyasha off her after he stepped on her toes."Get off!!"
"Whoa!" Inuyasha fell on Rin knocking her over.
"Inuyasha!" Rin whined.
"It wasnt me, it was Kagome!"
"Get off her." Sesshoumaru said pushing him back.
"You don't fucking push me!" Inuyasha said pushing Sesshoumaru back. Sessoumaru didn't do anything and put his arms around Rin.She blushed.
"Settle down! God!" Ayame said to Inuyasha.
They all looked over to where Miroku and Sango were standing.
They were staring right at them.
Since Inuyasha wasn't behind the bush anymore and Kagome, him, Rin and Ayame were screaming at each other it kinda gave them away.
They all froze looking up at Sango and Miroku.

"What the hell are you guys doin!!" Sango yelled. "Can't anyone have privacy, that's so rude I can't even believe!" Sango cut off as she stormed off, Miroku waited until she walked away. He turned, smiled, and gave a thumbs up to the guys and ran after her. They all looked at each other.
"Great job Inuyasha." Rin mumbled.
"What did I do!!"
"That, your doing that, yelling and screaming!" Ayame pointed.
"Your yelling too and I'm pretty sure Kagome yelled first. That's what they noticed, not Inuyasha." Kouga said sticking up for his best friend.
"Whatever Kouga." Ayame said and got up. "Then you can just sit here with Inuyasha, I'm goin..... somewhere else." She walked off into the house.
Kouga sat there a second not going to go after her, when Kagome and Rin glared at him."What are you doing? Go get her!" Rin scolded and pointed in the direction Ayame went.
"Damnit!" Kouga said and got up. "I'm going, get off my back about it." And he dissapeared into the house.
Inuyasha sighed and got up. He started walking toward a tree on the edge of his yard.
"Were's he going?" Kagome wispered to Rin and Sesshoumaru. Rin shrugged.
"He's going to his tree up there, he sits around it all the time." Sesshoumaru said.
"Oh, okay. Well should I go after him, or let him go?"
Sesshoumaru shrugged and watched his brother continue walking up the hill. They sat there for a few minutes. Until Kagome couldnt take it anymore and stood up.
"I'm goin to talk to him, there's obviously something wrong if he gets up out of nowhere and walks to a tree." With that she turned around and started walking to where Inuyasha was. Rin and Sesshoumaru looked at each other. He wrapped his arms around her allowing her to sit on his lap as she snuggled into his chest. "I'm tired." She yawned.
"You were just sleeping." Sesshoumaru said looking down at her. She nodded, her eyes were closed, and Sesshoumaru let her doze off in his arms.

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Kagome walked up the hill and stopped a few yards away from Inuyasha sitting under a tree that was almost crooked looking. The scene was so beautiful in her eyes, the moon lit up Inuyasha's yard and gave a somewhat serene beauty to Inuyasha as he looked up at the moon deep in thought.
'He's probably thinking about Kikyo' Kagome thought to herself, it pained her to look at it that way, but it was true. She walked up closer to him.
Inuyasha looked up at Kagome. Her eyes widened at him, he was looking at her with a passion she didn't know how to handle. 'Why is he looking at me like that!?'
Inuyasha grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the ground and hugged her.. she was still on her knees with his clothes on tottally shocked at what was goin on.
"Inuyasha" Kagome smiled and gently hugged him back. They stayed like that for a while until Inuyasha loosened his grip and looked up at the sky, still arms around her waist. The stars were visible, even if the moon was as bright as it was. They sat there looking at the stars together.
'What is he thinking about,and why did he hug me like that?' Kagome thought as she stared into the stars.

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Kouga quietly entered the room Ayame had run off to, and stopped to absorb the scene he just stepped into. The only light that lit up the room was the moon shining through the window. Ayame was sitting on a window seat looking at the stars. The moon lightly lighting up her face.
"Ayame." Kouga said in a hushed voice, and walked up to her. She didnt say anything and just continued looking out the window. Kouga came up and sat by her. "What a night, huh?" Kouga said lightly almost scared to break the beauty of Ayame sitting down on the seat, with the light shining down on her. He gave up trying to start a conversation and just looked at the stars with her.

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Sango sat on the steps infront of Inuyasha's house wraped in Miroku's arms.
"I'm so pissed at them." She said her head on his chest. "It was such a great moment too. Of all the things they could've messed up, it had to be that." Sango said about to cry.
"Don't worry sango. Look at us now, if I had to say so myself this is quite romantic." (you get it moonlight, romantic, serene, lol)
Sango looked up and nodded. They sat there not saying anything just happy to be together after so long.

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Kagome laid her head on Inuyasha's shoulder. "What are you thinking about?"
Inuyasha stayed quiet for a while. "Kikyo." Kagome sighed 'You should have saw that one coming Kagome.'
They stayed quiet for a while. 'It feels so right with Kagome ....but everytime i look at her.. i see Kikyo..even if they are so different.' Inuyasha thought looking down at Kagome.
Inuyasha broke the silence between them. "Kagome?...Do you have a boyfriend?" Kagome looked up surprised. 'Wow, i never noticed no one has asked me yet since i've been here.'
"Um, no. I did..but we broke up a week before i moved.. he was really clingy.. but i still miss him."
Inuyasha took interest immediatly."Who was it?"
"Hojou, he was really nice and did anything to keep us together and always bought me things." Kagome said with a slight smile remembering how he always came to her house with gifts and called with all these fun dates.
"Oh, what happened?"
"He got too clingy, and i turned him down too many times. He started to think i didn't like him anymore, which wasn't the case, he wanted to do somthing everyday and called at least 3 times a day. There was no room for family or my best friends." Kagome said getting a sad look on her face as she remembered exactly how it went.


"Kagome i called you not long ago.. why didnt you pick up?" Hojou said over the phone.
"Sorry Hojou.. i was helping my mom out in the kitchen." Kagome sighed.
"Oh.. well do you want to do somthing tonight.. i was thinking-"
"Sorry Hojou i already made plans with the girls.. i hav'nt hung out with them in and you just hung out earlier today.. so..."
"You turned me down yesturday too.."
"Hojou.. we've gone over this.. i cant hang out with you 24/7.. i have friends and family .. responsibilities.."
"Yeah but im a friend.. a responsibility.. your boyfriend.. i cant see why you wouldnt want to hang out with me."
"Hojou!.. You dont understand.. i do hang out with you .. and i like hanging out with you!.. I would'nt be your girlfriend if i didnt. You just want to hang out all the time and call all the time.. its like my life can only revolve around you and its frustrating!"
"Well Kagome .. if your not happy.."
"..Hojou.. its not that.. i just think i need some space."
"..You mean like a break .. or somthing?..."
"No.. well .. i guess.. just let me call you, ok? Even if you are dying to call me .. and dying to hang out with me ..just let me call you.." there was a long pause "...Hojou?"
"...Ok Kagome.. if thats what you want .. ill let you call me... "
"OK....i love you..."
"I love you more Kagome.. bye"
"Bye." Kagome hung up the phone.
Hojou ended up calling her 2 days later and that was the end of their relationship. .She ended it.


It pained Kagome to think about it. She really liked him, but she could'nt live with him.
"That stinks... at least he was a nice guy and all, not some back stabbing cheating whore i got." Inuyasha said, his look got sad for a moment.
Kagome sighed. "Yeah.. i still miss him at times too."

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Ayame looked over at Kouga. "Hey babe.. I think im gunna get out of here." She slowly got herself off the window seat.
"Go where?" Kouga said confused.
"Home stupid, its like 11:30 or somthing like that." Ayame said smiling at Kouga's confused face and kissed him. "Tonight was a lot of fun, I had a really nice time with you." She wrapped her arms around his mid back and rested her head on his chest. Kouga wrapped his arms around her.
"Me too babe.. im glad i actually got the guts to ask you out."
"Uhhuuh." Ayame said through a yawn and detangled herself out of Kougas arms. "Call me tomarrow, okay? With plans."
"Alright." Kouga gave her a light kiss and they walked out of the house.
They stopped when they saw no Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, or Miroku. Just Sesshoumaru laying on the ground with Rin wrapped in his arms and her head resting on his neck, sleeping behind the same bush everyone was hiding behind. Ayame crouched beside them and nudged Rin a lil.
"Rin.. we gotta go.. its late.. and mom will be mad if I don't get home soon."
Rin sat up rubbing her eyes. "What?" She said and yawned, as Sesshoumaru got up too.
"We gotta go, so i don't know, I'll be back I'm goin to find Kagome and Sango... do you know where they are?"
".Sango went in the front. Inuyasha by the tree on the hill up there." Sesshoumaru pointed out.
"Okay thanks." Ayame said and walked to the front of the house. Miroku and Sango were sitting on the steps wrapped in eachothers arms looking at the moonlight sky.
"Sango." Ayame said. Sango looked over at Ayame and raised her eyebrows. "We gotta go, it's late." Sango pulled out her cell phone and looked at it, it read 12:00
"Yeah..okay, I'll be ready in a minute."
"Ok.. I'm goin to get Kagome." Ayame turned and headed toward where Inuyasha and Kagome sat.

- - -

Ayame approached the top of the hill to see Inuyasha and Kagome looking at the stars together. 'They are so cute.' Ayame thought to herself. She walked up to them, and they looked up at her.

"Hey Ayame. What are you doing?" Kagome said sleepily.
"I'm coming up here to get you." Ayame said with a chuckle. "It's late. I think we should head home."
"Oh, yeah, okay." Kagome said looking over at Inuyasha to see if he wanted to or not. He nodded and they got up and followed Ayame down the hill.
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When the girls got thier things, changed into thier clothes and went to the front they all said thier goodbyes.

They loaded into Sango's car. Ayame and Rin got a ride in Kouga's car, and Kouga was crashing at Inuyasha's house, but they were goin to the same place, so it didnt matter.
They drove to Ayame's house in silence, too absorbed in thier own thoughts and about what happened that night to talk about anything. When they got to Ayames huge house Kagome gasped. 'Wow, she would have fooled me if she said this was some richy hotel.' Kagome thought. They walked up the long cement steps. When they got inside it was dark except for the dim lights on the walls. The girls followed Ayame up the long maroon colored stepps. Kagome looked down over the railing. 'I wouldnt want to fall from up here.' She shuddered at the thought and continued down the hall. Ayame went down another hall and opened the last door on the right. Her room was huge and pink. There was a king sized bed, walk in closet, and two huge dressers on either wall. There was two white leather couches facing a big screen tv that sat in the corner, and a large bathroom left of when you walk in. 'Holy crap, i would die to live HERE.' Kagome thought as she looked around wide eyed. 'Inuyasha's house could do too though.'

Ayame sighed and flopped on her bed. "Okay girls, where you wanna sleep? I can fit two girls in my bed with me, and one or two of you on couches over there." Ayame pointed at the couches in the corner.
"Oh i want to sleep on the bed!" Rin said and jumped into it.
"Ook where you wanna sleep Kags?"
"Uh, it doesnt matter." Kagome said with a shrug.
"Well I'm sleeping on the couch." Sango mumbled as she heatedly walked over to the larger couch.
"What's up with Sango?" Rin wispered to Ayame.
"The whole Miroku and us butting in thing." Ayame wispered back.
"Psst, Kagome." Kagome smiled at Rin's dorky way of getting her attention. "I would take the bed if i were you.. its comfortable.. huge..someone else's..and.. i can't think of anything else but that outta convince yea right there!"
"ha ha, okay!" Kagome smiled and jumped on the bed.

"Heyy! We got to change we are still in the things we went to Inuyasha's in." Ayame said. She got up and started searching for somthing to wear to bed. They all changed into thier night stuff and flocked into the bathroom. They didn't know what to say to Sango, so for the moment they were just going to let her cool down and deal with it in the morning when they have energy. The three girls laid down and sunk into Ayame's incredibly soft bed. "Oh my god.. Ayame i don't know how you can get out of this bed!" Kagome said exasperated.
"Ha ha i know, Is'nt it great!" Rin beamed.
"Ok ok, well im going to bed" Ayame yawned and leaned over to turn the lamp off on the stand beside her bed.

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Inuyasha was in his room with the door closed sitting on his bed while Miroku and Kouga were out in his lounge. He had the phone in his hand. 'Should i call her?' He thought to himself. 'I can't believe im missing her.' With that he dialed Kikyo's number into the phone, his concience racking his mind back and forth saying don't call her, call her.
"Hello??" Came a cracked tired voice on the other line.
"Inuyasha?" Kikyo's voice perked up at the sound of his voice.
"Hey, i was just wondering what you were doing."
"I was sleeping.. until you woke me up, but it doesnt matter i was dreaming about you, so this is better."
"Ha... Yeah."
"I miss you Inuyasha, you have no idea."
"Yeah, I'm missing you too Kikyo. I dont know what i want to do."
"Come back to me!" Kikyo pleaded.
"I want to, but i know i can't."
"What the hell does that mean!" Kikyo said getting upset "You're mine, and no one else's .. is there some other girl or somthing?"
"...No" Inuyasha said, Kagome flashed through his head for a second.
- -
"Who's Inuyasha talking to?" Kouga said over the couch not taking his eyes off the TV.
"I dont know. I was thinking the girls, but I'm not sure." Miroku said while looking for a game to put into the XBOX 360.
"Whatever. I don't care what he's doing." Kouga said and went back to watching South Park on Comedy Central.
- -

"Inuyasha, you said you would think about it.. has'nt it been long enough?" Kikyo whined over the phone. "Just choose now, because im not waiting any longer!"
"I...don't know. You'll just do the same fucking thing over and over again!"
"No.. i won't this time.. not after.. this." Kikyo said going into a whisper.
"Ok?... ok what?"
"I miss you.. too much .. and you feal the same way.. and if you say you've seriously stopped for good.. I'm willing to do give this another fucking try."
"Really!" Kikyo chirped. "...I love you Inuyasha."
"Feh, yeah .. ok well love you back, I'm going to go."
"Ok. Call me tomarow."
"Aiight, bye."

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Inuyasha laid back in his bed and turned off the light. He didn't want to deal with his friends right then, he had too much on his mind.

"What the hell?" Kouga said when Inuyasha's light went off. Miroku looked up. "The ass went to bed, what a fucking loser."
"Ha ha.. Kouga you and Inuyasha were made to be best friends." Miroku said chuckling at Kouga's bad mouth.

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"When will they break up!" Kagome said to Kirara and Rin. The two were sitting on Kagome's bed in her room, they were actually supposed to be there for an assighnment in Geometry, but Kagome got all hyped up about Inuyasha and Kikyo when she saw them making out at the end of school. "They have been goin strong forever now." Kagome sat down with her friends and sighed. "Maybe i should just give up on that boy."

"Oh Kagome." Rin said putting an arm around her. "They are an up down relationship. Soon they will hit another bump sooner or later, and that will set them off course again."
Kagome sniffed. "You really think so?"

"Pshh. Damn right they are gunna hit another road bump! If i have anything to say about it!" Kirara said.
"Alright!" Kagome chirped."Until then I'm going to look for someone else!" She stood up and put her hand in the air.
"Uh, Kagome." Kirara said taking Kagome's arm. "Lets get to work.. ha."

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All the girls were in thier last period class, Studyhall in a circle around a piece of paper.
It read:
Invited to Janku's party, bring your friends!
This Saturday
7:00pm to whenever you want to leave!

"Sounds pretty gay to me. I'm goin!" Kirara said.
"Yeah I'm deffinently going he's older and friends with Sesshy!" Rin said excitedly
"Kags you up for it?" Sango asked.
"Yeah I'll be there."
"Me too. We haven't done anything for a few weeks now."
"Okay!" Ayame said putting the paper back into her designer purse. "We need to dress extra hot, because there are guys going we have never met before and could be gorgeouse!"
"You got a boyfriend you crazy bitch!" Rin poked.
"Yeah, yeah .. but you cant say he won't be doin the SAME thing." The girls nodded at this and went back to their conversation.
"I say Sango's house, since the party is in her nieborhood." Kirara suggested.
"I don't know, I'll have to ask my mom about that one."
"Oh you know we will be allowed!" Kagome butted in. "We are always allowed to your house."
"Yeah okay. My house it is then. . .Wait no. Ayame's."
"Why mine?"
"So we can wear your expensive sexy clothes.. you have to have like a million different things we could wear in that huge closet of yours!"
"Yeah, ok! My house!"
"Oook Ayame's house...Goin once.... Goin twice.. sold to the lady with red hair!" Rin said in a radio voice.
"Alright lady's my house at 4, be there Saturday. That will give us enough time to all get ready and provacotive!"
They all nodded in agreement.

"Class It's too noisy,

get to work!

At least every one of you have 2 test next week!"

Yelled Mr. Haori (Jaken ha ha)

They all groaned

and pulled out thier books to study,

the five girls along with them.

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Wow, i hav'nt updated in a while. Well i only got like 12 reviews and i was running dry on ideas. Then i remembered that i told you all that i was goin to have a party in the upcoming chapters, so i thought this would be the perfect timing! Well please REVIEW! lots and lots... because reviews make a fanfic author HAPPY ^-^ so please.. do it! ok well i will have the next chapter up soon. It's titled--->> Crazy Party Part: 1