InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tokyo/Shikon High ❯ Hoshien, Enemy and Foe. Competition! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Do not own Inuyasha

Kagome's loud alarm sounded the next morning. She grumbled and slammed her hand down to hit 'snooze'. She missed and slapped Inuyasha instead.
"What the fuck?" Inuyasha mumbled as he woke up with his arm around her. He picked her hand up off his face and moved it elsewhere. Kagome coo'ed and snuggled up closer to him. He looked at the time. "Are you seriouse? It's fucking 5 in the morning." He mumbled irritated at being woken up so early. Kagome stirred and opened her eyes. She looked around confused and then at Inuyasha. Her eyes widened in surprise then she relaxed and laughed. Inuyasha looked at her with a 'what-the-fuck' face. 'What the hell she doing?' He thought.
Kagome rubbed her eyes. "Inuyasha." She said through a yawn. "What time is it?"
"It's too damn early, that's what time it is." He said as he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. She reached over him and looked at her alarm clock. She moaned and forced herself out of bed. "I was so comfortable too." She mumbled as she walked across the room and rummaged through her drawers.
"Inuyasha." She said as she looked for a pair of clean jeans. "To have this work out, you are going to have to get up and be outside before my mom and grampa wake up. I'm going to tell them that you are giving me a ride to school today instead of having me ride the bus." She turned around and noticed that he wasn't even listening, he just fell back to sleep. "Inuyasha! You gotta listen to me!" She hissed at him waking him up. He looked up at her and frowned.
"What are you talking about Kagome?" He growled and then turned around to go back to sleep. Kagome rolled her eyes and grabbed her alarm clock to set it to go off in 20 minutes.

20 Minutes later Kagome's alarm went off. Inuyasha started and rolled off the bed. He found her alarm clock but couldn't figure out how to turn it off. "Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled over the alarm. "What the hell?!" He started shaking it back and forth. Kagome rushed into the room.
"Inuyasha quit yelling, do you want the whole house to be woken up?" She grabbed the alarm clock and shut it off.
"Don't yell at me, it's not my fault your alarm clock is so damn confusing." Inuyasha defended crossing his arms and then looked the other way.
"Okay, well now you're up. Can you get ready?" Kagome pleaded. Inuyasha looked around and then shrugged.
"I can't really get ready here. We have to stop at my place and get my shit. So hurry your ass up!" He demanded while he fell back to sit on Kagome's bed. Kagome sighed and walked back into the bathroom. An half an hour later she was ready and hopped out to Inuyasha's car.
"Take forever Kagome!" Inuyasha complained as he started his car. "What did your mom say? She buy it?"
"Yeah, she thought you were such a nice boy to offer me a ride." Kagome chirped. Inuyasha smiled inwardly and screeched out of the driveway.

Kagome sat with Ayame, Rin and Sango in first period class. She couldn't help from glancing over at Inuyasha and smiling every couple minutes. Ayame waved her hand in front of Kagome's face. "Helloooo? Earth to Kagome." Kagome snapped back to reality and looked at her three friends staring at her. "Okay, now that Kagome has dropped out of 'Inuyasha dream-land' . We can talk about what we are going to do this weekend!" She motioned. "Homecoming is coming up at the end of this month. Who's everyones dates?" Ayame asked looking at her friends. "Well, except the obviouse, like Rin and Sesshoumaru and Sango and Miroku."

Kagome, Rin, and Sango all looked at each other imbarrised. "Um well, I haven't been asked or anything.. so." Sango mumbled hesitantly while looking down at the ground. Rin nodded.
"Me too, Sesshoumaru is confusing, I never know what is going through his mind. So I don't know if I have a date or not." Rin said dissapointment showing all over her face. Ayame looked expectantly at Kagome who looked up at Inuyasha and then returned Ayame's stare.
"Uh, ha ha. I don't really have anyone in mind." Kagome mumbled and looked away discouraged. 'If only Inuyasha was single.' She thought to herself.
Ayame stared blankly at the girls. "What?" She looked back and forth. None of the girls returned her gaze. "Why are you guys bringing yourselves down about it?!" She chirped nudging thier arms trying to boost thier confidence. "There are so many men in this school! I will be damned if I can't get every single one of you with a guy!" She pointed at them while beaming a smile. The girls looked at each other not believing that Ayame could get them a date in 2 weeks with out messing it up in some way. Their conversation was inturrupted when the Algebra teacher entered the room.

- - - - - - - - - -

Sango and Miroku were on their way home from school. Miroku was silent for most of the walk. She looked at him suspiciously. "What are you thinking about?" She said stopping to point at him. Miroku, startled, almost ran into her.
"Why Sango, whatever are you talking about?" He said looking away. She looked at him questionably.
"You're acting funny. You're not trying to grab any part of my body and you're not saying anything! Just keeping to yourself." She said jabbing her finger into his chest between every word. He flinched and rubbed his chest after she was done. "Tell me what you're thinking about."
He hesitated then took a deep breath. "You want to go to the dance with me?" He said. She looked at him surprised.
"Of course!" She smiled widely. Miroku looked up shocked. Sango continued. "I thought you would never ask! It almost came to the point of Ayame trying to find me a date. Like seriously, please." She said rolling her eyes and then turned around to continue on her way home. Miroku stood there and smiled. Sango looked back at him. "What are you doing still standing there? Let's go!" She gestured waving him to hurry up.
"Oh okay." He said as his eyes slowly fell down to look at Sango's backside as she walked away. He caught up and walked side by side with her. "I'm glad you said yes Sango, I couldn't see myself going with any other girl." He said as his hand made it's way down to caress Sango's bottom. "Yes it will be a very benificial night for us both." She jumped and jerked her head towards him anger stricken across her face.
"Miroku!" She swung her hand around and landed a slap right across his face. She stormed off leaving a red hand print plastered on his cheek while he lay on the ground in pain.
'It's worth it.' He thought to himself as he laid on the sidewalk.

- - - - - - - - - -

The next day at school in lunch Kagome was taking her try up, near there, some boys were rough housing. One of the boys got pushed and knocked Kagome over along with her try and everything on it. Her dish clanged onto the ground and her milk went everywhere. "Oh crap." Kagome whined as she looked at the mess she had made. The boy that ran into her turned around and looked down at her.
"Hey, sorry bout that." He mumbled and held out his hand for her to take. "Some of the guys and I were just being assholes." Kagome didn't say anything. Just looked at his hand, then after a long pause she took it. She stood up and dusted herself off looking down at the mess while a janitor walked over to clean it up.
"I'm sorry!" She said to the man as he pulled out a mop. "It was an accident." She looked back at the boy who was staring at her with a smirk.
"I'm Hoshienomaru." He said as he gestured towards himself. "It's a mouth full, so just call me Hoshien."
Kagome smiled. "Um yea, I'm Kagome. Thanks for staying back to help me up."
"No problem. But, eh, I'll get at you some time or something." Hoshien said turning. "It was nice meeting you, he winked and walked away. Kagome blushed.
'Hoshien wasn't half bad looking' She thought to herself as she pictured him in her mind. He had long black hair that was pulled into a low pony tail with tan skin and dark green-blue eyes.' She walked back to her seat with him on mind and sat down.

Inuyasha looked at her accusingly. "What were you doing talking to him!?" Inuyasha asked angrily and pointed to Hoshien who was walking back to his own table.
Kagome looked up at him in surprise. "Who, Hoshien?" She asked with a niave look on her face. Inuyasha became more irritated by her ignorance.
"Yea Kagome, don't talk to him." Inuyasha said under his breath and crossed his arms in a pout. The rest of the group became aware of thier conversation and tuned into it.
"What's all the fuss about Kagome?" Sango asked gazing at Inuyasha who was giving death glares to an unknowing Hoshien. Kagome looked across the room at the boy she just met then questionably back at Inuyasha.
"Um, I don't know? I ran into this kid and he helped me up after I fell and spilt my tray everywhere. His name was Hoshien." She explained while Inuyasha angrily tapped his fingers on the table.
Miroku laughed. "Hoshien?" He chuckled to himself and then went back to messing with his lunch.
"No wonder Inuyasha is freaking out he-" Kouga said but Inuyasha inturrupted him.
"I'm not freaking out, why don't you freaking stay out of MY business! If you keep nosing your way into my conversations I'll show you what freaking out really is!" Inuyasha shook his fist at the group and then directed his attention back on Kagome. "Kagome you can't possibly like this kid?" Inuyasha questioned violently.
She waved her hands in front of her. "What, like him? I just met him 2 minutes ago! How could I possibly-" She cut off and laughed, then ignored his angry stare uncomfortably.

Ayame pulled Kagome aside after she got up to leave as the bell rang.
"Inuyasha doesn't like Hoshien." She whispered as they walked out of the cafeteria.
"Yea Ayame I kinda noticed that already. Do you know why?" Kagome asked.
"I don't know, It's not a very good reason. Hoshien and Inuyasha are just very competitive. They kind of have the same relationship Kouga and he has, but the only difference is that Inuyasha and Hoshien hate eachother." Ayame explained and then sighed not understanding Inuyasha and how his brain works. Kagome looked at her in interest.
"Really? What did they compete over, and was it really a big deal?" Kagome questioned coming to a stop so she could listen in fully to what Ayame had to say next. Ayame took a deep breath and then continued.
"See a long time ago when they were like twelve they were best buds. But they were competive in EVERYTHING and they started to try to beat the other at thier own games, like soccer or football or track, whatever. It was either a tie or the other one would win by cheating. This went on forever and they started to become more violent and aggressive towards eachother to where it wasn't even a competition anymore- it was more like a battle to the death!" Ayame motioned dramatically. Kagome's eyes widened with interest and she pushed her to continue." It didn't stop at sports. They soon took it outside of school to their homes, fighting about who has the better this who has the better that." Ayame motioned back and forth. "Finally it ended up where Inuyasha started dating some chick Yura. She and Hoshien had a thing going on before Inuyasha and her even got together and she would always sneek off and flirt with him and tell him she still had feelings for him." Ayame took a deep breath but continued. "Then yada yada yada Hoshien gets blamed for this then Inuyasha gets blamed for that. They end up getting into it hard core. A few punches here and there and the fight had to be broken up and yea, they don't talk anymore." Ayame finished and smiled smugly.
By this time they already arrived infront of the art room. Kagome got an imbarrised look on her face and smiled."Oh, so that was why he was freaking out. Ha ha." She sighed then looked at the clock on the wall. "I better go, but thanks Ayame that was very informative." She waved goodbye and Ayame walked away down the hall.

Kagome entered the art room and saw Inuyasha ruthlessly scribbling colors onto his paper. She smiled warmly and walked up to his table and sat down. He looked up and frowned then went back to his coloring. Kagome sighed then shook her head and continued her own project.

- - - - - - - - - -

Kagome, Kirara, Kouga and Sango sat together in study hall. Sango worked on something while the others talked. Kouga soon got pushed out of the conversation when girl things and secrets popped up between the two girls. He slumped back in his chair with his arms crossed and tried to catch some Z's.
"Kagome?" A rough voice came from someone behind her. She looked back to see Hoshien.
"Oh hey Hoshien!" She chirped then looked over at Kirara and smiled proudly. Kirara just looked up at him and gave a half smile. Kouga stirred and then looked up.
"What's up Hoshien, haven't talked to you in a while." He mumbled not really interested.
"Yea, I know how've you been dude?" The handsom boy said while he pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards facing Kouga. Kouga gave Hoshien a weird look wondering why he was talking to him all of a sudden but then shrugged it off.
"Notta lot. I thought you were in soccer? I didn't see you try out or nothing." Kouga asked, since it was the only thing he really knew Hoshien from. Before he could answer Kagome butted in.
"I didn't know you were in this class?" She asked and looked around for a sign of Hoshien's group of friends that she saw in the Cafeteria.
"I just never come here." He said nonchalant. Kagome gave him a confused look."I just get a pass from another teacher or from my coach and then go screw around in the halls somewhere. But I decided not to today because I just so happened to see you when I came through the door." He smiled at her and she blushed.
'Ah! He's cute.' She thought to herself and then looked at Kirara hoping she would start talking to him too. Kirara rolled her eyes but agreed to Kagome's silent plea.
"So Hoshien, what have you been up to? It's been years since you stopped hanging out with us." She asked. Kagome smiled as both Kouga and Kirara conversed with Hoshien. The bell rang later and everyone packed up thier stuff to get out of the classroom. Kagome was having a harder time leaving because she brought about 6 heavy books.
'Wow why did I bring so many books? I didn't even glance at them through this whole class, completely pointless.' She thought to herself as she struggled to pick one up off the floor. Hoshien came up and picked it up for her.
"You've been having trouble all day. First lunch and now this." He paused and handed her the book. "Well I guess you can say the first one was my fault." He said as they left the room together. He watched her struggle with the books. Finally he sighed and picked all of them up out of her arms. Kagome was surprised and looked up at him with her books.
"Oh you didn't need to do that!" She laughed. He looked down at her and smirked.
"Okay, you want them back then?" He asked knowing the answer. Kagome just smiled and walked with him to her locker.
"Thankyou so much I appreciate it!" Kagome chirped while she pulled the books away one by one and stuffed them into her locker.
"No problem." He paused and gave her the last book. "So you have any plans for this weekend?" He asked as she closed her locker. She looked up at him surprised.
"No I don't actually." She said then waited in suspense as she watched him think to himself.
"Yea, cool. Can I get your number?" He asked as he pulled out his phone.
"Yeah!" She said getting excited then tried to relax when she noticed how desperate and pathetic that must of sounded. "Um, yeah. Sure" She said trying to regain cool. He looked at her weird, then laughed.

"What the hell is he doing talking to Kagome!?" Inuyasha complained to Miroku who was leaning on a locker beside him. Inuyasha turned away after he saw Hoshien walk away from her. He slammed his locker and started over towards Kagome. Miroku who wasn't really listening looked up in surprise.
"Inuyasha, I would advise that you keep your temper when talking to Kagome about this subject." Miroku said as he followed trying to catch up. Inuyasha glared back at him. Miroku backed off but didn't stop completely. "Uh okay, you do what you want." He said trying to give Inuyasha some space. Inuyasha nodded smugly and quickened his walk up to Kagome who was talking to Sango. Kagome turned around and looked up at him.
"Oh hey Yash. What's up?" She said smiling. He glared down at her suspiciously.
"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked irritably. Kagome got a confused look on her face. Miroku was watching from a safe distance and rolled his eyes. 'He is such an idiot.'
"Um Inuyasha what are you talking about?" Sango intervened also confused.
"You stay outta this!" Inuyasha pointed heatedly and then directed his attention back to Kagome. "So is that it? All a guy has to do is ask for your number and he's in?" He crossed his arms. "I thought you were better then that Kagome." Kagome was still confused. Then it hit her and she looked up at him suspiciously.
"Hoshien?" She asked. Inuyasha flinched at his name. Miroku took this as a sign to jump into the ring.
"Hey Kagome so what are your plans for the weekend?" He asked cheerfully trying to avoid the Hoshien subject. Sango sensed something was wrong and pulled Miroku near to her in a death grip.
"What are you doing?" She mumbled to him in annoyence. Miroku wimpered as Sango squeezed harder.
"Hoshien is a bad subject right now." Miroku said quickly and pathetically. Sango's eyes widened and she nodded in agreement then released him. Miroku took a few steps back rubbing his arm, then focused back on Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha was just about to continue his rant when Miroku stepped in to inturrupt Inuyasha once again.
"Like I was asking Kags, what do you have planned for the weekend?" He asked quickly stepping in front of Inuyasha. Kagome looked up at him then at Sango who was nodding in aggreement Miroku about the weekend question.
"Um, I think I'll probably just hang out with the girls like usual." She paused then continued. "Oh and I might be doing something with Hoshien. It's not official yet, but he wants to hang out." She chirped.
"What!!?" Inuyasha bellowed and pushed Miroku out from infront of him. "You can't be hanging out with that douche bag?!" Kagome gave Inuyasha a violent look. His eyes widened and then took a step back. Sango saw this as a sign to step in.
"Uh c'mon Kagome." She said pulling on her arm directing her the other way. Miroku put his arm around Inuyasha's shoulder.
"Yea, weren't we going to do something after school, like chill at your place?" He said pointing the opposite way of Sango and Kagome.
"Let's go to my place now." Sango said rushing Kagome. Then they were gone before Inuyasha could do anything about it. He looked up at Miroku and then at Miroku's arm around his shoulders. Miroku flinched at the glare then moved away.
"Sango, chill. Can't we walk a little bit slower?" Kagome complained after they came down the flight of stairs. Sango looked up to see no Miroku or Inuyasha and sighed with relief.
"Yea, sure." She said then slowed down immensely. Kagome caught her breath then looked up, anger exposed.
"What the hell is wrong with Inuyasha? I can understand that he and Hoshien don't get along, but I don't think he should yell at me!" She huffed then her eyes widened with realization. "Do you think he's jealous?" Kagome questioned to Sango.

She stiffened, then shrugged. "Uh, I dunno?"


Rin and Ayame were picked up after school by Ayame's father and taken to her house for the night. When they got to Ayame's house Rin hopped up on the King sized bed in Ayame's large room. "So what's up for tonight, nothing?" Rin asked. Ayame jumped up and laid down beside her.
"I dunno what do you want to do?" She asked lazily. Rin laid on her side to face Ayame.
"I miss Sesshoumaru." She said with a frown.
"Why don't we invite him over tonight?" Ayame suggested. Rin perked up.
"Yea!" She paused. "But what about you, are you going to invite Kouga?" Ayame sat for a while and thought to herself.
"Nah, I don't think I want to." She said for sure.
Rin looked at her confused."You don't want to invite Kouga?"
"Because why?" Rin demanded. Ayame sighed.
"Because, I don't even know if I'm interested anymore. Our relationship is so boring, nothing happens that's fun when we are around one another." Rin looked at her and nodded, not wanting to go deep into a depressing conversation.
"Then what about another girl then? So it's not just us 3." Rin asked.
"Uhm. Sure. Invite whoever you want. Just not Kouga." Ayame said as she hopped down off the bed and ventured into the bathroom where she checked herself out in the mirror. "What are we gunna do after we invite who ever we invite?" She yelled out.
"We always figure something out." Rin said encouragingly.


Rin sat on Ayame's bed calling her girlfriends first. Kirara was busy with Bankotsu, but Kags and Sango were all for hanging out. Before Ayame knew it Sango and Kagome were at her house and standing beside her in the bathroom checking themselves out in the mirror. Kagome goes over to Rin and sits on the bed while texting someone.
"Who are you texting Kags?" Rin said trying to sneak a peak at the message.
Kagome looked up. "Oh just Craig." She said then hastily looked back down and continued her texting.
Rin gave Kagome a befuddled look. "Who's Craig?"
"That big muscular guy that came up to us at that Halloween party." She said not taking her attention away from her cell phone.
Rin concentrated for a while trying to look back and remember this guy Kagome was talking about. Then after a while it finally hit her. "Oh! I remember now!" She said pointing at Kagome. Kagome looked up startled at the sudden burst from Rin who was just silent for 5 minutes thinking to herself.
"Yeah, Craig. I'm texting him. He wants to know if i want to go to a party and bring all my girlfriends." Kagome said looking back over her inbox.
"Really?" Rin chirped then ran off into the bathroom to inturrupt Ayame and Sango's conversation. "Hey you guys get ready because we are going to party it up tonight! Thanks to Kagome's charm with hunky guys." She nodded her head towards Kagome and flashed a smile back at the other two girls. Rin and Ayame looked at eachother then poked their heads out of the bathroom.
"Who's the hunky guy Rins talking about?" Sango called to her out of the bathroom. Kagome rolled her eyes because she had just gone through this with Rin 2 minutes earlier. She sighed then opened her mouth ready to explain but was cut off before she could even get a word out.
"He is a guy from that Halloween party, he came up to us and invited us to beer pong. He is really cool and you don't know him because you were sick in the bathroom." Rin said quickly as she walked over to Ayame's large closet and rummaged around for an outfit.
"Oh." Sango nodded as the memory of the bathroom toilet she puked in came to mind.
"Well this is great, i thought we were just going to sit around my house bored as hell with nothing to do!" Ayame said jumping out of the bathroom and joining Rin in her closet.
Kagome smiled. "Alright then i will tell him we will be there after we get ready!" She said as she pushed in the reply while the rest of the girls nodded and searched through the over-sized closet for outfits.


Sesshoumaru sat on his lounge couch with a girl watching television. She was pretty with short dark hair and dark eyes.
"How long does Inuyasha take to get ready?" Said the girl as she crossed her arms in a pout. "It's been fifteen minutes and we were supposed to be at the restaurant."
Sesshourmaru smirked. "Maii (My-ee) I can assure you that we will have a seat at this restaurant because i reserved one. You can't just walk in unannounced and be seated at the place we are going to be eating at tonight. It needs to be called in ahead of time, and it just so happens that my family is a respected customer there. So Inuyasha has lots of time." Sesshoumaru said blandly. The girl nodded in boredom and they continued to sit and wait for Inuyasha for another 5 minutes.
Finally Inuyasha entered the room with Kikyo behind him.
"Let's go, I'm starving!" He complained then walked back out of Sesshoumaru's lounge. Kikyo watched him walk out then turned to Sesshoumaru who was standing near her.
"Hello Sesshoumaru, it's nice to see you again." She nodded towards him.
Shesshoumaru looked at her not saying anything which is a normal response for him. Kikyo continued.
"Who is your date for tonight?" She said looking around him at the girl seated on the couch.
He looked looked down at the girl then held out his hand for her to take and pulled her off the couch. She stood beside him. "Kikyo, this is Maii, she will be my date for dinner tonight. Maii this is Kikyo. Inuyasha's girlfriend at the present." Sesshoumaru flatly said while acknowleging each girl.

They smiled at each other.

Then he started towards the door.

"We should get going."

"Inuyasha has probably lost his temper by now."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Okay some questions for you will be asked by me for now on in this chapter and up coming chapters! Please answer because i want to know what YOU think!

Question: What do you guys think of Hoshien? I know i made him up but give me the nice truth about how you feel about this new character!

I probably won't put up the next chapty till I hear some stuff about the question- it helps me figure out what you guys want to hear ^_^

Sorry that's all for now, I have to get going.
but stay tuned for the next chapter
there will be unexpected surprises at the party and at dinner!
woo!- reviews are very much appriciated! ^_^