InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too late for love? ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4


I felt myself begin to let go. To let go of life, to let go of family and friends to let go of hatred and hurt. I was done with it all. I was letting go of him. Of Inuyasha, i was ending both of our pain. It was best for both of us. It was best. Than i heard his voice. It called to me. ' Kagome!! ' 'Inuyasha? y- you came to save me? what about Kikyo? Oh no i've torn you two apart again. Inuyasha.' All went black to me. I could see nothing hear nothing.My memory and the function of my brain stopped. What was happening? Where am i?


There it is again, his voice. His sweet voice. The voice i longed so much to hear calling my name when we made love. But that moment would never come. Never.


What is this some form of torture before you go to hell? Is this supposed to happen? Was i meant to die and never feel the warm touch of this half demon that i loved? Was it? I wonder. I heard a slow steady 'beep . . . beep . . . beep.' I seen a light begin to fill my vision. "Where am i?" I ask.

"Kagome your awake!!"

I heard him yell my name.My vision first off blurry but slowly improved to see those fiery golden orbs staring into my eyes, riddled with fear and exhaustion. "I - Inuyasha?"

"Kagome! your awake!!"

"Inuyasha why are you here?"

"I'm hear for you!! You tried to commit suicide you baka!"

His voice. I could hear it in his voice, he seemed as if he was being harsh, but underneath that rough exterior, he was deeply worried about me. Inuyasha could it be that i mean more to you than.... than your shard detector? maybe.

"You really had me worried. Miroku came to me and told me of your condition. I couldnt' believe you would do such a thing to yourself you baka."

Tears came to my eyes as i heard his voice smooth over and show his true self. But it was just a cover just like all the times before. He would tell me he cared and run back off to her. That stupid clay pot!

"Why do you care Inuyasha?"


The scent of salt flooded into my nose and i looked up in shock. Why wouldnt i care? I even killed Kikyo because i chose you!! I wanted to apologize sooner for what i did! WHY WOULDN'T I CARE!!

"Whatdya mean why do i care? Why wouldn't i care?!"

"Oh thats right, you gotta keep your jewel detector safe huh?"

"Kagome whats wrong with you? The jewles been purified for almost a year now!!"

The awkward silence filled the hospital bedroom. It was an unbearable silence for both of them but neither found the right words to break it.

I spoke up realizing that what i intended to do before this whole mess happened, should be said and done now. It may not be the right thing to say at the moment but it's better than nothing. Besides she needs to know how i feel.

"Kagome... I wanted to say that i'm sorry, for what i did. It just slipped out and i never ment to say it."

She looked away from me as if i was the worst liar in the world. I walked up to her hospital bed and sat down next to her. I gently took her chin in my hands and pulled her face in my direction making her look at me.

"Kagome haven't you realized it yet!?Your the only woman for me and your the only woman I'll ever want. I'll never look at another woman the way i do you. Your touch drives me insane, to the point sometimes where i just want to take you and make you mine forever. It's crossed my mind many times to do so, but I never knew how you felt about me. This once i will openly admit I was quite dense!"

She looked at me in disbelief and began to cry and weep into my shoulder. All i could do was hold her, and run my hands over her beautiful hair, and rub her back to calm her down. Thats all i could do. She was the most beautiful woman i had ever met and i knew i would never meet another person like this, another person who would love me for the wretched, stupid, dense, jealous, twisted up hanyou that i was. She loved me for me and i was too blind to realize that over the past few years that we had been traveling together. Amist the soft sobbs she let out i heard her whisper to me

"Inuyasha..... i love you"

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"Do ya think everythings okay Miroku? They've been gone for days." The little kitsune kit asked his friend as he peered down into the bone eaters well.

"Yes i know Shippo but i have a feeling all things are settled and should be fine for now." The monk smirked and turned away from the old bone eaters well and began to head back to his house.

"Hey Miroku where are you going!?" The kitsune kit jumped up and down yelling for his monk friend.

"I'm going back home to check on my expecting wife. I don't want to leave her alone for too long." Smiles and keeps walking.

"Miroku hey!!"

The little kitsune kit lost his footing and fell off the edge of the well onto the ground. "EEEK!"

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